18.0.0 (2025-02-12)
- core: language add static/async loader (#1169) (f0133f7)
- missing imports and async theme (265b761)
- set the default environment configuration (1aacde3)
- Update Angular to v18 and others libs
refactor: update Angular Material to v18
chore: update package-lock and test
17.0.1 (2024-09-25)
17.0.0 (2024-08-22)
- add google font symbols (fb7af4a)
- adjust @igo2/auth path (#1153) (03b8848)
- core: use provideConfig (6a93da4)
- don't include all icon variants (e1e9fbc)
- double head in index (7626f6c)
- environment: add testgeoegl in trusted host (e400086)
- ol version to 9.1.0 (9c66af3)
- provide icon (6cfb3cd)
- test: add polyfill (93572a3)
- toast: find alternative icons in google font icons (#1159) (87f9b8c)
- update lib to v17 (c3c0102)
- auth: configure auth with provider (6b0098f)
- common: refact in submodule (#1155) (76fb402), closes #1156
- directions: added possibility to toggle between two routing sources (#1150) (#1150) (6157df4)
- replace @mdi/angular-material with Google Font - Symbol BREAKIN… (#1154) (3c8cf48)
16.3.0 (2024-01-25)
16.2.0 (2024-01-19)
16.1.0 (2023-12-14)
- app: correction of the default value (89ddfa3)
- app: replace tablet view by medium and small screen + map actions button placement (e4537f2)
- App: revert change for resolve function in the app init (885adf2)
- app: this rule is not used anymore except in form-field-text.component, resulting in extra large icon (#1106) (1fcb9f9)
- environment: set the config for the MSP team (7c30018)
- geo/search-bar: adjust search bar overflow on mobile (98024fc)
- portal: revert search-bar spacer (0bfd811)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib to v16.1.0 (f52a66e)
16.0.2 (2023-11-07)
16.0.1 (2023-11-06)
16.0.0 (2023-11-03)
- app: regression for app initializer (efd42ea)
- SplashScreen: remove title who cause layout shifting (eeb8b75)
- urlControl: zoomExtent was not working due to str extent (ce25710)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib 16.0.0 (acf6281)
16.0.0-rc.8 (2023-10-30)
- portal: expansion-panel header height (815e452)
16.0.0-rc.7 (2023-10-30)
16.0.0-rc.6 (2023-10-30)
- InteractiveTour: add the auto placement (#1055) (1c45c8b)
- portal: remove spacer when sidebar is open (#1064) (26e5129)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib v16.0.0-rc.5 (9c78c56)
16.0.0-rc.5 (2023-10-18)
- demo: fix demo on github for dom service (6377646)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib to prerelease 16.0.0-rc.4 (68b9da7)
16.0.0-rc.4 (2023-10-13)
- context: relative path for a add layer from index example (e4d8c67)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib to prerelease 16.0.0-rc.3 (050325b)
16.0.0-rc.3 (2023-10-11)
- Prettier: ignore test file (e6a4ff5)
16.0.0-rc.2 (2023-09-22)
- InteractiveTour: replace deprecated position "auto" by "right" (#1019) (70dfb47)
- Openlayers: downgrade to 7.5.2 due to wms regression (#1020) (8880f52)
- portal: search bar position when open/close sidenav (#1021) (e52e8ae)
16.0.0-rc.0 (2023-09-19)
- change logo path, size and url for copyrights info (d2bf44e)
- toast: angular/components#27035 (1f4b3f4)
- toast: #1002 (bcc3f49)
- toast: missing tooltip (90cfe20)
- tsconfig: interference between types Jasmine and Chai (f09b0e7)
- workspace: paginator now positioned on right side (3c2881b)
- demo: add an demo context to explain how add layer from index file (#968) (48b573d)
- demo: add sample context for keepCurrentView = false (9a2f118)
- SplashScreen: add a replaceable image (#1012) (315445c)
- toast: clear query result trigger workspace clear selection (#958) (a069b03)
