Apparently the interior (Mass/Radius) models used in this code are somewhat out of date. You may want to instead try out the tool.
Perform basic inference on the interior composition of a planet.
If you use this code please cite Ian Crossfield, as well as the interior models on which this code relies: Valencia, D. 2011, IAUS 276, p.181 and Lopez & Fortney 2014, ApJ 792
Given a mass and radius, interpolate over previously-calculated interior models for various assumptions about its interior and report back the results.
E.g., :func:h2o_model
assumes a planet is made of an Earthlike rocky
interior with a large H2O mass fraction. Alternatively,
assumes a planet is made of an Earthlike rocky
interior with the rest of its mass in hydrogen and helium.
--pandas, numpy, scipy
--You must set the correct path to the interior model files ("_modelfile")
import interiors
import pylab as py
# Define your system:
planetname = 'GJ 1214 b'
mass, u_mass, radius, u_radius = 6.43, 0.86, 2.27, 0.08
# Run the code:
hhe_fractions = interiors.hhe_model(mass, u_mass, radius, u_radius, nsamp=1000)
h2o_fractions = interiors.h2o_model(mass, u_mass, radius, u_radius, nsamp=1000)
# Make some pretty plots:
titlevals = planetname, mass, u_mass, radius, u_radius
fig.text(.5, .92, '%s: Mp=%1.2f+/-%1.2f Me, Rp=%1.2f+/-%1.2f Re' % titlevals, horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=16)
py.hist((h2o_fractions[np.isfinite(h2o_fractions)]), 50)
py.xlabel('H2O mass fraction', fontsize=13)
py.hist(np.log10(hhe_fractions[np.isfinite(hhe_fractions)]), 50)
py.xlabel('log10(H/He mass fraction)', fontsize=13)
2020-06-16 16:04 IJMC: Commented code and put online. 2020-06-24 17:02 IJMC: Updates: new H/He model from Lopez+2014, other minor fixes.