Dekorate is a collection of Java compile-time generators and decorators for Kubernetes/OpenShift manifests.
It makes generating Kubernetes manifests as easy as adding a dependency to the classpath and customizing as simple as setting an annotation or application property.
Stop wasting time editing xml, json and yml and customize the kubernetes manifests as you configure your java application.
This project was originally called ap4k
which stood for Annotation Processors for Kubernetes
As the project now supports decorating
of kubernetes manifests without the use of annotations, the name ap4k
no longer describes the project in the best possible way. So, the project has been renamed to dekorate
- Generates manifest via annotation processing
- Customize manifests using annotations
- Kubernetes
- labels
- annotations
- environment variables
- mounts
- ports and services
- jvm options
- init containers
- sidecars
- OpenShift
- image streams
- build configurations
- Prometheus
- service instances
- inject bindings into pods
- Kubernetes
- Build tool independent (works with maven, gradle, bazel and so on)
- Rich framework integration
- Port, Service and Probe auto configuration
- Generic Java
- Spring Boot
- Quarkus
- Port, Service and Probe auto configuration
- Configuration externalization for known frameworks (annotationless)
- Spring Boot
- Integration with external generators
- Rich set of examples
- Explicit configuration of annotation processors
- junit5 integration testing extension
- Register hooks for triggering builds and deployment
- Build hooks
- Docker build hook
- Source to image build hook
- Jib build hook
- Build hooks
There are tons of tools out there for scaffolding / generating kubernetes manifests. Sooner or later these manifests will require customization. Handcrafting is not an appealing option. Using external tools, is often too generic. Using build tool extensions and adding configuration via xml, groovy etc is a step forward, but still not optimal.
Annotation processing has quite a few advantages over external tools or build tool extensions:
- Configuration is validated by the compiler.
- Leverages tools like the IDE for writing type safe config (checking, completion etc).
- Works with all build tools.
- Can "react" to annotations provided by the framework.
This section provides examples on how to get started based on the framework you are using.
NOTE: All examples in README using the version that corresponds to the target branch. On github master that is the latest 2.x release.
Add the following dependency to your project:
That's all! Next time you perform a build, using something like:
mvn clean package
The generated manifests can be found under target/classes/META-INF/dekorate
Add the following dependency to your project:
That's all! Next time you perform a build, using something like:
mvn clean package
The generated manifests can be found under target/kubernetes
Note: Quarkus is using its own dekorate
based Kubernetes extension (see more at Quarkus).
Add the following dependency to your project:
That's all! Next time you perform a build, using something like:
mvn clean package
The generated manifests can be found under target/classes/META-INF/dekorate
Add the following dependency to your project:
Then add the @Dekorate
annotation to one of your Java source files.
package org.acme;
import io.dekorate.annotation.Dekorate;
public class Application {
Note: It doesn't have to be the Main
Next time you perform a build, using something like:
mvn clean package
The generated manifests can be found under target/classes/META-INF/dekorate
To start using this project you just need to add one of the provided dependencies to your project.
For known frameworks like spring boot, quarkus, or thorntail that's enough.
For generic java projects, we also need to add an annotation that expresses our intent to enable dekorate
This annotation can be either @Dekorate or a more specialized one, which also gives us access to more specific configuration options. Further configuration is feasible using:
- Java annotations
- Configuration properties (
- Both
A complete reference of the supported properties can be found in the configuration options guide.
@KubernetesApplication is a more specialized form of @Dekorate. It can be added to your project like:
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your application code goes here.
When the project gets compiled, the annotation will trigger the generation of a Deployment
in both json and yml that
will end up under 'target/classes/META-INF/dekorate'.
The annotation comes with a lot of parameters, which can be used in order to customize the Deployment
and/or trigger
the generations of addition resources, like Service
and Ingress
This module can be added to the project using:
So where did the generated Deployment
gets its name, docker image etc from?
Everything can be customized via annotation parameters, application configuration and system properties. On top of that, lightweight integration with build tools is provided in order to reduce duplication.
Note, that part-of, name and version are part of multiple annotations / configuration groups etc.
When a single application configuration is found and no explict image configuration value has been used for (group, name & version), values from the application configuration will be used.
For example:
public class Main {
In the example above, docker is configured with no explicit value on name
. In this case that name from @KubernetesApplication(name="my-app")
will be used.
