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What is it?
Xarchiver is the ultimate solution for handling archives on Linux and FreeBSD.
It's a Desktop Environment independent archiver front end. All common archive
formats are supported, deb and RPM packages are handled without their package
managers being installed. Xarchiver only depends on the GTK+ libraries and
utilizes various (de)compressor/(un)archiver command-line programs at runtime.
Installation of xdg-utils is optional but installing it will allow Xarchiver
to support opening more file types directly from inside an archive.

How to use it
Please read the documentation accessible from the Help menu.

How to compile
./configure                      # (run './configure --help' for more details)

How to install (as root)
make install

First author of Xarchiver (until 2014) was Giuseppe Torelli,
current author of this continuation of the Xfce master branch
and maintainer of Xarchiver is Ingo Brückl.

Contributing to Xarchiver as a translator is easy. A translation is accepted
as an issue (please attach files), as a pull request, or as a contribution on, courtesy of
Weblate Libre hosting.

Bug reports