🧮 Calculates an estimated file size of Mp3 files. 🎶
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Install it by executing:
npm i "@igor.dvlpr/mp3size"
getFileSize(time: string, rate: number = 160): number
Gets the estimated size of the MP3 file based on the audio time and bitrate.
time: string, the duration of the MP3 file, expects either HH:MM:ss or MM:ss format
rate: number, the bitrate of the file, defaults to 160
returns a number, the estimated MP3 file size or -1 in case of an error
getAudioDuration(size: number, rate: number): string
Gets the estimated audio duration for the provided file size and bitrate.
size: number, file size (in KiB)
rate: number, the bitrate of the file
returns a string, the estimated audio duration formatted as HH:MM:ss or '-1' in case of an error.
getAudioBitrate(time: string, size: number): number
Gets the estimated bitrate for the provided audio duration and file size.
time: string, the duration of the MP3 file, expects either HH:MM:ss or MM:ss format
size: number, the size of the audio file (in KiB)
returns a number, the estimated bitrate of the MP3 file or -1 in case of an error
If you are looking for a pure JavaScript implementation of this, have a look at mp3size.js.
Licensed under the MIT license which is available here, MIT license.
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⭐ An Astro component that renders post excerpts for your Astro blog - directly from your Markdown files. Astro v2 collections are supported as well! 💎
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Provided by Igor Dimitrijević (@igorskyflyer).