Releases: infra-geo-ouverte/igo2
Releases · infra-geo-ouverte/igo2
1.2.0 (2020-02-10)
Bug Fixes
- scroll / swipe malfunction in mobile (3c3b23c)
- coordinates: double call to terrapi (fabc5ae)
- html2canvas: fix eval (157e738)
- portal: set searchCoordinate public preperty (f695802)
- portal: WMS URL params bug fix (#362) (71f0739)
- print: Unable to find element in cloned iframe (niklasvh/html2canvas#2067) (75b7d73)
- query: results without geometry (d4c8c51)
- search: add options to invert the coordinates if they are not in North America (668481e)
- search-results: display more results fix (#383) (40d4fa6)
- toast-panel: swipe not working after gestureConfig changed (a4d91d8)
- analytics: track events (a052134)
- baselayer: the map zoom is now limited by the baselayer (ad89f4d)
- igo2-lib: update to 1.2.0 (e974d7c)
- offlineButton: adding offlineButton (#369) (5d68fb1)
- search: display more results function and manage search bar ter… (#370) (3903722), closes #371
- search-source: provide stored queries search source (9f632c9)
- spatialFilter: add spatial filter in demo (e03a506)
- view: add padding view logic (675279e)
- zoom: Zoom feature (#361) (0c1a5bd)
1.0.0 (2019-09-23)
Bug Fixes
- minors fixs (80b6c38)
- context: visible property adjustment (default context) (#280) (8b07744)
- coordinates: keep only 6 decimals (3f1b13b)
- home: home button is now using theme (b43184b)
- mapOverlay: move up if expansionPanel is expanded (4a3a4d8)
- spinner: directive changed name (dae5a91)
- toast-panel: label select in toast-panel content is now working (#270) (df01cf1)
- toast-panel: query in html takes all space (92f2727)
- igo2: upgrade igo2 lib to 1.0.0 (f065545)
- overlay: add map-overlay (#316) (c421c96)
- query params: re-enable query params (f7aafef)
- search: clean feature, geolocate-button replacement, queryable layer panel resize #275) (f485b8e)
- search: serach order (d87babc)
- searchResult: not active tool when already actived (5e859c2)
1.0.0-alpha.0 (2019-08-07)
Bug Fixes
- addFeature: private to public function (6117749)
- feature: movetoFeature (3e74a25)
- test: upgrade ChromeDriver (86d95f3)
- toast-panel: overflow (56e9bf1)
- upgrade to angular 7 (8a1b52d)
- filter: minor fixes (c0669a8)
- igo2: update igo2-lib (b003604)
- loading: loading animation (d7fe26d)
- query: group by layer title (05a2d96)
- query toas panel: in progress (aba4032)
- search: separe search and query results (fe228b3)
- search-source: reseau-transport-quebec (5ca51df)
- toast: in progress (bbbba1f)
- wfs: wfs table (e76307c)