Color schemes inspired by the Hopscotch learning platform for kids
Supported apps:
- Ace
- Atom
- BBEdit
- CodeMirror / Brackets
- Gedit
- highlight.js
- iTerm2
- MacDown
- Mou
- Notepad++
- Prettify.js
- Prism.js
- Pygments
- Rainbow
- Shell
- Sublime Text / TextMate
- Terminal
- Vim
- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Code
- Windows Command Prompt
- XCode
Use git to download git clone --recursive
. Refer to the individual apps for installation details.
All themes were built using Chris Kempson's excellent base16-builder and that's probably where bug fixes should be submitted to. However, you're welcome to send pull requests of themes built with newer versions of base16-builder.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License.