Retrieve a token MFA and put it on your credentials file
Package :
- AWS cli
- jq
- PCRE (for deleting profile expired)
./ MFAtoken [profileName] [ProfileFetchCredentials]
- Check env var if profile exist (anti crash aws cli)
- CAN : Be use with arg (no interactive mode)
- CAN : Check if a session profile is expired
- CAN : If the you want, you can delete 1 or multiple session profiles if expired
- List profiles if AWS_PROFILE is not specify
- Select AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE if the user want to use default profile
- Retrieve the token session with the profile selected if the MFA token is valid
- Update your credentials and config with a new profile and the token session
List all profiles
Package :
- AWS cli
- List all profiles
Clean all profiles token (With token session or not)
Package :
- AWS cli
- jq
- Check env var if profile exist (anti crash aws cli)
- CAN : Be use with arg (no interactive mode)
- List all profiles expirated
- Check if the profiles has a inactive key
- Check if there is a timeout with the request
- CAN : Delete all profiles expirated