1.15.2 (2023-05-18)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib 1.15.2 (11253c5)
1.15.1 (2023-05-05)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib 1.15.1 (efb992e)
1.15.0 (2023-05-03)
- portal: changes due to .../igo2-lib/pull/1196 (15d5f4f)
- pwa-service: prevent update next app inside current app (angular recommendation) (f015384)
- pwa: prevent multiple confirm dialog to reload app (#917) (c191bbe)
- app: add pdf to service worker cache (b7722d4)
- app: App installation is now configurable (#929) (13b76fe)
- app: searchable workspaces (#910) (5924e90)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib (fff5660)
- geo: add tabsMode for search-results in toast panel (#891) (991137c)
- integration: Add save search result option on config file (#916) (c665d8a)
- vector: preload data despite visibiliy or resolution range (#933) (a838e2e)
1.14.2 (2023-03-15)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib (ee6d8f2)
- geo: add new option to reverse coordinates lonLat to latLon (#890) (65bc846)
1.14.1 (2023-01-25)
- app: fix angular/cli (f25fd2e)
- gh-release: github action for zipped build (#895) (37da9ef)
- portal: error on non pwa app on ngsw registration (#897) (5bbdbef)
1.14.0 (2022-12-15)
- mat-form-field-suffix: fix css icon size (#873) (92fb147)
- portal: fix search sf params (#877) (801bdf8)
1.13.4 (2022-11-22)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib (062ddfb)
1.13.3 (2022-11-16)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib 1.13.3 (483e219)
1.13.2 (2022-11-14)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib 1.13.2 (1dcd962)
- geoDB: service to load data from config file into the indexed-db (#847) (75e4d02)
- map-browser: add longpress directive (#852) (8a3b5d6)
1.13.1 (2022-11-07)
- header,spinner: fixed header variables and spinner position (#817) (1cc84e7)
- url with version on share map link (#837) (294c645)
1.13.0 (2022-10-17)
- app: fix tooltip interactivity (#835) (47944a4)
- demo: new url and layer name for these 2 layers (cea148f)
- dev-serve: fix enabled cache on ng serve (#832) (980ba93)
- footer/header: remove spec file (3e03b13)
- readme: fix 1.13.0 link (3b6443e)
1.12.1 (2022-07-13)
1.12.0 (2022-06-23)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib 1.12.0 (e6efda3)
- edition: fix refresh of relation layers (e73e677)
- portal: chrome 101 update app-expansion-panel z-index was set to 1 (3cc2bf8)
- spinner: fix ponctual spinner display problems (#799) (44421de)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib 1.12.0 (72069d5)
- edition: add button is now configurable (#784) (8c7d2e0)
- favorite context for non authenticated user (local storage) (#760) (29c5cb0)
- ogc-filters: ogc filters dom value (#774) (6ae5e79)
- pages: add Header (#803) (b74b981)
1.11.1 (2022-04-07)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib (9041cd6)
1.11.0 (2022-03-30)
- contexts: added ids for Test export context (#713) (542bb28)
- locale: fixed errors in Google strings (#720) (1d9c437)
- portal: missing searchbar (#752) (8d0c3c1)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib (baa6593)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib (690c028)
- edition-workspace: allow layer edition from new edition workspace (#742) (5a09191)
- ogc-filter-time: add alias demo (#733) (3e0834a)
- portal: new configs showMenuButton and showSearchBar (#724) (6920256)
- portal: new homeExtent button (#738) (5e9aa4e)
1.10.0 (2021-12-13)
- toast: allow ctrl-c to copy content (#703) (e8acc0e)
- tour: when the tool was activated by url, the wrong tour was used. (#691) (c76bc01)
- app: provide list-style list options (#659) (c663f1f)
- app: upgrade igo2-lib (036ca47)
