This is a little demo project showing how ScalaCollider can be used on Android.
Requirements: sbt 0.7.4, Scala 2.8.0, Java 1.6, Android API Level 7 (= 2.1), SuperCollider 3.
Dependancies: ScalaOSC, ScalaAudioFile and ScalaCollider. Clone them from my GitHub repositories, and build them using
$ sbt update publish-local
Then cd into the ScalaAndroidCollider folder and build using
$ export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=path/to/android_sdk $ sbt update package-debug
To install use either
$ sbt install-emulator
$ sbt install-device
Run the app. Make sure Wifi is enabled and SuperCollider server (scsynth) started on a computer on the Wifi with the given IP and port. Press the server toggle button. Text should say “Connecting…” then “Connected”. When connect, press the bubbles toggle button to play the analog bubbles example. This videos demonstrates it.
Big thanks to Mark Harrah and Jan Berkel for sbt and the android-plugin for sbt!
ScalaCollider is ©opyright by Hanns Holger Rutz and covered by the GNU GPL v2+.