This project is an interactive resume that was inspired by Robby Leonardi's Interactive Resume, as well as J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The interactive resume is meant to display a certain passion and skill for front end development. A complete 180 from your traditional resume, my interactive resume is a creative way to present my work experience, projects and skills while also capturing my childhood love for the magical world of Harry Potter.
My interactive resume utilized the following technologies:
- jQuery
- JavaScript
- CSS3
jQuery was used to easily manipulate the Document Object Model(DOM). At specified points within the DOM, as well as on certain key presses, animations are triggered by querying for elements and modifying classes, as well as css attributes.
JavaScript was used to set timings and intervals for certain animations.
SASS was used to separate CSS stylesheets by class, allowing for modularizing of common classes. Variables minimized inconsistencies with color and font styles. Nested CSS rules allowed for more organized CSS files.
- Add contact form modal with social links
- Improve bugs with various window sizes.
- Incorporate mousewheel/scrolling to movement methods.
- Make mobile friendly.
- Improve graphics by improving Photoshop skills or outsourcing asset creation.
- Migrate project over to custom/minimized jQuery-like library.
- Refactor