- Read all the pages here like twice:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jI1TuEaTro - Solidity changelog (new features, bug fixes, etc...) https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/blob/develop/Changelog.md
- You want a fast computer with SSD storage
- Download the livenet blockchain:
$ brew tap ethereum/ethereum
$ brew install ethereum
$ geth --version
$ geth --fast --rpc --cache:2048
- Will use your local geth installation if it is running
- Download and run from source or using release binaries https://github.com/ethereum/mist https://github.com/ethereum/mist/releases
$ npm install -g solc
$ solcjs --version
Follow instructions to build from source
$ solc --version
$ npm install -g truffle
$ cd <new-project-folder>
$ truffle init // for contracts only proj
$ truffle init webpack // for a contracts + web dapp proj
$ sudo npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
$ testrpc
Testrpc docker
$ docker run -d -p 8545:8545 ethereumjs/testrpc:latest
Online solidity compiler
$ git clone https://github.com/ethereum/remix
$ cd remix
$ npm install
$ npm start
Open source solidity libs and basic contracts https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/zeppelin-solidity http://zeppelin-solidity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ https://openzeppelin.org/
Truffle integration - use npm to install zepellin contracts
- Rinkeby (modern)
https://www.rinkeby.io/ -> connect yourself
Download the json file and follow the instructions
https://faucet.rinkeby.io/ Get ether by creating a bpublic gist with your rinkeby account public key
- contracts
- account types - external or contract. Has an address and a balance. External accounts have key paris
- transactions - tpyes: contract creation, move funds to an account, call a contract method
- message calls - calldata area, used in transactions
- delegate calls - using caller context for library / util functions
- Events & Logs
- EVM - stack-based machine, contract storage and memory (runtime env)
- throw
- Suicide
- Get block number
- Constant fucntions
- Obtaining contract address
- Global variables - msg, tx, block
- Getting call data from the Message global var - msg.value, msg.sender, msg.data
- Working with transactions - tx.*
- Working with Gas - msg.gas, tx.gasprice - gas caller is willing to pay
- this === address
- The unamed function with optional payability
- Used for code execution. Transactions cost the caller gas. Calls are free.
- Units are Wei (1000000000000000000 Wei = 1 eth). Usefull eth and weigh convertor: http://ether.fund/tool/converter
- Not needed when testing with testrpc
- Needed when executing transactions with geth vs testnet or livenet (testnet gas is free)
- Gas price - adjustable, meant to assure it doesn't go up with Ether USD exchange value.
- Max block gas price -
- Set to 3,000,000 when calling a transaction. You will only be charged for actuall spent
- Estimating transactions gas cost:
solc --gas MetaCoin.sol
- use explicit data type instead of var - for (var i=0; i < items.length;i++) - i is compiled to an uint8. If items.length > 255 then the loop will never terminate and deplate gas. Use explicit type instead without the var. e.g. - for (uint i=0; ...)
- Avoid loops wherever possible - if a transaction exceeds its gas limit then it is rolled back but the gas is still paid. If a block reaches its gas limit then...
- There are 20 kinds of overflow/underflow when working with the supported integeral data types - use a safe math lib. e.g. SafeMath.sol
- An attacker can reliably and easily make ANY call from inside your code to fail. The EVM call stack is limited to 1024 method calls. An attacker can always call a method 1023 times and call any contract's method on the 1024-th call - causing an overflow error in the next call made from implementation of the method. e.g. causing a send to always fail. As a workaround - use pull pattern (e.g. Payable.sol in Zeppelin) and not a push pattern to distirbute funds
- Be aware of solidity bugs and issues - Soldity/EVM is a young pre 1.0 tech https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/
- Mistakes can be very costley. Unlike web apps, deployed contracts are hard to modify
- Modular vs. Monolith - upgradeable vs. less complex, easier to test and to reason about
- Code Resuse vs. Duplication - should you trust other people contracts ?
- Make contracts as short and as simple as possible
- Write extensive unit tests and run them on both testrpc and testnets which behave different from each other
- basic data types
- structs
- mappings - associative arrays with all non-existing items map to 0/null
- state vars Should suffice for most contracts. Additional data types add complexity
- Testing with testrpc
- Testing with testrpc and truffle
- Testing using a private test network
- Testing using a public testnet
- Security audits options
- Testing with docker
- Coverage tool https://github.com/JoinColony/solcover
- Testing Rollout - testrpc, testnet, beta on privte net, beta on public net, relase public net
- Write modern clean jscript test code using the async/await pattern and not using cascading promises style. e.g. then() and catch() callbacks
- Use truffle and testrpc for testing
Use events to log transactions
- To index or not to index?