- demo: add style context demo. (#702) (a4f7bf5)
- messages: a message is always show when the layer become visible (#697) (496ebe1)
- notification are now based on ngx-toastr (9e02fca)
- portal: allow to control the initial extent by url (#690) (0cc2cad)
1.9.4 (2021-11-16)
- auth: provide a config to setup a key value based on regex value (domain) (#682) (7620768)
- igo2: upgrade igo2-lib (6b07452)
1.9.3 (2021-10-18)
1.9.2 (2021-10-18)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.9.3 (ef85f2b)
1.9.1 (2021-10-13)
1.9.0 (2021-09-22)
- portal: behavior between html getinfo and animation offset x (7c5d767)
1.8.2 (2021-08-12)
- bluedq-theme: add missing app-theming (7b32156)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.8.2 (d8cc7af)
1.8.1 (2021-07-08)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.8.1 (0ee3ce5)
1.8.0 (2021-07-07)
- cadastre: delete cadastre search source (#626) (88fedc0)
- doc: missing examplle for overlaystyle (#640) (b686ce0)
- mobile scroll: fix mobile scroll problem (toolbar and search settings) (#623) (8e181c0)
- ogc-filter docs: fix seletorType attribute (#614) (5ba34f2)
- welcomewindow: trigger the welcome window if no auth url defined (#613) (c2370b0)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.7.2 (a89fd5c)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.8.0 (c9c0c26)
- msal: upgrade msal libs (4202d09)
- theme: create a new theme bluedq (#652) (d3558fb)
1.7.1 (2021-05-03)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.7.1 (3912e82)
1.7.0 (2021-04-26)
- map: order of layers after adding on the fly #530 (5ebce68)
- toast-panel: Info panel display++ (#600) (0a3551f)
- about-tool: add link to IGO training guide (#597) (d567f49)
- auth-interceptor: allow to pass credentials by domain, based on regex (#589) (c33e3b2)
- demo: external provider for catalog (#606) (499d830)
- draw: draw points as icons (#609) (bed595f)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.7.0 (7818a57)
- ogc-filter: adjust ogc filter context to follow ogc filter reshuffle (#601) (87dc63b)
- search: add a method to manage if search results's geometrie are shown on map (#596) (1503af5)
- trainingGuide: allow training guide in depot config (#605) (d6bf024)
1.7.0-alpha.1 (2021-03-15)
- deps: upgrade igo2-lib (d2f214c)
1.6.3 (2021-02-23)
- interactiveTour-mapTools: works when the legend tab is selected (5e5b3b0)
- export: Export format, restricted list by layer, examples (#588) (3ad23f1)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.6.3 (883f71b)
1.6.2 (2021-02-15)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.6.2 (97ce3d4)
1.6.1 (2021-02-02)
- igo2: upgrade to 1.6.1 (3f74e01)
1.6.0 (2021-02-01)
- igo2: upgrade to 1.6.0 (f3904ad)
1.5.3 (2020-11-19)
- igo2-lib: upgrade igo2 to 1.5.3 (9c8a0aa)
- tour: Context interactive tour (#537) (57145a3), closes #536 #540 #541 #540 #541 #543 #545 #546 #513 #411 #414 #410 #417 #416 #423 #426 #412 #424 #413 #428 #427 #429 #437 #448 #446 #449 #412 #485 #487 #488 #536 #540 #541 #551 #549
1.5.2 (2020-11-11)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.5.2 (c822104)
- layer: Bindind layers together (some identified properties and deletion) (#513) (2d8254b), closes #411 #414 #410 #417 #416 #423 #426 #412 #424 #413 #428 #427 #429 #437 #448 #446 #449 #412 #485 #487 #488 #536 #540 #541
- toast-panel: Add a warning icon/tooltip if the selected result is out of the current view. (#541) (b06588b)
1.5.1 (2020-10-20)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.5.1 (554feb9)
1.5.0 (2020-10-16)
- docs: fix url control vector docs (#496) (d37df93)
- interactive-tour: fix menu button click (#498) (a9396f9)
