Buffer Reopen is application for Nvim that allows you to reopen closed buffers with ease.
- Reopen closed buffers with keybindings or command.
opts = {}
Plug 'iamyoki/buffer-reopen.nvim'
Then run :PlugInstall
or :lua require('plug').install('buffer-reopen.nvim')
to install the plugin.
- Reopen.<C-S-t>
- Reopen.
:BufferHistory reopen
- Reopen.:BufferHistory show_closed
- Show closed buffers.
You can disable the default keybindings and define your own keybindings for the plugin.
In Lazyvim for example:
keys = {
-- disable the default keybindings
{'<leader>bt', mode={'n'}, false},
{'<C-S-t>', mode={'n'}, false},
-- define your own keybindings
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>br', ':BufferHistory reopen<CR>', {silent = true})