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[CO-410] Finish "splitting" test-suites
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Co-authored-by: Jordan Millar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Michael Hueschen <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed Oct 23, 2018
1 parent 7b49711 commit 94bbdaf
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Showing 35 changed files with 679 additions and 587 deletions.
181 changes: 99 additions & 82 deletions chain/test/Test/Pos/Chain/Block/Arbitrary.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ module Test.Pos.Chain.Block.Arbitrary
, genMainBlockBody
, genMainBlockBodyForSlot
, genMainBlock
, genHeaderAndParams
, genStubbedBHL
) where

import Universum
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,7 +50,6 @@ import Test.Pos.Chain.Ssc.Arbitrary (SscPayloadDependsOnSlot (..),
import Test.Pos.Chain.Txp.Arbitrary (genTxPayload)
import Test.Pos.Chain.Update.Arbitrary (genUpdatePayload)
import Test.Pos.Core.Arbitrary (genSlotId)
import Test.Pos.Crypto.Dummy (dummyProtocolMagic)

newtype BodyDependsOnSlot body = BodyDependsOnSlot
{ genBodyDepsOnSlot :: Core.SlotId -> Gen body
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,8 +99,9 @@ instance Arbitrary Block.GenesisBody where
shrink = genericShrink

instance Arbitrary Block.GenesisBlock where
arbitrary = Block.mkGenesisBlock dummyProtocolMagic
<$> (maybe (Left dummyGenesisHash) Right <$> arbitrary)
arbitrary = Block.mkGenesisBlock
<$> arbitrary
<*> (maybe (Left dummyGenesisHash) Right <$> arbitrary)
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
shrink = genericShrink
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,7 +131,8 @@ instance Arbitrary Block.MainBlockHeader where
prevHash <- arbitrary
difficulty <- arbitrary
body <- arbitrary
genMainBlockHeader dummyProtocolMagic prevHash difficulty body
pm <- arbitrary
genMainBlockHeader pm prevHash difficulty body
shrink = genericShrink

instance Arbitrary Block.MainExtraHeaderData where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,7 +200,8 @@ instance Arbitrary (BodyDependsOnSlot Block.MainBody) where
txPayload <- arbitrary
generator <- genPayloadDependsOnSlot <$> arbitrary
mpcData <- generator slotId
dlgPayload <- genDlgPayload dummyProtocolMagic $ Core.siEpoch slotId
pm <- arbitrary
dlgPayload <- genDlgPayload pm $ Core.siEpoch slotId
mpcUpload <- arbitrary
return $ Block.MainBody txPayload mpcData dlgPayload mpcUpload

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,13 +234,14 @@ genMainBlock pm prevHash difficulty = do
instance Arbitrary Block.MainBlock where
arbitrary = do
slot <- arbitrary
pm <- arbitrary
bv <- arbitrary
sv <- arbitrary
prevHeader <- maybe (Left dummyGenesisHash) Right <$> arbitrary
sk <- arbitrary
BodyDependsOnSlot {..} <- arbitrary :: Gen (BodyDependsOnSlot Block.MainBody)
body <- genBodyDepsOnSlot slot
pure $ mkMainBlock dummyProtocolMagic bv sv prevHeader slot sk Nothing body
pure $ mkMainBlock pm bv sv prevHeader slot sk Nothing body
shrink = genericShrink

instance Buildable (Block.BlockHeader, PublicKey) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,26 +279,28 @@ instance Show BlockHeaderList where
-- * if an epoch is `n` slots long, every `n+1`-th block will be of the
-- genesis kind.
:: GenesisHash
:: ProtocolMagic
-> GenesisHash
-> Bool -- ^ Whether to create genesis block before creating main block for 0th slot
-> [Either SecretKey (SecretKey, SecretKey)]
-> [Core.SlotId]
-> [Block.BlockHeader]
-> Gen [Block.BlockHeader]
recursiveHeaderGen gHash
recursiveHeaderGen pm
(eitherOfLeader : leaders)
(Core.SlotId{..} : rest)
| genesis && Core.getSlotIndex siSlot == 0 = do
gBody <- arbitrary
let pHeader = maybe (Left gHash) Right ((fmap fst . uncons) blockchain)
gHeader = Block.BlockHeaderGenesis $ Block.mkGenesisHeader dummyProtocolMagic pHeader siEpoch gBody
gHeader = Block.BlockHeaderGenesis $ Block.mkGenesisHeader pm pHeader siEpoch gBody
mHeader <- genMainHeader (Just gHeader)
recursiveHeaderGen gHash True leaders rest (mHeader : gHeader : blockchain)
recursiveHeaderGen pm gHash True leaders rest (mHeader : gHeader : blockchain)
| otherwise = do
curHeader <- genMainHeader ((fmap fst . uncons) blockchain)
recursiveHeaderGen gHash True leaders rest (curHeader : blockchain)
recursiveHeaderGen pm gHash True leaders rest (curHeader : blockchain)
genMainHeader prevHeader = do
body <- arbitrary
Expand All @@ -306,13 +313,13 @@ recursiveHeaderGen gHash
Left sk -> (sk, Nothing)
Right (issuerSK, delegateSK) ->
let delegatePK = toPublic delegateSK
proxy = ( createPsk dummyProtocolMagic issuerSK delegatePK (Core.HeavyDlgIndex siEpoch)
proxy = ( createPsk pm issuerSK delegatePK (Core.HeavyDlgIndex siEpoch)
, toPublic issuerSK)
in (delegateSK, Just proxy)
pure $ Block.BlockHeaderMain $
Block.mkMainHeader dummyProtocolMagic (maybe (Left gHash) Right prevHeader) slotId leader proxySK body extraHData
recursiveHeaderGen _ _ [] _ b = return b
recursiveHeaderGen _ _ _ [] b = return b
Block.mkMainHeader pm (maybe (Left gHash) Right prevHeader) slotId leader proxySK body extraHData
recursiveHeaderGen _ _ _ [] _ b = return b
recursiveHeaderGen _ _ _ _ [] b = return b

