Intercept php includes
composer require icewind/interceptor
use Icewind\Interceptor\Interceptor;
$interceptor = new Interceptor();
$interceptor->addWhiteList(__DIR__ . '/src');
$interceptor->addHook(function($code) {
return str_replace('foo', 'bar', $code);
require 'src/foo.php'
addWhiteList(string $path)
: Add a folder to the white listaddBlackList(string $path)
: Add a folder to the black list- Only white listed files will be intercepted
- A file is white listed if it has a parent folder that is white listed without there being a more direct parent folder that is black listed
addHook(callable $hook)
: Register a hook to the intercepter- the registered callback will be called for every include which is intercepted
- The code being included will be passed as the first argument
- The path being included will be passed as second argument
- If the hook returns a string the loaded code will be replaced by the return value
start intercepting includestearDown()
stop intercepting includes