In today's rapidly growing educational realm, academic advising is an essential part of the student’s education journey. However, traditional academic advising methods of emailing and trying to get a hold of an academic advisor face significant challenges in meeting the diverse needs and expectations of the students. Waiting a long time, limited availability, and difficulty accessing up-to-date information can limit students' academic progress and overall experience. Recognizing the importance of timely and personalized guidance, we propose the development of an academic advising application (Wjjhni) that combines the power of artificial intelligence with user-friendly interfaces, accessible anytime and anywhere.
- PHP 8.1
- Visual Studio Code
- Mamp
- Use PHP 8.1
- install composer
- Enable and install the following extensions in your local server php_grpc, sodium
- downaload cacert.pem and configure the path on your local server
- to login use the email: [email protected] password:123456