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The survey synchronization server for MongoDB

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The survey synchronization server for MongoDB.

How to use


Install it:

npm install @indec/sivy

Sivy requires [email protected]

And add a script to your package.json like this:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "sivy",
    "dev": "sivy dev"

The sivy dev command enables the hot code reloading. No server restart is needed.


The file-system is the main API. Every .js file becomes a handler that gets automatically processed on every sync, and the container folder is when that handler is executed. The handlers support promise.

Folder Input parameters
dumpSurveys (surveyDump: SurveyDump, surveys: Array<object>)
receiveSurveys (surveys: Array<object>, syncLog: SyncLog)
preSaveSurvey (surveyAddress: SurveyAddress, survey: object, syncLog: SyncLog)
getSurveys (surveyAddresses: Array<SurveyAddress>, syncLog: SyncLog)
preSaveSyncLog (syncLog: SyncLog)

To log how many surveys we receive on a POST we can create a file into: receiveSurveys/helloWorld.js as the following:

module.exports = surveys => console.log(`Received surveys: ${surveys.length}`);


By default the SurveyAddress has the following Mongoose's schema:

    dwellings: [{type: Mixed}],
    user: {type: ObjectId, required: true},
    address: {type: ObjectId, ref: 'Address', required: true},
    surveyAddressState: {type: Number},
    state: {type: Number},
    valid: {type: Number}

You can strongly type the Dwelling's schema defining a model/dwelling.js as the following:

module.exports = {
    order: {type: Number},
    dwellingCharacteristics: {

Also, you can add additional attributes to the SurveyAddress's schema defining a model/surveyAddress.js as the following:

module.exports = {
    visits: [{
        order: {type: Number, required: true},
        date: {type: Date, required: true},
        comments: {type:String}

Environment variables

Required Variable Description Defaults to
NODE_ENV Defines the running environment development
PORT Port where sivy will listen 3000
MONGODB_URI Connection string to the MongoDB server mongodb://localhost:27017
RECEIVE_ONLY True if Sivy works on receive_only mode false
‼️ AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET The secret to validate the JWT.
SURVEYS_COLLECTION The surveys collection name on MongoDB surveyAddresses
SURVEYS_HISTORY Keeps a history of survey changes true
SURVEYS_DUMP Dumps every request to a collection false
MORGAN_FORMAT Log format used by Morgan package dev on NODE_ENV=development, combined on NODE_ENV=production
DEBUG Set to sivy to turn on debug logging.


Sivy expects an Authorization header on the HTTP request as the following:

Authorization: Bearer <jwt>

The JWT will be verified using the AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET defined in the environment variables and the verify method in the jsonwebtoken package.


To turn on the Sivy debug mode just set the environment variable DEBUG=sivy.

Production deployment

To deploy just run the sivy command:


For example, to deploy with now a package.json like follows is recommended:

  "name": "my-sync",
  "dependencies": {
    "@indec/sivy": "latest"
  "scripts": {
    "start": "sivy"

Note: It’s your responsibility to set NODE_ENV=production manually!