- Events use cases intro - https://media.consensys.net/technical-introduction-to-events-and-logs-in-ethereum-a074d65dd61e
https://github.com/melonproject/melon/tree/master/contracts https://github.com/gavofyork/melon/tree/master/contracts https://github.com/ethereum/dapp-bin/tree/master/getting%20started
- ERC20 - standard coin: ethereum/EIPs#20
- Standard tokens implemented in Zeppelin
https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/security-considerations.html https://github.com/ethereum/dapp-bin/tree/master/standardized_contract_apis
- Beware of external contracts calls - they can call back to your contract and change its control flow
- Private data is viewable by anyone but no getters are generated
- All your public contract methods may be called maliciously
- Bug bounty hunt your contracts on a test network and perform security audits with highly reputable 3rd parties
- Follow platform security notifications: https://blog.ethereum.org/category/security/
https://medium.com/zeppelin-blog/blockchain-capital-token-audit-68e882d14f0 https://medium.com/zeppelin-blog/cosmos-fundraiser-audit-7543a57335a4
http://chriseth.github.io/notes/talks/safe_solidity/#/ https://blog.ethereum.org/2016/06/10/smart-contract-security/ https://blog.ethereum.org/2016/06/19/thinking-smart-contract-security/
- Arguably a result of the famous DAO bug
- Check all pre-conditions first before modifying any state. Interact with external contracts only after state is modified
- The most importnat pattern that every method should implement
A contract for registration of contract addresses deployed by an external account address
- Any pre-condition failure should throw excplicitally, beofore any state modificaiton is performed
- Test and throw for each pre-condition seprately
- Use this consistnelty in all code instead of conditional executaiton after a pre-condition check in an if statement
- No need to return boolean if method succeeds - it implicitly succeeds if a transaction was creation and nothing was thrown from its implementation
- Build invariants calculation into your contract - contract state is valid while all invariants hold
- Let researches try to corrupt your invariants for an award on a private copy of your contract https://medium.com/zeppelin-blog/onward-with-ethereum-smart-contract-security-97a827e47702 https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/zeppelin-solidity/blob/master/contracts/Bounty.sol
- Standard interface and contract to allow dapps and wallets to communicate with contracts that have tokens. http://zeppelin-solidity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/standardtoken.html
It is recommended that contracts that store large ammounts of funds will not be controlled by one account (pub/priv key paris) but by a mutli-sig wallet or by a key escrew service.
- Convert magic numbers such as 15 days to a contract constant
- Don't send money - let account withdraw payments that they are authorized to get from a contract - favor pull vs. push payments. Issues with send: https://github.com/ConsenSys/Ethereum-Development-Best-Practices/wiki/Fallback-functions-and-the-fundamental-limitations-of-using-send%28%29-in-Ethereum-&-Solidity#abuse
- block.timestamp === Now() - epoch time in secs - can be manipulated by miners. Don't use this.
- block.number - Block numbers and average block time are an approximate time unit assuming block time remains in the same range (15-20 seconds) but this is not guaranteed - use with care. https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/413/can-a-contract-safely-rely-on-block-timestamp
- The Fallback function is called when ether is sent using .send() to a contract's address
- Must be decorated with payable otherwise an exception is thrown when an account or contract is trying to send() ether to it
- Must use under 2,300 gas - enough only for logging - don't do more stuff here
- Test using web3.sendTransaction
- Designing for failure and worse-case scenarios
- Rate limiting
- Max usage / Lockouts
- Do a bounty hunt before deployment
- Distribute a dapp for easy interaction
- Provide multiple means to participate
- Advertise campagain official address in several outlets to avoid fake scams
- Provide a website with progress (funding goal, total funded, time left to fund)
- Perform security audits by a trusted 3rd party
- Keep contract as simple as possible
- Test on testnet and on testnets - they behave differently
Golem Campaign
https://github.com/golemfactory/golem-crowdfunding -
Blockchain Capital Campaign https://medium.com/zeppelin-blog/blockchain-capital-token-audit-68e882d14f0 https://github.com/BCAPtoken/BCAPToken/tree/5cb5e76338cc47343ba9268663a915337c8b268e/sol
rlc-token https://github.com/iExecBlockchainComputing/rlc-token
Cosmos https://github.com/cosmos/fundraiser-lib/tree/693cf3f32e9fd679216372876dda86fa57a3277e https://medium.com/zeppelin-blog/cosmos-fundraiser-audit-7543a57335a4
Matchpool https://github.com/Matchpool/contracts https://medium.com/zeppelin-blog/matchpool-gup-token-audit-852a70330f2