- iphone: zoom auto on form (d6da10b)
- measurer-tool: fix interactive tour (#501) (8c4e74e)
- measurer-tour: remove last ng-reflect attribute (#502) (6dd0a3e)
- portal/toast/interactive: fix release 1.5 (#521) (1612209)
- prod: fix toolbar not working in production (68b2602)
- prod: fix warning build prod (40fadd6)
- search-bar: fix clear search bar item when other tool is open (#490) (845ff04), closes #485 #487 #488
- sidenav: close sidenav when result is selected in mobile (#528) (4351014)
- toast-panel: toast is opened by default (3de8948)
- auth: add microsoft azure authentification (d20a754)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.5.0 (b9ab59b)
- interactive-tour: add measurer tool interactive tour (#489) (0b0cdef), closes #485 #487 #488
- libs: upgrade librairies (#485) (031afce)
- spatial-filter: add spatial filter interactive tour (#492) (fa9fd3a), closes #485 #487 #488
- tour: Interactive tour general (#510) (03830bc)
- welcomeWindow: provide parameters to the welcome message. (#522) (fed8d2a)
- workspace: enabling table view for vector layers (#471) (989f9d4), closes #485 #487 #488
1.4.1 (2020-09-08)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 1.4.3 (9e11606)
1.4.0 (2020-08-04)
- route-params: fix select first result in list (51c1b61)
- toast: fix animation bug when close toast panel (495270f)
- browser: add message for old browsers (bb45f5a)
- libs: upgrade igo2-lib to 1.4.1 (0609c05)
- libs: upgrade igo2-lib to 1.4.2 (6c22f15)
- query-params: add vector layer by url (#480) (e7290bf)
- toast-panel: add storage service for zoom auto and extended getInfo (#470) (7e17029)
- toast-panel: Allow the toast panel (getInfo) to use much larger… (#466) (d5d87b1)
1.3.1 (2020-06-01)
- export: export with IE (#463) (1f58a97)
- pointerPositionByKey: removed because randomly triggered (ff9f1d0)
- igo2-lib: update to 1.3.1 (b5a5374)
1.3.0 (2020-05-11)
- contextManager: default tool after context change (79a1239)
- forceCoordsNA: bad config (5d20457)
- query: zoom auto on single query feature (#429) (17f931a)
- toast-panel: zoom menu icon IE fix (#414) (043ad72)
- catalog-browser-tool: set catalog browser tool title to the selected catalog (#416) (eae7764)
- datasource: Provide options service (#410) (2d98d78)
- docs: cluster documentation and mvt documentation enhanced (#451) (5202295)
- igo2-lib: update to 1.3.0 (8a17f42)
- layers: Enhanced table of content for layers management (#446) (b85c688)
- search results: manage focus/unfocus and select action on search results (and get feature info) (#413) (4e8aa78)
1.2.0 (2020-02-10)
- coordinates: double call to terrapi (fabc5ae)
- html2canvas: fix eval (157e738)
- portal: set searchCoordinate public preperty (f695802)
- portal: WMS URL params bug fix (#362) (71f0739)
- print: Unable to find element in cloned iframe (niklasvh/html2canvas#2067) (75b7d73)
- query: results without geometry (d4c8c51)
- scroll / swipe malfunction in mobile (3c3b23c)
- search-results: display more results fix (#383) (40d4fa6)
- search: add options to invert the coordinates if they are not in North America (668481e)
- toast-panel: swipe not working after gestureConfig changed (a4d91d8)
- analytics: track events (a052134)
- baselayer: the map zoom is now limited by the baselayer (ad89f4d)
- igo2-lib: update to 1.2.0 (e974d7c)
- offlineButton: adding offlineButton (#369) (5d68fb1)
- search-source: provide stored queries search source (9f632c9)
- search: display more results function and manage search bar ter… (#370) (3903722), closes #371
- spatialFilter: add spatial filter in demo (e03a506)
- view: add padding view logic (675279e)
- zoom: Zoom feature (#361) (0c1a5bd)
