So, these are all the tasks we automatized in detail:
Webfont automatically creates an icon font from a collection of SVG files in a specific folder.
Opens the url of the server that Connect creates at the browser.
As a default rule, Grunt executes only a single task at a time, but we found out that we needed to run two tasks at the same time to compile Sass and to Watch the files. Concurrent lets us run tasks simultaneously.
This task runs predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added, changed or deleted.
When the time comes to get the whole project ready to deploy, Copy creates a copy of the project so we can run optimization tasks but keeping the original files untouched.
Creates a small server that serves the project in the development process.
This task runs inside Grunt, the popular -and amazing- Kraken Image Optimizer. In their own words, “Kraken is a robust, ultra-fast image optimizer and compressor with best-in-class algorithms”. This service reduces around 60% of image filesize in almost every project that we develop.
This is a grunt task for code deployment over the sftp protocol. It is mostly a copy of grunt-ftp-deploy, but uses ssh2 to provide sftp access instead of jsftp. And when I say "mostly a copy," I mean I stole it all and added sftp. Including this readme, for now
This task uses libsass, which is a Sass compiler in C++. It's a lot faster than the original Ruby compiler and fully compatible.
Apply several post-processors to your CSS using PostCSS.
ProcessHTML is a simple but powerful template engine.
By default, Bower downloads the dependencies on a single folder inside the project. Once Bower downloads all the technical dependencies, it relocates each one in different folders that we have previously specified.
This task minifies and drastically reduces file sizes by trimming out spaces and comments in the files.
To run the project, just execute the command:
grunt run