This bot implements basic Telegram bot functionalities, such as retrieving the list of online players, kicking, banning, unbanning players, and broadcasting messages to the entire server.
/start Start the bot
/auth Authenticate admin privileges
/kick Kick a player | Command format: /kick
/ban Ban a player | Command format: /ban
/unban Unban a player | Command format: /unban
/announce Broadcast to the server | Command format: /announce
docker run -itd --name tg-bot \
-e "TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN"="7042050000:AAG-gex61EsmnHp00VwgMw00EFol2xPGlzQ" \
-e "ADMIN_PASSWORD"="demopassword" \
-e "API_BASE_URL"="http://gameserver.ip:8212/v1/api" \
-e "API_USERNAME"="admin" \
-e "API_PASSWORD"="demo_rest_api_password" \
ADMIN_PASSWORD is the password used to verify the /auth command, allowing the bot to authenticate and enable admin commands via private chat.
API_BASE_URL is the base URL for the server's RestAPI.
API_USERNAME defaults to admin.
API_PASSWORD is the RestAPI password set on your Palworld server.