The same applies when property configuration is used:
Note: Application configuration part-of
corresponds to image configuration group
Lightweight integration with build tools, refers to reading information from the build tool config without bringing in the build tool itself into the classpath. The information read from the build tool is limited to:
- name / artifactId
- version
- output file
For example in the case of maven it refers to parsing the pom.xml with DOM in order to fetch the artifactId and version.
Supported build tools:
- maven
- gradle
- sbt
- bazel
For all other build tools, the name and version need to be provided via
or the core annotations:
@KubernetesApplication(name = "my-app", version="1.1.0.Final")
public class Main {
@OpenshiftApplication(name = "my-app", version="1.1.0.Final")
public class Main {
and so on...
The information read from the build tool, is added to all resources as labels (name, version). They are also used to name images, containers, deployments, services etc.
For example for a gradle app, with the following
name = my-gradle-app
version = 1.0.0
The following deployment will be generated:
apiVersion: "apps/v1"
kind: "Deployment"
name: "kubernetes-example"
replicas: 1
matchLabels: "my-gradle-app" "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
labels: "my-gradle-app" "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
- env:
fieldPath: "metadata.namespace"
image: "default/my-gradle-app:1.0-SNAPSHOT"
imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
name: "my-gradle-app"
The output file name may be used in certain cases, to set the value of JAVA_APP_JAR
an environment variable that points to the build jar.
To add extra ports to the container, you can add one or more @Port
into your @KubernetesApplication:
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Port;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
@KubernetesApplication(ports = @Port(name = "web", containerPort = 8080))
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
This will trigger the addition of a container port to the Deployment
but also will trigger the generation of a Service
Everything that can be defined using annotations, can also be defined using
To add a port using
NOTE: This doesn't need to be done explicitly, if the application framework is detected and support, ports can be extracted from there (see below).
IMPORTANT: When mixing annotations and
the latter will always take precedence overriding values that defined using annotations.
This allows users to define the configuration using annotations and externalize configuration to
REMINDER: A complete reference on all the supported properties can be found in the configuration options guide.
To add extra environment variables to the container, you can add one or more @EnvVar
into your @KubernetesApplication :
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Env;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
@KubernetesApplication(envVars = @Env(name = "key1", value = "var1"))
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
Additional options are provided for adding environment variables from fields, config maps and secrets.
To add environment variables using
To add an environment variable that points to a ConfigMap property, you need to specify the configmap using the configmap
property in the @Env annotation.
The configmap key will be specified by the value
property. So, in this case value
has the meaning of value from key
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Env;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
@KubernetesApplication(envVars = @Env(name = "key1", configmap="my-config", value = "key1"))
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
To add an environment variable referencing a config map using
To add an environment variable that points to a Secret property, you need to specify the configmap using the secret
property in the @Env annotation.
The secret key will be specified by the value
property. So, in this case value
has the meaning of value from key
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Env;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
@KubernetesApplication(envVars = @Env(name = "key1", secret="my-secret", value = "key1"))
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
To add an environment variable referencing a secret using
To define volumes and mounts for your application, you can use something like:
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Mount;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.PersistentVolumeClaimVolume;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
@KubernetesApplication(pvcVolumes = @PersistentVolumeClaimVolume(volumeName = "mysql-volume", claimName = "mysql-pvc"),
mounts = @Mount(name = "mysql-volume", path = "/var/lib/mysql")
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
To define the same volume and mount via
Currently, the supported annotations for specifying volumes are:
- @PersistentVolumeClaimVolume
- @SecretVolume
- @ConfigMapVolume
- @AwsElasticBlockStoreVolume
- @AzureDiskVolume
- @AzureFileVolume
Most of the generated resources contain the kubernetes recommended annotations for specifying things like:
- vcs url
- commit id
These are extracted from the project .git/config
file (Currently only git is supported).
Out of the box, the url of the origin
remote will be used verbatim.
In some cases users may prefer to use another remote.
This can be done with the use of @VcsOptions
import io.dekorate.options.annotation.JvmOptions;
import io.dekorate.options.annotation.GarbageCollector;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
In the example above myfork
will be used as the remote. So, generated resources will be annotated with the url of the myfork
For users that prefer using
The vcs related annotations are mostly used by tools. For public repositories its often simpler for tools, to access the repository anonymous access.
