This README provides a brief overview of the Micro Vision Architecture UML diagram. The architecture is composed of several key components, which are organized into a cloud provider and the Ethereum network.
The cloud provider hosts the following components:
Public FrontEnd: The user interface of the solution, built using open-source frontend frameworks like Angular, Vue.js, or React.js. It can be deployed on a storage solution or an HTTP server.
Back Office - Private Frontend: The administrative web interface of the solution, also built using open-source frontend frameworks. It can also be deployed on a storage solution or an HTTP server.
API Node - Core API: The main REST APIs used by the solution. Both the Public FrontEnd and Back Office communicate with the Core API using REST.
Message Oriented Middleware (MOM): Provides asynchronous processing using solutions like Apache Kafka, AWS SQS, or AMQP. It communicates with the Core API through async events.
Identity Provider: Handles authentication and authorization using off-the-shelf solutions like Keycloak based on open standards like XAML, OpenID.
Relational Database: A database solution such as Postgres or MySQL, used for common relational database functionalities.
Storage: Cloud storage solutions like AWS S3 or Google Storage for storing files and auditable information.
The Ethereum network consists of the following smart contracts:
- MultiSignature: A multisignature smart contract.
- TokenSmartContract: A token smart contract.
These smart contracts interact with the Core API in the cloud provider.
The UML diagram provides a visual representation of these components and their relationships.