1.1.0 (2019-11-12)
- demo: demo by theme (08d3ff7)
- demo: print baselayers (4641457)
- fix examples for github (ac9bc64)
- show coord: Internet Explorer issue NaN, NaN (#333) (3dfae50)
- toast: disabled click on disabled button (aa48d0c)
- base: ajust tools (fbfe31f)
- config: add projections (d190be1)
- demo: add push buttons filter (57c7231)
- igo-lib: upgrade 1.1.0 (645bd0c)
- meta: add meta tags from config (56aa55b)
- meta: add meta tags from title/description config (ce80368)
- style: ajust font, theme with libs (d46e49a)
1.0.0 (2019-09-23)
- context: visible property adjustment (default context) (#280) (8b07744)
- coordinates: keep only 6 decimals (3f1b13b)
- home: home button is now using theme (b43184b)
- mapOverlay: move up if expansionPanel is expanded (4a3a4d8)
- minors fixs (80b6c38)
- spinner: directive changed name (dae5a91)
- toast-panel: label select in toast-panel content is now working (#270) (df01cf1)
- toast-panel: query in html takes all space (92f2727)
- igo2: upgrade igo2 lib to 1.0.0 (f065545)
- overlay: add map-overlay (#316) (c421c96)
- query params: re-enable query params (f7aafef)
- search: clean feature, geolocate-button replacement, queryable layer panel resize #275) (f485b8e)
- searchResult: not active tool when already actived (5e859c2)
- search: serach order (d87babc)
0.23.2-alpha.1 (2019-08-15)
- minors fix (141729c)
- context: add measure tool (7572d1b)
- igo2-lib: update igo2-lib (53c52bd)
- igo2: updrade libs (d9c354f)
1.0.0-alpha.0 (2019-08-07)
- addFeature: private to public function (6117749)
- feature: movetoFeature (3e74a25)
- test: upgrade ChromeDriver (86d95f3)
- toast-panel: overflow (56e9bf1)
- filter: minor fixes (c0669a8)
- igo2: update igo2-lib (b003604)
- loading: loading animation (d7fe26d)
- query toas panel: in progress (aba4032)
- query: group by layer title (05a2d96)
- search-source: reseau-transport-quebec (5ca51df)
- search: separe search and query results (fe228b3)
- toast: in progress (bbbba1f)
- upgrade to angular 7 (8a1b52d)
- wfs: wfs table (e76307c)
0.23.1 (2019-02-18)
- analytics: move service provider (37a9d64)
0.23.0 (2019-02-18)
- analyticsService: add matomo service (4fae18b)
- igo2-lib: maj to 0.26.2 (dc2d2a9)
- rotation: Adding a button to reset view rotation. (#244) (0f0d05f)
- url-params: Refining behavior for layers added by URL (wmsUrl & layers) & SIDENAV control by url (#241) (e3bb7e9)
0.22.3 (2019-02-08)
- package: maj package-lock (33a1132)
- theme: add teal-theme (9fbf887)
0.22.2 (2019-02-08)
- lint: remove type annotation (a136077)
- igo2-lib: upgrade (979d1e9)
0.22.1 (2019-02-07)
- package: add live-server (504a21b)
0.22.0 (2019-02-07)
- adding a config to change the title (3a7efce)
- package: updrade igo2-lib (6854e3f)
- theme: add some themes (01218e5)
0.21.3 (2018-12-06)
- igo2-lib: upgrade igo2-lib to 0.23.3 (c149b7f)
0.21.2 (2018-11-02)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 0.24.2 (7d4cf25)
0.21.1 (2018-11-01)
- apis: change url api to apis (46dbaa5)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 0.24.1 (a5afa42)
- igo2: upgrade igo2-lib to 0.24.0 (45f5cf0)
- portal: Open a tool based on url (#236) (a1c6633)
0.21.0 (2018-10-30)
- auth: add auth interceptor (4d9cb7d)
- backdrop: only show backdrop on mobile (faeb280)
- dropGeoFile: directive not working without dragAndDrop (build prod - aot) (2d0d096)
- environnement: searchUrl (8bdee5e)
- map: offset baselayer in prod build (0b8d808)
- toast: detect changes on mobile after selecting a feature (b62f65d)
- itineraire: Routing on osrm (#224) (0c5cdcf)
- scaleline: add scaleline (#226) (4e24fdb)