This is possible when using git over https, but not possible when using git over ssh. So, there are cases where users would rather develop using git+ssh
but have 3d-party tools use https
instead. To force dekorate covnert vcs urls to https
one case use the httpsPreferred
parameter of @VcsOptions
Or using properties:
It's common to pass the JVM options in the manifests using the JAVA_OPTS
environment variable of the application container.
This is something complex as it usually difficult to remember all options by heart and thus its error prone.
The worst part is that you usually don't realize the mistake until it's TOO
Dekorate provides a way to manage those options using the @JvmOptions
annotation, which is included in the options-annotations
import io.dekorate.options.annotation.JvmOptions;
import io.dekorate.options.annotation.GarbageCollector;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
@JvmOptions(server=true, xmx=1024, preferIpv4Stack=true, gc=GarbageCollector.SerialGC)
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
or via
This module can be added to the project using:
Note: The module is included in all starters.
Kubernets allwos setting rules about container resources:
- Request CPU: The amount of CPU the container needs.
- Request Memory: The amount of memory the container needs.
- Limit CPU: The maximum amount of CPU the container will get.
- Limit Memory: The maximum amount of memory the container will get.
More information:
Dekorate supports these options for both the application container and / or any of the side car containers.
There are parameters availbe for @KubernetesApplication
, @KnativeApplication
and @OpenshiftApplication
Using the @KubernetesApplication
one could set the resources like:
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.ResourceRequirements;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
@KubernetesApplication(requestResources=@ResourceRequirements(memory="64Mi", cpu="1m", limitResources=@ResourceRequirements(memory="256Mi", cpu="5m")
public class Main {
In the same spirit it workds for @KnativeApplication
and @OpenshiftApplication
Users that prefer to configure dekorate using property configuration can use the following options:
In a similar manner works for openshift:
If for any reason the application requires the use of init containers, they can be easily defined using the initContainer
property, as demonstrated below.
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Container;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
@KubernetesApplication(initContainers = @Container(image="foo/bar:latest", command="foo"))
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
or via
The @Container supports the following fields:
- Image
- Image Pull Policy
- Commands
- Arguments
- Environment Variables
- Mounts
- Probes
Similarly, to init containers support for sidecars is
also provided using the sidecars
property. For example:
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Container;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;
@KubernetesApplication(sidecars = @Container(image="jaegertracing/jaeger-agent",
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
or via
As in the case of init containers the @Container supports the following fields:
- Image
- Image Pull Policy
- Commands
- Arguments
- Environment Variables
- Mounts
- Probes
This module can be added to the project using:
@OpenshiftApplication works exactly like @KubernetesApplication , but will generate resources in a file name openshift.yml
/ openshift.json
Also instead of creating a Deployment
it will create a DeploymentConfig
NOTE: A project can use both @KubernetesApplication and @OpenshiftApplication. If both the kubernetes and OpenShift annotation processors are present both kubernetes and OpenShift resources will be generated.
This module can be added to the project using:
Out of the box resources for s2i will be generated.
- ImageStream
- builder
- target
- BuildConfig
Here's an example:
import io.dekorate.openshift.annotation.OpenshiftApplication;
@OpenshiftApplication(name = "doc-example")
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
The same can be expressed via
IMPORTANT: All examples of
demonstrated in the Kubernetes section can be applied here, by replacing the prefix dekorate.kubernetes
with dekorate.openshift
The generated BuildConfig
will be a binary config. The actual build can be triggered from the command line with something like:
oc start-build doc-example --from-dir=./target --follow
NOTE: In the example above we explicitly set a name for our application, and we referenced that name from the cli.
If the name was implicitly created the user would have to figure the name out before triggering the build. This could be
done either by oc get bc
or by knowing the conventions used to read names from build tool config (e.g. if maven then name the artifactId).
- spring boot on openshift example
- spring boot with groovy on openshift example
- spring boot with gradle on openshift example
Dekorate supports generating tekton
Since Dekorate knows, how your project is build, packaged into containers and
deployed, converting that knowledge into a pipeline comes natural.
When the tekton
module is added to the project:
Two sets of resources will be generated, each representing a different configuration style the use user can choose from:
- Pipeline based
- tekton-pipeline.yml
- tekton-pipeline-run.yml
- tekton-pipeline.json
- tekton-pipeline-run.json
- Task based
- tekton-task.yml
- tekton-task-run.yml
- tekton-task.json
- tekton-task-run.json
This set of resources contains:
- Pipeline
- PipelineResource (git, output image)
- PipelineRun
- Task (build, package and push, deploy)
- RBAC resources
These are the building blocks of a Tekton pipeline that grabs your project from scm, builds and containerizes the project (in cluster) and finally deploys it.
