ByteVector for node.js. Perfect for binary data.
var ByteVector = requite('bytevector'),
vector = new ByteVector([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // Our vector
vector.push_back(6); // Insert binary value '6' in the end
vector.pop_front(); // Remove first value (1).
var copy = new ByteVector(vector); // [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Space effcient. Each element will only use 8 bits memory.
- Performance wise. It is so fast it can principle be.
##Good to know All values are saved in a Uint8Array instance which only accepts integer values between 0-255. I
###Constructor(int): Construct an empty vector with reserved size [int].
###Constructor(array): Construct a vector with values from [array].
###Constructor(array, offset): Construct a vector from [array] range: [offset, to_array_end).
###Constructor(Uint8Array): (Not implemented yet) Construct the vector from the Uint8Array. It will assume the array has previusly been constrcted with .serialize().
###.serialize() Not implemented yet. Returns the underlying Uint8Array buffer.
###.front() Returns the first element in the vector.
###.back() Returns the last element in the vector.
###.push(Uint8) Insert [Uint8] in the back of of the vector.
###.pop() Remove last item and returns it. Alias for .pop_back()
###.reserve(Uint32) Reserve [Uint32] amount of memory.
###.capacity() Return reserved memory.
###.resize(Uint32) Resize vector size to [Uint32] elements.
###.assign(obj, offset?, length?) Assign this vector using the elements in [obj]. Obj can either be a instance of ByteVector or an object that implements obj.length and obj[N].
###.push_back(Uint8) Insert [Uint8] in the back of the vector.
###.push_front(Uint8) Insert [Uint8] in the beginning of the vector.
###.pop_back() Remove last item in the vector and returns it.
###.pop_front() Remove first element in the beginning of the vector and returns it.
###.get(pos) Return element at position [pos].
###.set(pos, value) Set element at position [pos] to value [value].
###.clear() Removes all elements from the vector.
###.size() Returns current vector size.
###.length Returns current vector size.
###.length = N Resize vector to [N] elements.
###.rawBuffer() Returns a reference to the underlying buffer.