CVE Binary Tool 0.3.0
The 0.3.0 release adds Windows support to the cve-bin-tool, with many thanks to @wzao1515 who has been doing amazing work as our Google Summer of Code Student!
New checkers in this release:
- icu
- kerberos
- libgcrypt
- libjpeg
- sqlite
- systemd
New flags:
- -s / --skip
- allows you to disable a list of checkers
- -m / --multithread
- lets the scanner run in multithreaded mode for improved performance
- -u / --update
- allows you to choose if the CVE information is updated. Default is daily.
This release also contains a number of bugfixes and improved signatures.
Many thanks to our new contributors in this release:
@wzao1515 @PrajwalM2212 @rossburton @giridharprasath @sannanansari @sanketsaurav @bksahu @CaptainDaVinci
As well as the many people who reported bugs and helped us make things better!