Schedulr is an employee management and scheduling app that allows…
- Managers to manage and schedule employees
- Employees to view work schedules
View app live on Heroku
Schedulr requires Node.js and MongoDB to run
Once mongo is installed, open a new terminal and run
$ mongod
Open another terminal window and navigate to project directory and run
$ npm install
Create a .env file with and add the code below (not strings)
If you dont want to go through the trouble of creating the API keys, put in dummy numbers/text and the app should still work, however passport social login will not.
$ npm run build
Wait for webpack to bundle then
$ npm start
Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080
- Andrea Roche @amr08
- Christi Savino @clsavino
- Houston Breedlove @hcbreedl
- Nicolás Cáceres @mr-attack
Built with React, Node, Express, MongoDB, Passport.js# react_lms