- search-source: provide reseautq to demo, but set to enabled:false (#233) (703b3e8)
- tool: adding a about tool fully customizable by html. (#234) (848fd7c)
0.20.0 (2018-09-07)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to angular 6 and igo2-lib 0.23 (f1d9d93)
0.19.4 (2018-05-10)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 0.19.10 (94a7f77)
0.19.3 (2018-05-09)
- igo2-lib: upgrade to 0.19.9 (1a6b16e)
0.19.2 (2018-05-04)
- igo2-lib: upgrade igo2-lib (48c9855)
0.19.1 (2018-05-01)
- attribution: attribution is expanded at the opening (165e325)
- igo2-lib: upgrade igo2-lib to 0.19.7 (68de1c5)
0.19.0 (2018-05-01)
- igo2-lib: upgrade igo2-lib to 0.19.6 (a650a8c)
0.18.0 (2018-02-06)
0.17.3 (2018-01-26)
- igo2: upgrade to 0.13.3 (d875c2a)
0.17.2 (2018-01-25)
- igo2: upgrade to 0.13.2 (ef37731)
0.17.1 (2018-01-25)
- mobile: show geometry when feature is selected (3067986)
- igo2: upgrade to 0.13.1 (788ef8b)
0.17.0 (2018-01-12)
- toast: toast is shown when features changes (a7fe6db)
- import-export: upgrade to igo 0.13.0 and add import-export support (f887dd3)
0.16.0 (2017-12-07)
- igo2: upgrade igo2-lib to 0.12.2 (8e21b7e)
0.15.0 (2017-12-06)
- media: tablet media like desktop (9f2c556)
- igo2: upgrade igo2-lib to 0.12.1 (f4d0865)
0.14.0 (2017-12-06)
- toast: add animations and swipe gestures (f7ce74a)
0.13.0 (2017-11-14)
- igo-lib: upgrade igo-lib to 0.11.0 (8b716ee)
0.12.1 (2017-11-03)
- igo2-lib: upgrade igo2-lib to 0.10.2 (b8959ff)
0.12.0 (2017-11-03)
0.11.4 (2017-09-20)
- igo2-lib: upgrade igo2-lib to 0.9.4 (97f1c02)
0.11.3 (2017-09-18)
0.11.2 (2017-09-15)
- igo: upgrade lib to 0.9.3 (65f661a)
0.11.1 (2017-09-08)
- igo-lib: upgrade to 0.9.2 (0f93f5e)
0.11.0 (2017-09-01)
- igo-lib: update igo-lib to 0.9.0 (b9271b6)
- igo-lib: upgrade igo-lib to 0.9.1 (4bdd9ed)
- login: show login form only if api service (983d777)
0.10.0 (2017-06-27)
- searchbar: fix css after upgrade (1ec7c7e)
- package: upgrade igo2-lib to 0.8.1 (8ac341c)
0.9.0 (2017-06-12)
- igo: upgrade igo lib to 0.7.0 (1548298)
0.8.1 (2017-06-02)
- translate: fix Main Menu translation (e3d51fe)
0.8.0 (2017-06-02)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#215) (19a76f1)
- polyfill: add intl polyfill, needed for safari < 10 (56b49f7)
- travis: fix npm cache with npm5 and node v8.0 (#216) (0db0dc2)
- igo-lib: update to 0.5.1 (80d99c1)
- igo2: upgrade igo2 to 0.6.0 (583aaa9)
- loading: add images for loading (#214) (3ebba9c)
- urlParams: add url params to add layer (7646733)
0.7.0 (2017-05-16)
- assets: fix path favicons and remove unused assets (6ba0d97)
- favicon: fix favicon url (e87f1a5)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#209) (5819a03)
- favicon: add favicons for all platforms (#211) (4c33214)
- igo: upgrade igo2 lib (c170878)
- igo: upgrade to igo 0.4.0 with new functionnalities such as printing (#212) (6ad68f5)
- map: can define size of app-root (aa09821)
- print: add print tool (3ffaacc)
- single page app for easier embedding (#213) (cf72d57)
0.6.1 (2017-04-05)
- intl: add polyfill for intl (eb702c9)
0.6.0 (2017-04-04)
- angular: upgrade angular to 4 (#186) (d4367b9)
- layer: add wfs support (#188) (af10a08)
- query: Basic query tool (#181) (e14ac9f)
- query: display results list on query (#187) (6793c84)
- time analyser: add temporary datepickers to the time analyser (#189) (d16c622)
- time analyser: Time analyser basics (#179) (65702d5)
0.5.1 (2017-03-21)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#170) (f1cca8d)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#171) (c678440)
- tool history: Prevent the same tool from appearing more than once in the tool history (#174) (d6df0eb)
0.5.0 (2017-03-16)
