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[#3] Implemented full conditional logic for MySql.
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jfacorro committed Oct 28, 2014
1 parent 4db0479 commit 07fa6ba
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 22 deletions.
120 changes: 98 additions & 22 deletions src/sumo_repo_mysql.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,12 +37,31 @@
-export([prepare/3, execute/2, execute/3]).
-export([find_all/2, find_all/5, find_by/3, find_by/5]).

-export([values_conditions/1, build_where_clause/1, hash/1]).

%% Types.

-record(state, {pool :: atom() | pid()}).

-type operator() :: '<' | '>' | '=' | '<=' | '>=' | '!=' | 'like'.
-type field_name() :: atom().
-type value() :: binary() | string() | number() | 'null' | 'not_null'.

-type expression() ::
| {'and', [expression()]}
| {'or', [expression()]}
| {'not', expression()}
| terminal().

-type terminal() ::
{field_name(), operator(), field_name()}
| {field_name(), operator(), value()}
| {field_name(), value()}.

%% External API.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,19 +165,17 @@ delete(DocName, Id, State) ->

delete_by(DocName, Conditions, State) ->
PreStatementName = list_to_atom("delete_by_" ++ string:join(
[atom_to_list(K) || {K, _V} <- Conditions],
{Values, CleanConditions} = values_conditions(Conditions),
Clauses = build_where_clause(CleanConditions),
HashClause = hash(Clauses),
PreStatementName = list_to_atom("delete_by_" ++ HashClause),

StatementFun =
fun() ->
[ "DELETE FROM ", escape(atom_to_list(DocName)), " WHERE ",
[ [escape(atom_to_list(K)), "=?"]
|| {K, _V} <- Conditions
" AND "
" WHERE ",
StatementName = prepare(DocName, PreStatementName, StatementFun),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,12 +238,10 @@ find_all(DocName, OrderField, Limit, Offset, State) ->
%% XXX We should have a DSL here, to allow querying in a known language
%% to be translated by each driver into its own.
find_by(DocName, Conditions, Limit, Offset, State) ->
FoldFun =
fun({K, V}, {SName, Fs, Vs}) ->
{SName ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(K), [K|Fs], [V|Vs]}
{PreStatementName0, DocFields, Values} =
lists:foldl(FoldFun, {"", [], []}, Conditions),
{Values, CleanConditions} = values_conditions(Conditions),
Clauses = build_where_clause(CleanConditions),
HashClause = hash(Clauses),
PreStatementName0 = list_to_atom("find_by" ++ HashClause),

PreStatementName1 =
case Limit of
Expand All @@ -237,12 +252,13 @@ find_by(DocName, Conditions, Limit, Offset, State) ->
PreName = list_to_atom("find_by" ++ PreStatementName1),

Fun = fun() ->
Sqls = [[escape(atom_to_list(K)), "=?"] || K <- DocFields],
% Select * is not good..
Sql1 =[
"SELECT * FROM ", escape(atom_to_list(DocName)),
" WHERE ", string:join(Sqls, " AND ")
Sql1 = [ "SELECT * FROM ",
" WHERE ",

Sql2 = case Limit of
0 -> Sql1;
_ -> [Sql1|[" LIMIT ?,?"]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,6 +431,8 @@ execute(PreQuery, #state{pool=Pool}) when is_list(PreQuery)->
evaluate_execute_result(#error_packet{status = Status, msg = Msg}, State) ->
{error, <<Status/binary, ":", (list_to_binary(Msg))/binary>>, State}.

escape(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
["`", atom_to_list(Name), "`"];
escape(String) ->
["`", String, "`"].

Expand All @@ -428,3 +446,61 @@ log(Msg, Args) ->
{ok, true} -> lager:debug(Msg, Args);
_ -> ok

-spec values_conditions(expression()) -> {[any()], expression()}.
values_conditions([Expr | RestExprs]) ->
{Values, CleanExpr} = values_conditions(Expr),
{ValuesRest, CleanRestExprs} = values_conditions(RestExprs),
{Values ++ ValuesRest, [CleanExpr | CleanRestExprs]};
values_conditions({LogicalOp, Exprs})
when (LogicalOp == 'and')
or (LogicalOp == 'or')
or (LogicalOp == 'not') ->
{Values, CleanExprs} = values_conditions(Exprs),
{Values, {LogicalOp, CleanExprs}};
values_conditions({Name, Op, Value}) when not is_atom(Value) ->
{[Value], {Name, Op, '?'}};
values_conditions({Name, Value})
when Value =/= 'null', Value =/= 'not_null' ->
{[Value], {Name, '?'}};
values_conditions(Terminal) ->
{[], Terminal}.

-spec build_where_clause(expression()) -> iodata().
build_where_clause(Exprs) when is_list(Exprs) ->
Clauses = lists:map(fun build_where_clause/1, Exprs),
["(", interpose(" AND ", Clauses), ")"];
build_where_clause({'and', Exprs}) ->
build_where_clause({'or', Exprs}) ->
Clauses = lists:map(fun build_where_clause/1, Exprs),
["(", interpose(" OR ", Clauses), ")"];
build_where_clause({'not', Expr}) ->
[" NOT ", "(", build_where_clause(Expr), ")"];
build_where_clause({Name, Op, '?'}) ->
[escape(Name), " ", atom_to_list(Op), " ? "];
build_where_clause({Name1, Op, Name2}) ->
[escape(Name1), " ", atom_to_list(Op), " ", escape(Name2)];
build_where_clause({Name, '?'}) ->
[escape(Name), " = ? "];
build_where_clause({Name, 'null'}) ->
[escape(Name), " IS NULL "];
build_where_clause({Name, 'not_null'}) ->
[escape(Name), " IS NOT NULL "].

interpose(Sep, List) ->
interpose(Sep, List, []).

interpose(_Sep, [], Result) ->
interpose(Sep, [Item | []], Result) ->
interpose(Sep, [], [Item | Result]);
interpose(Sep, [Item | Rest], Result) ->
interpose(Sep, Rest, [Sep, Item | Result]).

-spec hash(iodata()) -> string().
hash(Clause) ->
Bin = crypto:hash(md5, Clause),
List = binary_to_list(Bin),
Fun = fun(Num) -> string:right(integer_to_list(Num, 16), 2, $0) end,
lists:flatmap(Fun, List).

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