This set of resources provides the some functionality as above, but everything is collapsed under a single task (for usability reasons), In detail it contains:
- PipelineResource (git, output image)
- Task
- TaskRun
- RBAC resources
If unsure which style to pickup, note that the task
style has less
configuration requirements and thus easier to begin with. The pipeline
is easier to slice and dice, once your are more comfortable with tekton
Regardless of the choice, Dekorate provides a rich set of configuration options
to make using tekton
as easy as it gets.
The generated tasks and pipelines, assume the project is under version control and more specifically git.
So, in order to run
the pipeline or the task
a PiepelineResource
of type git
is required.
If the project is added to git, the resource will be generated for you. If for any reason the use of an external resource is
preferred then it needs to be configured, like:
dekorate.tekton.external-git-pipeline-resource=<<the name of the resource goes here>>
Both the pipeline and the task based resources include steps that perform a build of the project. Dekorate, tries to identify a suitable builder image for the project. Selection is based on the build tool, jdk version, jdk flavor and build tool version (in that order). At the moment only maven and gradle are supported.
You can customize the build task by specifying:
- custom builder image:
- custom build command:
- custom build arguments:
One of the main differences between the two styles of configuration, is that
Pipelines require a PersistentVolumeClaim
in order to share the workspace
between Tasks. On the contrary when all steps are part of single bit fat Task
(which is baked by a Pod) and EmptyDir
volume will suffice.
Out of the box, for the pipeline style resources a PersistentVolumeClaim
after the application will be generated and used.
The generated pvc can be customized using the following properties:
- dekorate.tekton.source-workspace-size (defaults to
) - dekorate.tekton.source-workspace-storage-class (defaults to
The option to provide an existing pvc (by name) instead of generating one is also
provided, using dekorate.tekton.source-workspace-claim
The generated Pipeline / Task includes steps for building a container image and pushing it to a registry.
The registry can be configured using dekorate.docker.registry
as is done for
the rest of the resources.
For the push to succeed credentials for the registry are required. The user is able to:
- Provide own Secret with registry credentials
- Provide username and password
- Upload local
To provide an existing secret for the job (e.g. my-secret
To provide username and password:
If none of the above is provided and a .docker/config.json
exists, it can be
used if explicitly requested:
Dekorate also supports generating manifests for knative
. To make use of
this feature you need to add:
This module provides the
@KnativeApplication works exactly like @KubernetesApplication , but will generate resources in a file name knative.yml
/ knative.json
Also instead of creating a Deployment
it will create a knative serving Service
Knative exposes
services out of the box. You can use the @KnativeApplication(expose=false)
or the property dekorate.knative.expose
set to false, in order to mark a service as cluster local.
Dekorate provides access to both revision and global autoscaling configuration (see Knative Autoscaling.
Global autoscaling configuration is supported via configmaps (KnativeServing
is not supported yet).
To set the autoscaler class for the target revision:
The allowed values are:
: Horizontal Pod Autoscalerkpa
: Knative Pod Autoscaler (default)
In the same spirit the global autoscaler class can be set using:
To select the autoscaling metric:
The allowed values are:
: Concurrency (default)rps
: Requests per secondcpu
: CPU (requireshpa
revision autoscaler class).
Metric specifies the metric kind. To sepcify the target value the autoscaler should aim to maintain, the target
can be used:
There is no option to set a generic global target. Instead specific keys per metric kind are provided. See below:
To set the requests per second:
To set the target utilization:
Framework integration modules are provided that we are able to detect framework annotations and adapt to the framework (e.g. expose ports).
The frameworks supported so far:
- Spring Boot
- Quarkus
- Thorntail
With spring boot, we suggest you start with one of the provided starters:
Or if you are on OpenShift:
For Spring Boot application, dekorate will automatically detect known annotation and will align generated manifests accordingly.
Dekorate tunes the generated manifest based on the presence of web annotations in the project:
- Automatic service expose
- Application path detection
When known web annotations are available in the project, dekorate will automatically detect and expose the http port as a Service.