-- | Maximum start epoch in block header verification tests
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,19 +348,25 @@ bhlEpochs = 2
-- Note that a leader is generated for each slot.
-- (Not exactly a leader - see previous comment)
instance Arbitrary BlockHeaderList where
arbitrary = do
incompleteEpochSize <- choose (1, dummyEpochSlots - 1)
let slot = Core.SlotId 0 localSlotIndexMinBound
generateBHL dummyGenesisHash True slot (dummyEpochSlots * bhlEpochs + incompleteEpochSize)
arbitrary = arbitrary >>= genStubbedBHL

:: ProtocolMagic
-> Gen BlockHeaderList
genStubbedBHL pm = do
incompleteEpochSize <- choose (1, dummyEpochSlots - 1)
let slot = Core.SlotId 0 localSlotIndexMinBound
generateBHL pm dummyGenesisHash True slot (dummyEpochSlots * bhlEpochs + incompleteEpochSize)

:: GenesisHash
:: ProtocolMagic
-> GenesisHash
-> Bool -- ^ Whether to create genesis block before creating main
-- block for 0th slot
-> Core.SlotId -- ^ Start slot
-> Core.SlotCount -- ^ Slot count
-> Gen BlockHeaderList
generateBHL gHash createInitGenesis startSlot slotCount = BHL <$> do
generateBHL pm gHash createInitGenesis startSlot slotCount = BHL <$> do
let correctLeaderGen :: Gen (Either SecretKey (SecretKey, SecretKey))
correctLeaderGen =
-- We don't want to create blocks with self-signed psks
Expand All @@ -368,6 +381,7 @@ generateBHL gHash createInitGenesis startSlot slotCount = BHL <$> do
[Core.flattenSlotId dummyEpochSlots startSlot ..]
(, actualLeaders) <$>
Expand All @@ -383,69 +397,72 @@ newtype HeaderAndParams = HAndP
{ getHAndP :: (Block.VerifyHeaderParams, Block.BlockHeader)
} deriving (Eq, Show)

genHeaderAndParams :: ProtocolMagic -> Gen HeaderAndParams
genHeaderAndParams pm = do
-- This integer is used as a seed to randomly choose a slot down below
seed <- arbitrary :: Gen Int
startSlot <- Core.SlotId <$> choose (0, bhlMaxStartingEpoch) <*> arbitrary
(headers, leaders) <- first reverse . getHeaderList <$>
(generateBHL pm dummyGenesisHash True startSlot =<< choose (1, 2))
let num = length headers
-- 'skip' is the random number of headers that should be skipped in
-- the header chain. This ensures different parts of it are chosen
-- each time.
skip <- choose (0, num - 1)
let atMost2HeadersAndLeaders = take 2 $ drop skip headers
(prev, header) =
case atMost2HeadersAndLeaders of
[h] -> (Nothing, h)
[h1, h2] -> (Just h1, h2)
_ -> error "[BlockSpec] the headerchain doesn't have enough headers"
-- This binding captures the chosen header's epoch. It is used to
-- drop all all leaders of headers from previous epochs.
thisEpochStartIndex = fromIntegral dummyEpochSlots *
fromIntegral (header ^. Core.epochIndexL)
thisHeadersEpoch = drop thisEpochStartIndex leaders
-- A helper function. Given integers 'x' and 'y', it chooses a
-- random integer in the interval [x, y]
betweenXAndY :: Random a => a -> a -> a
betweenXAndY x y = fst . randomR (x, y) . mkStdGen $ seed
-- One of the fields in the 'VerifyHeaderParams' type is 'Just
-- SlotId'. The following binding is where it is calculated.
randomSlotBeforeThisHeader =
case header of
-- If the header is of the genesis kind, this field is
-- not needed.
Block.BlockHeaderGenesis _ -> Nothing
-- If it's a main blockheader, then a valid "current"
-- SlotId for testing is any with an epoch greater than
-- the header's epoch and with any slot index, or any in
-- the same epoch but with a greater or equal slot index
-- than the header.
Block.BlockHeaderMain h -> -- Nothing {-
let (Core.SlotId e s) = view Block.headerSlotL h
rndEpoch :: Core.EpochIndex
rndEpoch = betweenXAndY e maxBound
rndSlotIdx :: Core.LocalSlotIndex
rndSlotIdx = if rndEpoch > e
then betweenXAndY localSlotIndexMinBound (localSlotIndexMaxBound dummyEpochSlots)
else betweenXAndY s (localSlotIndexMaxBound dummyEpochSlots)
rndSlot = Core.SlotId rndEpoch rndSlotIdx
in Just rndSlot
hasUnknownAttributes =
not . areAttributesKnown $
case header of
Block.BlockHeaderGenesis h -> h ^. Block.gbhExtra . Block.gehAttributes
Block.BlockHeaderMain h -> h ^. Block.gbhExtra . Block.mehAttributes
params = Block.VerifyHeaderParams
{ Block.vhpPrevHeader = prev
, Block.vhpCurrentSlot = randomSlotBeforeThisHeader
, Block.vhpLeaders = nonEmpty $ map Core.addressHash thisHeadersEpoch
, Block.vhpMaxSize = Just (biSize header)
, Block.vhpVerifyNoUnknown = not hasUnknownAttributes
return . HAndP $ (params, header)

