🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, Richard Simpson (@RichiCoder1), for all your work!
🚀 Enhancement
- Add Docker Publish Plugin #1510 (@RichiCoder1)
🐛 Bug Fix
- respect registry set in lerna publish command #1519 (@hipstersmoothie)
🔩 Dependency Updates
- Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 3.9.1 to 3.10.1 #1505 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump eslint-plugin-jsdoc from 30.3.0 to 30.3.3 #1518 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump fp-ts from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2 #1513 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump @types/jsdom from 16.2.3 to 16.2.4 #1515 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump io-ts from 2.2.9 to 2.2.10 #1495 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 3.9.1 to 4.0.0 #1506 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump jest-circus from 26.4.0 to 26.4.2 #1499 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump husky from 4.2.5 to 4.3.0 #1517 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump eslint from 7.6.0 to 7.8.0 #1502 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump eslint-plugin-jsdoc from 30.2.1 to 30.3.0 #1504 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump simple-react-lightbox from 3.2.3 to 3.3.4 #1497 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump jsdom from 16.3.0 to 16.4.0 #1496 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump jest from 26.3.0 to 26.4.2 #1494 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump file-type from 14.7.1 to 15.0.0 #1512 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
Authors: 3
- @dependabot-preview[bot]
- Andrew Lisowski (@hipstersmoothie)
- Richard Simpson (@RichiCoder1)