That service will also be expose as an Ingress
or Route
(in case of Openshift) if the expose
option is set to true.
An alternative way of configuration is via application properties
An alternative way of configuration is via application properties
There are cases where the Ingress
or Route
host needs to be customized. This is done using the host
parametes either via annotation or property configuration.
@KubernetesApplication(expose=true, host="")
An alternative way of configuration is via application properties
@OpenshiftApplication(expose=true, host="")
An alternative way of configuration is via application properties
When one RequestMapping
annotation is added on a Controller
or multiple RequestMapping
that share a common path are added on multiple Controller
dekorate will detect the shortest common path and configure it so that its available on the expose Ingress
or Route
It is possible to completely bypass annotations by utilizing already-existing, framework-specific metadata. This mode is
currently only supported for Spring Boot applications (i.e. at least one project class is annotated with @SpringBootApplication
So, for Spring Boot applications, all you need to do is add one of the starters (io.dekorate:kubernetes-spring-starter
) to the classpath. No need to specify an additional annotation.
This provides the fastest way to get started using dekorate with Spring Boot.
To customize the generated manifests you can add dekorate
properties to your application.yml
descriptors, or even use annotations along with application.yml
though if you define dekorate
properties then the annotation configuration will be replaced by the one specified using properties.
Dekorate looks for supported configuration as follows in increasing order of priority, meaning any configuration found in
an application
descriptor will override any existing annotation-specified configuration:
- Annotations
It's important to repeat that the override that occurs by fully replacing any lower-priority configuration and not via any kind of merge between the existing and higher-priority values. This means that if you choose to override the annotation-specified configuration, you need to repeat all the configuration you want in the @Env annotation-less configuration.
Here's the full list of supported configuration options. Special attention should be paid to the path of these properties. The properties' path match the annotation properties and not what would end up in the manifest, meaning the annotation-less configuration matches the model defined by the annotations. More precisely, what is being configured using properties is the same model as what is configured using annotations. While there is some overlap between how the annotations are configured and the resulting manifest, the properties (or YAML file) still need to provide values for the annotation fields, hence why they need to match how the annotations are configured. Always refer to the configuration options guide if in doubt.
When no annotations are used, the kind of resources to be generated is determined by the dekorate
artifacts found in the classpath.
File | Required Dependency |
kubernetes.json/yml | io.dekorate:kubernetes-annotations |
openshift.json/yml | io.dekorate:openshift-annotations |
Note: that starter modules for kubernetes
and openshift
do transitively add kubernetes-annotations
and openshift-annotations
quarkus provides rich set of extensions including one for kubernetes. The kubernetes extension uses internally dekorate for generating and customizing manifests.
The extension can be added to any quarkus project:
mvn quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="io.quarkus:quarkus-kubernetes"
After the project compilation the generated manifests will be available under: target/kubernetes/
At the moment this extension will handle ports, health checks etc, with zero configuration from the user side.
It's important to note, that by design this extension will NOT use the dekorate annotations for customizing the generated manifests.
For more information please check: the extension docs.
With Thorntail, it is recommended to add a dependency on one of the provided starters:
Or, if you use OpenShift:
Then, you can use the annotations described above, such @KubernetesApplication
, @OpenShiftApplication
, etc.
Note that the Thorntail annotation processor reads the thorntail.http.port
configuration from the usual project-defaults.yml
It doesn't read any other project-*.yml
Apart from the core feature, which is resource generation, there are a couple of experimental features that do add to the developer experience.
These features have to do with things like building, deploying and testing.
Dekorate does not generate Docker files, neither it provides internal support
for performing docker or s2i builds.
It does however allow the user to hook external tools (e.g. the docker
or oc
) to trigger container image builds after the end of compilation.
So, at the moment as an experimental feature the following hooks are provided:
- docker build hook (requires docker binary, triggered with
) - docker push hook (requires docker binary, triggered with
) - OpenShift s2i build hook (requires oc binary, triggered with
This hook will just trigger a docker build, using an existing Dockerfile at the root of the project. It will not generate or customize the docker build in any way.
To enable the docker build hook you need:
- a
in the project/module root - the
binary configured to point the docker daemon of your kubernetes environment.
