A tiny plugin for toggling floating terminals and windows, inspired by toggleterm.nvim.
- Easily toggle floating terminals and custom windows using
. - Customize window size, position, and appearance.
- Support for different terminal commands, working directories, and window options.
- Dynamic alignment helpers (
Install with your favorite package manager. For example, in lazy.nvim:
{ "ingur/floatty.nvim" }
-- initialize config
local term = require("floatty").setup({})
-- set toggle keybinds (supports v:count by default!)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-t>', function() term.toggle() end)
vim.keymap.set('t', '<C-t>', function() term.toggle() end)
-- NOTE: all options can be functions to be evaluated
local defaults = {
file = nil, -- File to open (if any)
cmd = vim.o.shell, -- Terminal command to run
cwd = vim.fn.getcwd, -- Working directory of the command
id = function() return vim.v.count end, -- Identifier for the float
start_in_insert = true, -- Start in insert mode
focus = true, -- Focus the window after opening
window = {
h_align = "center", -- "left", "center", "right"
v_align = "center", -- "top", "center", "bottom"
row = nil, -- Supports percentages (<=1) and absolute sizes (>1)
col = nil, -- Supports percentages (<=1) and absolute sizes (>1)
width = 0.8, -- Supports percentages (<=1) and absolute sizes (>1)
height = 0.8, -- Supports percentages (<=1) and absolute sizes (>1)
border = "rounded", -- Border style
zindex = 50, -- Z-index of the float
title = "", -- window title
title_pos = "center", -- "left", "center", "right"
-- see :h nvim_open_win() for more config options
wo = { -- Window-local options
cursorcolumn = false,
cursorline = false,
cursorlineopt = "both",
fillchars = "eob: ,lastline:…",
list = false,
listchars = "extends:…,tab: ",
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
signcolumn = "no",
spell = false,
winbar = "",
statuscolumn = "",
wrap = false,
sidescrolloff = 0,
-- other window options are also supported
local term = require("floatty").setup({
window = {
row = function() return vim.o.lines - 11 end,
width = 1.0,
height = 8,
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-t>', function() term.toggle() end)
vim.keymap.set('t', '<C-t>', function() term.toggle() end)
local lazygit = require("floatty").setup({
cmd = "lazygit",
id = vim.fn.getcwd, -- Use the current working directory as the float's ID
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-g>', function() lazygit.toggle() end)
vim.keymap.set('t', '<C-g>', function() lazygit.toggle() end)
local term = require("floatty").setup()
local layout = "horizontal"
term.toggle_layout = function()
layout = layout == "horizontal" and "vertical" or "horizontal"
if layout == "horizontal" then
term.window = {
row = function() return vim.o.lines - 11 end,
width = 1.0,
height = 8,
h_align = "center",
term.window = {
row = nil,
height = function() return vim.o.lines - 3 end,
width = 0.25,
h_align = "right",
v_align = "top",
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>tt', term.toggle_layout)