Pedatric 1.1
Pediatric v1.1 changes:
General Changes
- Toronto T [9628], Toronto N [9629], Toronto M [9630], Toronto Stage Group [9631] were added to all schema. If the field is not defined for the schema, the default of N/A is set. X is used for Unknown.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Minor revisions to wording in Notes 1, 2 and 3 for clarity
- White Blood Cell Count [9621]: Note 3 related to the units of measurement was revised; Units of measure in the codes were revised to match
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Note 2 related to the coding of /0 and /1 was added; sub-bullet for Note 3 was revised for clarity
- Pediatric Mets [9625]: Note 2 related to Leptomeningeal metastases was added; Code 70 was revised to include more specified sites
- BRAF Mutational Analysis [3940]: Note 3 sub-bullet was changed to "KIAA1549: BRAF gene fusion"; Code 3 was changed to match
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Existing Notes were revised for clarity; Note 2 was added describing how to code /0 and /1; Note 3 was added describing midline shift vs midline; Codes 150, 250 and 999 were revised for greater specificity
Pediatric Mets [9625]: Note 1 was removed; Note 3 was moved to Note 1; a new Note 3 was added related to adjacent sites; Note 4 was added related to Leptomeningeal metastases; Codes 25, 35, and 45 were revised to add more specific sites
- Pediatric Mets [9625]: Code 10 was reworded to replace 'Lesser omentum' with 'Omentum (lesser and NOS) (see code 20 for greater omentum)'; Code 20 had 'Greater omentum (see code 10 for lesser omentum and omentum, NOS)' added
- Pretext Clinical Staging [9626]: Note 3 sub-bullets were changed to include 'Caudate liver: Segment I'
- Derived Pediatric Stage Group [9606]: calculation was revised to include Pretext Clinical Staging
Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Note 7 related to Splenic involvement was added;
- Derived Pediatric N [9605], Derived Pediatric M[9604]: XML ID was corrected, a space was accidentally included in the tag
Medulloblastoma (5 schemas)
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Existing Notes were revised for clarity; Note 2 was added describing how to code /0 and /1; Note 3 was added describing midline shift vs midline; Codes 150, 250 and 999 were revised for greater specificity
- Pediatric Mets [9625]: Note 1 was removed; Note 3 was moved to Note 1; a new Note 3 was added related to adjacent sites; Note 4 was added related to Leptomeningeal metastases; Codes 25, 35, and 45 were revised to add more specific sites
- Schema Definition: for C700-C729, C751-C753, /0 and /1 were removed from Neuroblastoma
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Note 1 was revised and sub-bullets describing coding were added
- Pediatric Regional Nodes [9624]: Note 1 was added describing the information on which this field should be based
NHL: Burkitt lymphoma; NHL: NOS
- Schema Definition: C440-C449 were removed from all NHL schemas
NHL: Mature T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas
- Schema Definition: C440-C449 were removed from all NHL schemas, 9700-9701, 9718-9719 were removed from NHL Mature T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas
NHL: Burkitt lymphoma; NHL: Mature T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas; NHL: NOS
- Pediatric Primary Tuor [9623]: Note 1 related to special terms for involvment was added; Note 2 related on how to code St Jude/Murphy stage was added; all codes were revised; Code 700 was removed
- Derived Pediatric Stage Group [9606]: the algorithm was revised so that Pediatric Primary Tumor code 300 derived Stage 2 (instead of 3), code 400 and 500 derived Stage 3 (instead of 4 and 2 respectively)
NHL: Mature B-cell lymphomas
- Schema Definition: C440-C449 were removed from all NHL schemas, 9971 was removed from NHL Mature B-cell lymphomas
- Pediatric Primary Tuor [9623]: Note 1 related to special terms for involvment was added; Note 2 related on how to code St Jude/Murphy stage was added; a sub-bullet related to special histologies was added to Note 4; all codes were revised; Code 700 was removed
- Derived Pediatric Stage Group [9606]: the algorithm was revised so that Pediatric Primary Tumor code 300 derived Stage 2 (instead of 3), code 400 and 500 derived Stage 3 (instead of 4 and 2 respectively)
Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma: Other specified
- Schema Definition: C400-C424, C770-C779 were added to the schema for histologies 8587, 8710-8713, 8806, 8831-8833, 8836, 8840-8842, 8850-8858, 8860-8862, 8870, 8880, 8881, 8890-8898, 8921, 8982, 8990, 9040-9044, 9120-9125, 9130-9133, 9135, 9136, 9141, 9142, 9161, 9170-9175, 9231, 9251, 9252, 9373, 9581
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Note 1 was revised for clarity
- IRSS Stage For Eye 2 [9627]: Note 2 was removed; new Note 2 was added describing when to code this and special cases; Note 3 was added discussing bilateral retinoblastoma; Note 4 was added describing what to do if only one eye is involved; Code 7 was revised to clarify its use with unilateral retinoblastoma
- Pediatric Primary Tumor [9623]: Note 3 was added discussing LVI relation to codes 200 and 250