To trigger the hook, you need to pass
as an argument to the build, for example:
mvn clean install
or if you are using gradle:
gradle build
When push is enabled, the registry can be specified as part of the annotation, or via system properties. Here's an example via annotation configuration:
public class Main {
Here's how it can be done via build properties (system properties):
mvn clean install -Ddekorate.push=true
Note: Dekorate will NOT push images on its own. It will delegate to the docker
binary. So the user needs to make sure
beforehand they are logged in and have taken all necessary actions for a
docker push
to work.
This hook will just trigger an s2i binary build, that will pass the output folder as an input to the build
To enable the docker build hook you need:
- the
module (already included in all OpenShift starter modules) - the
binary configured to point the docker daemon of your kubernetes environment.
Finally, to trigger the hook, you need to pass
as an argument to the build, for example:
mvn clean install
or if you are using gradle:
gradle build
This hook will just trigger a jib build in order to perform a container build.
In order to use it, one needs to add the jib-annotations
Without the need of any additional configuration, one trigger the hook by passing
as an argument to the build, for example:
mvn clean install
or if you are using gradle:
gradle build
At the moment Jib allows you to create and push images in two different ways:
- using the docker daemon
- dockerless
At the moment performing a build through the docker daemon is slightly safer, and thus is used as a default option.
You can easily switch to dockerless mode, by setting the @JibBuild(dockerBuild=false)
or if using properties configuration dekorate.jib.docker-build=false
In case of the dockerless mode, an openjdk-8
image is going to be used as a base image. The image can be changed through the from
property on the @JibBuild annotation or dekorate.jib.from
when using property configuration.
Dekorate provides two junit5 extensions for:
- Kubernetes
- OpenShift
These extensions are dekorate
aware and can read generated resources and configuration, in order to manage end to end
for the annotated applications.
- Environment conditions
- Container builds
- Apply generated manifests to test environment
- Inject test with:
- client
- application pod
The kubernetes extension can be used by adding the following dependency:
This dependency gives access to @KubernetesIntegrationTest which is what enables the extension for your tests.
By adding the annotation to your test class the following things will happen:
- The extension will check if a kubernetes cluster is available (if not tests will be skipped).
- If
is present in the project, a docker build will be triggered. - All generated manifests will be applied.
- Will wait until applied resources are ready.
- Dependencies will be injected (e.g. KubernetesClient, Pod etc)
- Test will run
- Applied resources will be removed.
Supported items for injection:
- KubernetesClient
- Pod (the application pod)
- KubernetesList (the list with all generated resources)
To inject one of this you need a field in the code annotated with @Inject.
For example:
KubernetesClient client;
When injecting a Pod, it's likely we need to specify the pod name. Since the pod name is not known in advance, we can use the deployment name instead.
If the deployment is named hello-world
then you can do something like:
Pod pod;
Note: It is highly recommended to also add maven-failsafe-plugin
configuration so that integration tests only run in the integration-test
This is important since in the test
phase the application is not packaged. Here's an example of how it you can configure the project:
Similarly, to using the kubernetes junit extension you can use the extension for OpenShift, by adding @OpenshiftIntegrationTest. To use that you need to add:
By adding the annotation to your test class the following things will happen:
- The extension will check if a kubernetes cluster is available (if not tests will be skipped).
- A docker build will be triggered.
- All generated manifests will be applied.
- Will wait until applied resources are ready.
- Dependencies will be injected (e.g. KubernetesClient, Pod etc)
- Test will run
- Applied resources will be removed.
- spring boot on openshift example
- spring boot with groovy on openshift example
- spring boot with gradle on openshift example
It is often desired to externalize configuration in configuration files, instead of hard coding things inside annotations.
Dekorate provides the ability to externalize configuration to configuration files (properties or yml). This can be done to either override the configuration values provided by annotations, or to use dekorate without annotations.
For supported frameworks, this is done out of the box, as long as the corresponding framework jar is present. The frameworks supporting this feature are:
- spring boot
- thorntail
For these frameworks, the use of annotations is optional, as everything may be configured via configuration files. Each annotation may be expressed using properties or yaml using the following steps.
- Each annotation property is expressed using a key/value pair.
- All keys start with the
dekorate.<annotation kind>.
prefix, whereannotation kind
is the annotation class name in lowercase, stripped of theApplication
suffix. - The remaining part of key is the annotation property name.
- For nesting properties the key is also nested following the previous rule.