-- | A lot of the work to generate a valid sequence of blockheaders has
-- already been done in the 'Arbitrary' instance of the 'BlockHeaderList'
-- type, so it is used here and at most 3 blocks are taken from the generated
-- list.
instance Arbitrary HeaderAndParams where
arbitrary = do
-- This integer is used as a seed to randomly choose a slot down below
seed <- arbitrary :: Gen Int
startSlot <- Core.SlotId <$> choose (0, bhlMaxStartingEpoch) <*> arbitrary
(headers, leaders) <- first reverse . getHeaderList <$>
(generateBHL dummyGenesisHash True startSlot =<< choose (1, 2))
let num = length headers
-- 'skip' is the random number of headers that should be skipped in
-- the header chain. This ensures different parts of it are chosen
-- each time.
skip <- choose (0, num - 1)
let atMost2HeadersAndLeaders = take 2 $ drop skip headers
(prev, header) =
case atMost2HeadersAndLeaders of
[h] -> (Nothing, h)
[h1, h2] -> (Just h1, h2)
_ -> error "[BlockSpec] the headerchain doesn't have enough headers"
-- This binding captures the chosen header's epoch. It is used to
-- drop all all leaders of headers from previous epochs.
thisEpochStartIndex = fromIntegral dummyEpochSlots *
fromIntegral (header ^. Core.epochIndexL)
thisHeadersEpoch = drop thisEpochStartIndex leaders
-- A helper function. Given integers 'x' and 'y', it chooses a
-- random integer in the interval [x, y]
betweenXAndY :: Random a => a -> a -> a
betweenXAndY x y = fst . randomR (x, y) . mkStdGen $ seed
-- One of the fields in the 'VerifyHeaderParams' type is 'Just
-- SlotId'. The following binding is where it is calculated.
randomSlotBeforeThisHeader =
case header of
-- If the header is of the genesis kind, this field is
-- not needed.
Block.BlockHeaderGenesis _ -> Nothing
-- If it's a main blockheader, then a valid "current"
-- SlotId for testing is any with an epoch greater than
-- the header's epoch and with any slot index, or any in
-- the same epoch but with a greater or equal slot index
-- than the header.
Block.BlockHeaderMain h -> -- Nothing {-
let (Core.SlotId e s) = view Block.headerSlotL h
rndEpoch :: Core.EpochIndex
rndEpoch = betweenXAndY e maxBound
rndSlotIdx :: Core.LocalSlotIndex
rndSlotIdx = if rndEpoch > e
then betweenXAndY localSlotIndexMinBound (localSlotIndexMaxBound dummyEpochSlots)
else betweenXAndY s (localSlotIndexMaxBound dummyEpochSlots)
rndSlot = Core.SlotId rndEpoch rndSlotIdx
in Just rndSlot
hasUnknownAttributes =
not . areAttributesKnown $
case header of
Block.BlockHeaderGenesis h -> h ^. Block.gbhExtra . Block.gehAttributes
Block.BlockHeaderMain h -> h ^. Block.gbhExtra . Block.mehAttributes
params = Block.VerifyHeaderParams
{ Block.vhpPrevHeader = prev
, Block.vhpCurrentSlot = randomSlotBeforeThisHeader
, Block.vhpLeaders = nonEmpty $ map Core.addressHash thisHeadersEpoch
, Block.vhpMaxSize = Just (biSize header)
, Block.vhpVerifyNoUnknown = not hasUnknownAttributes
return . HAndP $ (params, header)
arbitrary = arbitrary >>= genHeaderAndParams

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