Phishing Retaliation Tool
- Install Python 3.7.4 (last version)
- Pip will be installed by default
pip install gevent
pip install requests
pip install lxml
To use the tool, just run the command from the starting folder (replacing URL with the target):
python URL
If you want to see the attack structure, just add "-v" or "-verbose" to your call:
python URL -v
python URL -verbose
To define custom minimum and maximum waiting time, just add "-min" and/or "-max", respectively, followed by desired values (in seconds):
python URL -min 0 -max 5000
python URL -min 5
python URL -max 5000
To reset proxy list, just add "-r" as argument. You don't need to pass an URL if you only want to reset your proxy collection:
python URL -r
python -r
Cristoffer Leite, João Gondim, Priscila Solis and Eduardo Alchieri
18th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2019
[IEEE] [bib]
Cristoffer Leite, João Gondim, Priscila Solis and Eduardo Alchieri
XIX Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security (SBSeg), 2019
[pdf] [bib]
- Placidina for the GetProxies - I am still integrating other calls on the tool, but I want to thank you in advance