Hello. This provides a command server to interract with the ricardo-backend. It provides two user interfaces, either a rest api served by flask, or a command line interface. A basic send_command_packet always exists. New commands are written in python using the @CommandServer.register(command_name)
decorator and are automatically added as rest api endpoints and callable commands. Custom argparsers can be passed to. It communicates with the backend over socketio. Restart is required to load any changes to the command scripts.
High level documentation is on the wiki (https://wiki.imperialrocketry.com/en/Electronics/Software/Ricardo-CommandServer).
Install dependancies using the requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python ./main.py
Use the -h flag to see all available command line args.
Docker file provided for running command server under docker.
Using the -c flag the Commands folder can be relocated to another location.
python ./main.py -c ../externalCommandFolder/
The external commands folder must be a valid python module and all the command python scripts must be added to the __all__ variable. Easiest way is to copy the existing __init__.py located inside Commands.