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Module that deploys self-hosted GitHub Actions runner.

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The module will create an autoscaling group and register its instances as GitHub Actions self-hosted runners.


To make it work, the module needs a secret storing a GitHub classic token with org:admin permissions. Alternatively, the module can use temporary GitHub tokens generated bya GitHub App.

Either github_token_secret_arn or github_app_pem_secret_arn is required.

Note: the module registers organization level runners only even though GitHub itself allows to have repo-specific runners.

module "actions-runner" {
  source                   = ""
  version                  = "~> 2.0"
  asg_min_size             = 1
  asg_max_size             = 1
  subnet_ids               = var.subnet_private_ids
  environment              = local.environment
  github_org_name          = "infrahouse"
  ==== either
  github_token_secret_arn  = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-1:123456789:secret:GITHUB_TOKEN-xyz"
  ---- or
  github_app_pem_secret_arn = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-1:123456789:secret:action-runner-pem-xyz"
  github_app_id             = 123456  # required if using GitHub App for authentication     
  keypair_name             = aws_key_pair.jumphost.key_name
  puppet_hiera_config_path = "/opt/infrahouse-puppet-data/environments/${local.environment}/hiera.yaml"
  packages = [
  extra_labels = ["awesome"]

It's not a bad idea to check test_data/actions-runner/ and other files in the directory. They're a part of Terraform unit test and are supposed to work.


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.5
aws >= 5.31
cloudinit >= 2.3
null >= 3.2
random >= 3.5
tls >= 4.0


Name Version
aws >= 5.31
random >= 3.5
tls >= 4.0


Name Source Version
instance-profile 1.5.1
registration ./modules/runner_registration n/a
userdata 1.16.0


Name Type
aws_autoscaling_group.actions-runner resource
aws_autoscaling_lifecycle_hook.terminating resource
aws_iam_policy.required resource
aws_key_pair.actions-runner resource
aws_launch_template.actions-runner resource
aws_security_group.actions-runner resource
aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule.default resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.icmp resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.ssh resource
random_string.asg_name resource
random_string.profile-suffix resource
random_string.reg_token_suffix resource
tls_private_key.actions-runner resource
aws_ami.selected data source
aws_ami.ubuntu data source
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_default_tags.provider data source
aws_iam_policy_document.required_permissions data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_subnet.selected data source
aws_vpc.selected data source


Name Description Type Default Required
allowed_drain_time How many seconds to give a running job to finish after the instance fails health checks. Maximum allowed value is 900 seconds. number 900 no
ami_id AMI id for EC2 instances. By default, latest Ubuntu var.ubuntu_codename. string null no
asg_max_size Maximum number of EC2 instances in the ASG. By default, the number of subnets plus one. number null no
asg_min_size Minimal number of EC2 instances in the ASG. By default, the number of subnets. number null no
environment Environment name. Passed on as a puppet fact. string n/a yes
extra_files Additional files to create on an instance.
content = string
path = string
permissions = string
[] no
extra_labels A list of strings to be added as actions runner labels. list(string) [] no
extra_policies A map of additional policy ARNs to attach to the instance role. map(string) {} no
extra_repos Additional APT repositories to configure on an instance.
source = string
key = string
{} no
github_app_id GitHub App that gives out GitHub tokens for Terraform. Required if github_app_pem_secret_arn is not null. For instance, any null no
github_app_pem_secret_arn ARN of a secret that stores GitHub App PEM key. Either github_token_secret_arn or github_app_pem_secret_arn is required. string null no
github_org_name GitHub organization name. string n/a yes
github_token_secret_arn ARN of a secret that stores GitHub token. Either github_token_secret_arn or github_app_pem_secret_arn is required. string null no
instance_type EC2 Instance type string "t3a.micro" no
keypair_name SSH key pair name that will be added to the postfix instance.By default, create and use a new SSH keypair. string null no
max_instance_lifetime_days The maximum amount of time, in _days_, that an instance can be in service, values must be either equal to 0 or between 7 and 365 days. number 30 no
on_demand_base_capacity If specified, the ASG will request spot instances and this will be the minimal number of on-demand instances. number null no
packages List of packages to install when the instances bootstraps. list(string) [] no
puppet_debug_logging Enable debug logging if true. bool false no
puppet_environmentpath A path for directory environments. string "{root_directory}/environments" no
puppet_hiera_config_path Path to hiera configuration file. string "{root_directory}/environments/{environment}/hiera.yaml" no
puppet_manifest Path to puppet manifest. By default ih-puppet will apply {root_directory}/environments/{environment}/manifests/site.pp. string null no
puppet_module_path Path to common puppet modules. string "{root_directory}/environments/{environment}/modules:{root_directory}/modules" no
puppet_root_directory Path where the puppet code is hosted. string "/opt/puppet-code" no
python_version Python version to run lambda on. Must one of string "python3.12" no
role_name IAM role name that will be created and used by EC2 instances string "actions-runner" no
root_volume_size Root volume size in EC2 instance in Gigabytes number 30 no
subnet_ids List of subnet ids where the actions runner instances will be created. list(string) n/a yes
tags A map of tags to add to resources. map {} no
ubuntu_codename Ubuntu version to use for the actions runner. string "jammy" no


Name Description
runner_role_arn An actions runner EC2 instance role ARN.


Module that deploys self-hosted GitHub Actions runner.






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