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iarna edited this page Apr 30, 2012 · 7 revisions

Setting up

First, you need to have Pirum installed:

  1. pear channel-discover
  2. pear install pirum/Pirum-beta

You'll need to have the OLB pear repository, in order to publish the PEAR update:

  1. git clone git://

You'll of course, also need the Modyllic repository:

  1. git clone git://

From inside your Modyllic repository, run:

  1. make install-build-prereqs

You'll also need to setup some remote upstreams:

  1. git remote add upstream-wiki git://
  2. git remote add upstream-testlib git://

Actually Publishing

From your Modyllic checkout:

  1. ./release-version #.#.# beta
  2. This will give you a Modyllic-#.#.#.tgz it will also commit the CHANGELOG for this release and create a tag.
  3. git push
  4. git push --tags

Now in go to your previously checked out copy of the OLB pear repository:

  1. ./release /path/to/Modyllic-#.#.#.tgz
  2. git add -A (or add the changed/created files by hand)
  3. git commit -m'Release Modyllic-#.#.#'
  4. git push

And you're done. It may take a minute or so for your changes to appear at:

Once they do, you can upgrade a Modyllic installation with:

pear upgrade OnlineBuddies/Modyllic-beta

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