This project implements a http listener on top of sync-android to allow sync-android to become a replication target.
This project is a prototype. It can perform a basic replication based on the steps below, however, a lot more functionality needs to be implemented to support replication proper. Expect lots of bugs, this code needs much more testing.
Note that this project is community supported.
- check out this project
git clone
cd sync-android
./gradlew test
If you are using eclipse, execute below command. For Android studio, skip to Using Android Studio section
./gradlew eclipse
- In Eclipse, create a Run Configuration to run Ensure the VM Arguments are set to this for the test:
-ea -Dsqlite4java.library.path=native
To run JUnit tests in Android Studio you will need to set VM arguments in the following way:
- In menu, select Run -> Edit configurations
- In Edit configurations screen select Defaults -> JUnit
- At right hand panel add
-ea -Dsqlite4java.library.path=native
as VM Options
./gradlew clean build uploadArchives
git add repository/
git commit ...
git push
Example build.gradle:
apply plugin: 'android'
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion '19.0.0'
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'net.christophersnow:sync-android-p2p:0.0.5-SNAPSHOT'
See example project: ./sync-android-p2p-example
It you would like to get involved in this project, please email: [email protected]