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ianatkin80 committed Jan 2, 2015
1 parent c2ea972 commit e740b03
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15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions
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@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@

tado multi temperature scheduling utility
tado multi temperature scheduling utility by Ian Atkin, January 2015

At the moment, the tado smart thermometer web and mobile apps only allow a single home temperature to be set. This is a simple python3 script to allow the home temperature to be changed at defined times.

Having only learned python in the last day I'm sure this code can be massively improved!
A simple non-authenticated web interface is also included.

Usage: - copy tadocontrol.py3 and temperatures.db into your directory of choice
- edit tadocontrol.py3 to set tado username/password, temperature and time preferences
- run tadocontrol.py3 in a terminal to activate
Having only learned python in the last week I'm sure this code can be massively improved!

Python package dependencies: httplib2, schedule, sqllite3, time
- copy tadocontrol.py3, make_table.tpl and temperatures.db into your directory of choice
- edit tadocontrol.py3 to set tado username/password, network settings for web interface, temperature and time preferences
- run tadocontrol.py3 in a terminal to activate

Python package dependencies: bottle, httplib2, schedule, sqllite3, time

Tested with python v3.4.0 only
50 changes: 46 additions & 4 deletions tadocontrol.py3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
# Tado multi temperature scheduler script
# Ian Atkin, January 2015
# Released under MIT licence
# Ensure make_table.tpl and temperatures.db are in this script's directory

import httplib2
import schedule
import time
import sqlite3 as lite
from bottle import Bottle, run, template, request

# Temperature in degrees Celsius
# Entries 1-7 set home temperature at 00:01 on that day
# Entry 8 sets home temperature at 16:00 every day, allowing a higher evening temperature
# Entries 1-7 set home temperature at 00:01 on that day (time can be changed below)
# Entry 8 sets home temperature at 16:00 every day, allowing a higher evening temperature (time can be changed below)
temperatureDefaults = (
(1, 'Monday', '18.0'),
(2, 'Tuesday','18.0'),
Expand All @@ -14,23 +20,27 @@ temperatureDefaults = (
(5, 'Friday', '18.0'),
(6, 'Saturday', '19.7'),
(7, 'Sunday', '19.7'),
(8, 'Evening', '19.7')
(8, 'Every evening', '19.7')

# Tado username and password
user = "USERNAME"
passw = "PASSWORD"

# Initialises web app and database instances
webapp = Bottle()
h = httplib2.Http(".cache")
con = lite.connect('temperatures.db')

# Populates database with default values
with con:
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Temperatures")
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE Temperatures(Id INT, Day TEXT, SetTemp TEXT)")
cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Temperatures VALUES(?, ?, ?)", temperatureDefaults)
print ("Default temperatures loaded")

# When schedule triggers temperature change, finds correct temperature in database
def setHomeTemp(id):
with con:
cur = con.cursor()
Expand All @@ -40,13 +50,15 @@ def setHomeTemp(id):
print ("Changing temperature to " + row[0])

# Sends data update request to tado server
def sendHomeTemp(newTemp):
(resp_headers, content) = h.request("" + user + "&password=" + passw + "&homeTemp=" + newTemp, "GET", headers={'cache-control':'no-cache'})

# Following print statements are for debugging purposes to show temperature is changing at desired time

# Change 00:01 to desired time for daytime temperature to begin each day (24 hour format)
schedule.every()"00:01").do(setHomeTemp, 1)
schedule.every()"00:01").do(setHomeTemp, 2)
schedule.every()"00:01").do(setHomeTemp, 3)
Expand All @@ -55,9 +67,39 @@ schedule.every()"00:01").do(setHomeTemp, 5)
schedule.every()"00:01").do(setHomeTemp, 6)
schedule.every()"00:01").do(setHomeTemp, 7)

# Change 16:00 to desired time for evening temperature to begin (24 hour format)
# Change 16:00 to desired time for evening temperature to begin every day (24 hour format)
schedule.every()"16:00").do(setHomeTemp, 8)

# Calls web interface page, defaults to <hostname>/tado
def displayWeb():
with con:
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Temperatures")
output = cur.fetchall()
# Send table of current temperature settings to web page defined by make_table.tpl
return template('make_table', rows=output)

# Calls data update page (when 'Save changes' clicked on main web page)
@webapp.route('/update', method='GET')
def edit_item():
newTemp = [None] * 9
for id in range(1, 9):
newTemp[id]= request.GET.get(str(id),'').strip()
print(newTemp[id] + ' ' + str(id))
with con:
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("UPDATE temperatures SET SetTemp = ? WHERE id LIKE ?", (newTemp[id],id))

return '<p>Updated</p>'

# Set interface and port for web interface here ( = listen on all interfaces)
# Access web interface at http://<ip address>:<port>/tado
run(webapp, host='', port=8080)

# Runs scheduler
while True:
Binary file modified temperatures.db
Binary file not shown.

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