For all other frameworks or generic java application this can be done with the use of the @Dekorate
The presence of this annotation will trigger the dekorate processes. Dekorate will then look for application.properites
or application.yml
If present, they will be loaded. If not the default configuration will be used.
The following annotation configuration:
@KubernetesApplication(labels=@Label(key="foo", value="bar"))
public class Main {
Can be expressed using properties:
or using yaml:
- key: foo
value: bar
In the examples above, dekorate
is the prefix that we use to namespace
the dekorate configuration. kubernetes
defines the annotation kind (its @KubernetesApplication
in lower case and stripped of the Application
, key
and value
are the property names and since the Label
is nested under @KubernetesApplication
so are the properties.
The exact same example for OpenShift (where @OpenshiftApplication
is used instead) would be:
@OpenshiftApplication(labels=@Label(key="foo", value="bar"))
public class Main {
Can be expressed using properties:
or using yaml:
- key: foo
value: bar
For spring boot, dekorate will look for configuration under:
- application.yml
- application.yaml
Also, it will look for the same files under the kubernetes profile:
- application-kubernetes.yml
- application-kubernetes.yaml
For generic java, if the @Dekorate annotation is present, then dekorate will look for confiugration under:
- application.yml
These files can be overridden using the configFiles
property on the @Dekorate
For example:
A generic java application annotated with @Dekorate
import io.dekorate.annotation.Dekorate;
public class Main {
//do stuff
During compilation kubernetes, OpenShift or both resources will be generated (depending on what dekorate jars are present in the classpath). These resources can be customized using properties:
or using yaml:
- key: foo
value: bar
The prometheus annotation processor provides annotations for generating prometheus related resources. In particular, it can generate ServiceMonitor which are used by the Prometheus Operator in order to configure prometheus to collect metrics from the target application.
This is done with the use of @EnableServiceMonitor annotation.
Here's an example:
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernentesApplication;
import io.dekorate.prometheus.annotation.EnableServiceMonitor;
@EnableServiceMonitor(port = "http", path="/prometheus", interval=20)
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
The annotation processor, will automatically configure the required selector and generate the ServiceMonitor.
Note: Some framework integration modules may further decorate the ServiceMonitor with framework specific configuration.
For example, the Spring Boot module will decorate the monitor with the Spring Boot specific path, which is /actuator/prometheus
The jaeger annotation processor provides annotations for injecting the jaeger-agent into the application pod.
Most of the work is done with the use of the @EnableJaegerAgent annotation.
When the jaeger operator is available, you set the operatorEnabled
property to true
The annotation processor will automatically set the required annotations to the generated deployment, so that the jaeger operator can inject the jaeger-agent.
Here's an example:
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernentesApplication;
import io.dekorate.jaeger.annotation.EnableJaegerAgent;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
For the cases, where the operator is not present, you can use the @EnableJaegerAgent to manually configure the sidecar.
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernentesApplication;
import io.dekorate.jaeger.annotation.EnableJaegerAgent;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Your code goes here
Service Binding Operator enables the application developers to bind the services that are backed by Kubernetes operators to an application that is deployed in kubernetes without having to perform manual configuration.
Dekorate supports generation of ServiceBinding CR.
The generation of ServiceBinding CR is triggered by annotating one of your classes with @ServiceBinding
annotation and by adding the below dependency to the project and when the project gets compiled, the annotation will trigger the generation of ServiceBinding CR in both json and yml formats under the target/classes/META-INF/dekorate
. The name of the ServiceBinding CR would be the name of the applicationName + "-binding"
, for example if the application name is sample-app
, the binding name would be sample-app-binding
Here is the simple example of using ServiceBinding annotations in SpringBoot application.
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import io.dekorate.servicebinding.annotation.Service;
import io.dekorate.servicebinding.annotation.ServiceBinding;
import io.dekorate.servicebinding.annotation.BindingPath;
services = {
@Service(group = "", name = "demo-database", kind = "Database", version = "v1alpha1", id = "postgresDB") })
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
For someone who wants to configure the ServiceBinding CR using system properties, they can do it in the The ServiceBinding CR can be customized either via annotation parameters or via system properties. The parameter values provided via annotations can be overrided by configuring the ServiceBinding CR in[0].name=demo-database[0][0].kind=Database[0].id=postgresDB
Generated ServiceBinding CR would look something like this:
kind: ServiceBinding
name: servicebinding-binding-example
group: apps
resource: Deployment
name: servicebinding-example
version: v1
- group:
kind: Database
name: demo-database
version: v1alpha1
id: postgresDB
detectBindingResources: false
bindAsFiles: false
If the application's bindingPath
needs to configured, @BindingPath
annotation can be used directly under @ServicingBinding
annotation. For example:
bindingPath = @BindingPath(containerPath="spec.template.spec.containers")
services = {
@Service(group = "", name = "demo-database", kind = "Database", version = "v1alpha1", id = "postgresDB") }, envVarPrefix = "postgresql")
Note : ServiceBinding
annotations are already usuable though still highly experimental. The Service Binding operator is still in flux and may change in the near future.
