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Tiago Duarte da Silva edited this page Mar 11, 2021
4 revisions
# Read inputs
name = input()
age = int(input)
# Print formatted string
print("Hello", name)
print("Next year you'll be", age + 1)
num = int(input())
# If the remainder of a division by 2 is 0, the number is even
if (num % 2 == 0):
names = input().split()
name = ""
if len(names) == 1: # If there is only one word, our solution is done
name = names[0]
else: # There were two or more words
name = names[0]
# For every word in names, from index 1 to the penultimate one
for i in range(1, len(names) - 1): # If len(names) is 2, this loop won't run
if names[i].capitalize() == names[i]: # If the word is capitalized, to ignore "da", "de", etc
name += " " + names[i][0] + "." # Add the first letter (already capitalized)
name += " " + names[-1] # Add the last name
# Function with 2 arguments, the full string and the separator
def convert_camel_case(string, sep):
res = ""
for char in string:
if char.isupper(): # If it's an uppercase, add it lowered with the sep
res += sep + char.lower()
res += char # Else add the same char
return res[1:]
string = input()
sep = input()
print("Function:", convert_camel_case(string, sep)) # Call the function and print its return value
print("Generator:", "".join([(sep + letter.lower()) if letter.isupper() else letter for letter in string]))
num = int(input)
num2 = num # Preserve the num for the verification
if (num == 0): # If num is 0, it wouldn't enter the loop
res = "0"
res = "" # Create an empty string to construct our solution over it
while num > 0: # While there are digits to process
res += str(int(num % 8)) # 12 % 8 = 4, add "4" to our result
num = int(num // 8) # 12 / 8 = 1, set our next num to 1
res = res[::-1] # As we built our solution backwards, reverse the string
print("Result: 0o", res, sep="")
print("Confirmation:", oct(num2)) # Use this to confirm your results
# create a set from a given string's characters
# (after converting them to lower-case if necessary)
given_word = set(input().lower())
# for each word in the given sentence
for word in input().split():
if given_word == set(word.lower()):
# a)
# a)
num = int(input())
alist = []
for i in range(num):
read = input().split()
# Appends to the list a tuple with the word and the float: (Joao, 21.3)
alist.append( (read[0], float(read[1])) )
print("a)", alist[-1])
# b)
def sorting_key(t): # Receives an element and return something for the function to return
return t[1]
# Save the list sorted using our sorting_key() and in reverse order (descending)
sorted_list = sorted(alist, key=sorting_key, reverse=True)
print("b)", sorted_list[-1])