- search: change focus/scroll behavior to avoid keyboard glitches … (#154) (83d5472)
- search: fix when request don't have header (403ff7f)
- style: Fix list style (3e3cf02)
- context: Handle invalid JSON (#167) (63efc2c)
- layer list: Basic layer list (#157) (3cff398)
- layer: Dummy layer form (#161) (3262a3d)
- layers: Remove and change order tools (#159) (c65ad92)
- map editor: Basics for the map editor tool (#156) (15ef266)
- message: add message and logging features (#158) (a79c82f)
- openlayers: update to openlayers 4 (#165) (b497155)
0.4.0 (2017-03-03)
- i18n: Change a few translations (#144) (537f4ee)
- ie: Handle null active element in list item directive (0746c25)
- ie: use svg marker instead of font (20f0651)
- layer-wmts: Fix resolutions max (#139) (0207061)
- sidenav focus on close: Prevent the sidenav from focusing the search bar on close (76f2497)
- context tool: Basic file based context tool (#141) (bd2f038)
- context: Base layout for the context editor (#152) (5c36260)
- context: Basics for the context editor tool (#146) (6027b98)
- layer-wms: add support for layers wms (#151) (2872eb8)
- search-bar: Improve the search bar (#138) (3130c78), closes #71 #71
- search: add Layer search source (4610134)
- tool: Keep tool history and go back functionnality (#147) (6a1a337)
0.3.4 (2017-02-23)
- favicon: use favicon 32x32 pixels #127 (#132) (ca31f01)
- ie font issue: Fix material font issue on ie (#130) (0f70a77)
- ie font: Fix material font on IE (#134) (c1808d9)
- searchbar: ie10+ remove x button on inputs (146f185)
- search: fix unsubscribe search call (92e609c)
- translation: change placeholder text in searchbar (4c3e36b)
- baselayer: use https for mapcache (66725ee)
- context file: Load contexts from json files (#126) (2bf8629)
- favicon: add favicon for all browsers (c223951)
- icherche: use https service (65af5dc)
- mobile search enhancements: A few enhancements pour searching o… (#128) (88fbf0a)
- nominatim: use https service (2087649)
- theme: Custom material theme (#137) (9b0adce)
- tooltip: Tooltip example (2b7fc66)
0.3.2 (2017-02-21)
0.3.1 (2017-02-17)
- deps: move angular-cli to @angular/cli (#61) (aa7b28a)
- flex: fix warning "export FlexState was not found" (#105) (11889df)
- icherche: change url (57ce93f)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (184f888)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#49) (a7aac77)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#90) (c5c2a03)
- ui issue: Fix minor ui issue causing scrollbars to appear (2feb8d1)
- Add a toolbar component and keep track of the selected tool (2b7fd78)
- favicon: Change favicon and title (#112) (628bb20)
- Flex pane component and dummy primary/secondary pane (#51) (f027fdc)
- group results: Group results by source in a collapsible component (#98) (73af76d)
- icherche: change url (f829354)
- search result bbox and feature: Use the search result bbox if availabe to pan/zoom the map and add the search result vector feature (7c645c9)
- search result details: Display search result details and integr… (#74) (519084c)
- search result html title: use search result html title when available (a9edd04)
- search result marker: Add a search result marker on the map(#81) (e89e441)
- search results navigation: Add arrow navigation to the search r… (#72) (947e836)
- search result: Search result focused and selected states (#73) (4e7eaf9)
- translate: translate tool panel title (3a9d4e9)
- translate: translate tools (a41dbd5)
- wmts: add WMTS layer support (#107) (0c4d0ff)
- xyz layer: add Xyz layer (#60) (0f857bf)
- zoom: Zoom component (#109) (fd85bf9)
- Revert "test(translate): add missing translate service" (cc1e30e)