No matter how good a generator/scaffolding tool is, its often desirable to handcraft part of it. Other times it might be desirable to combine different tools together (e.g. to generate the manifests using fmp but customize them via dekorate annotations)
No matter what the reason is, dekorate supports working on existing resources and decorating them based on the provided annotation configuration. This is as simple as letting dekorate know where to read the existing manifests and where to store the generated ones. By adding the @GeneratorOptions.
The fabric8-maven-plugin can be used to package applications for kubernetes and OpenShift. It also supports generating manifests.
A user might choose to build images using fmp, but customize them using dekorate
annotations instead of xml.
An example could be to expose an additional port:
This can be done by configuring dekorate to read the fmp generated manifests
from META-INF/fabric8
which is where fmp stores them and save them back
there once decoration is finished.
@GeneratorOptions(inputPath = "META-INF/fabric8", outputPath = "META-INF/fabric8")
@KubernetesApplication(port = @Port(name="srv", containerPort=8181)
public class Main {
To control how verbose the dekorate output is going to be you can set the log level level threshold, using the io.dekorate.log.level
system property-drawer.
Allowed values are:
- INFO (default)
By default, Dekorate doesn't require any specific configuration of its annotation processors. However, it is possible to manually define the annotation processors if required.
In the maven pom.xml configure the annotation processor path in the maven compiler plugin settings.
The example below configures the Mapstruct, Lombok and Dekorate annotation processors
Dekorate provides a bom, that offers dependency management for dekorate artifacts.
The bom can be imported like:
In case, that dekorate bom is imported by a downstream project (e.g. snowdrop) and its required to override the bom version, all you need to do is to import the dekorate bom with the version of your choice first.
The current version of dekorate is <version>2.0.0</version>
Most of the changes that happend inside 2.x are internal and are related to the maintainance of the project.
- Configurable logging threshold
- Git options
- Inferring image configuration from application config
- JaxRS support (without requiring Thorntail)
- Integration testing framework improvements (detailed diagnostics on error)
- Updated to kubernetes-client and model v5.1.1
- EnableDockerBuild -> DockerBuild
- EnableS2iBuild -> S2iBuild
- EnableJibBuild -> JibBuild
The following features were dropped:
- service catalog
- halkyon
- application crd
- crd generator (functionality moved to the fabric8 kubernetes-client).
- dependencies uberjar
Earlier version of dekorate used a shadowed uberjar containing all dependencies.
As of 2.0.0
the dependencies
uberjar is no more.
Downstream projects using dekorate as a library will need to switch from
to the original packages.
Earlier version of dekorate used names for its core components that we too generic. So, in 2.0.0 the name changed so that they are more descriptive. Naming changes:
- Generator -> ConfigGenerator
- Hanlder -> ManifestGenerator
All dekorate development takes place on the master
branch. From that branch current
releases are created.
Bug fixes for older releases are done through their correspnding branch.
- master (active development, pull requests should point here)
- 1.0.x
- 0.15.x
All pull requests should target the master
branch and from there things are backported to where it makes sense.
By default the image name used is ${group}/${name}:${version}
as extracted by the project / environment or explicitly configured by the user.
If you don't want to tinker those properties then you can:
Add @DockerBuild(image="foo/bar:baz")
to the your main or whatever class you use to configure dekorate. If instead of docker you are using jib or s2i you can use @JibBuild(image="foo/bar:baz")
or @S2iBuild(image="foo/bar:baz")
Add the following to your
Add the following to your application.yaml
image: foo/bar:baz
By all means please do! We love contributions! Docs, Bug fixes, New features ... everything is important!
Make sure you take a look at contributor guidelines. Also, it can be useful to have a look at the dekorate design.