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kksgandhi edited this page May 18, 2022 · 12 revisions

The algorithm generates several files as output, in the results/ folder.


This file contains the estimated category for each object in the dataset, together with estimates about the quality of the labeling for each example. Here is the meaning of the columns. (Note: references to DS and the Dawid-Skene algorithm reference the DS variant implemented by Get-Another-Label. See original workshop paper)

Field Meaning
Object Object Id
Correct_Category Correct Category (subject to evaluation data availability)
DS_MaxLikelihood_Category Maximum Likelihood Category, according to the Expectation Maximization algorithm
MV_MaxLikelihood_Category Maximum Likelihood Category, according to the Majority Voting Algorithm
DS_MinCost_Category Minimum Cost Category, according to the Expectation Maximization algorithm
MV_MinCost_Category Minimum Cost Category, according to the Majority Voting Algorithm
DS_Pr[...] The probability that the object belongs to the category, according to the Dawid-Skene algorithm
MV_Pr[...] The probability that the object belongs to the category, according to naive majority voting
DataCost_Estm_DS_Exp Estimated classification cost (DS_Exp metric)
DataCost_Estm_MV_Exp Estimated classification cost (MV_Exp metric)
DataCost_Estm_NoVote_Exp Baseline classification cost (random spammer)
DataCost_Estm_DS_Min Estimated classification cost (DS_Min metric)
DataCost_Esm_MV_Min Estimated classification cost (MV_Min metric)
DataCost_Estm_DS_ML Estimated classification cost (DS_ML metric)
DataCost_Estm_MV_ML Estimated classification cost (MV_ML metric)
DataCost_Estm_NoVote_Min Baseline classification cost (strategic spammer)
DataQuality_Estm_DS_Exp Estimated data quality, EM algorithm, soft label
DataQuality_Estm_MV_Exp Estimated data quality, naive soft label
DataQuality_Estm_DS_Min Estimated data quality, EM algorithm, mincost
DataQuality_Estm_MV_Min Estimated data quality, naive mincost label
DataQuality_Estm_DS_ML Estimated data quality, EM algorithm, maximum likelihood
DataQuality_Estm_MV_ML Estimated data quality, naive majority label
DataCost_Eval_MV_ML Actual classification cost for majority vote classification
DataCost_Eval_DS_ML Actual classification cost for EM, maximum likelihood classification
DataCost_Eval_MV_Soft Actual classification cost for naive soft-label classification
DataCost_Eval_DS_Soft Actual classification cost for EM, soft-label classification
DataCost_Eval_MV_Min Actual classification cost for naive min-cost classification
DataCost_Eval_DS_Min Actual classification cost for EM, min-cost classification
DataQuality_Eval_DS_ML Actual data quality, EM algorithm, maximum likelihood
DataQuality_Eval_DS_Min Actual data quality, EM algorithm, mincost
DataQuality_Eval_DS_Soft Actual data quality, EM algorithm, soft label
DataQuality_Eval_MV_ML Actual data quality, naive majority label
DataQuality_Eval_MV_Min Actual data quality, naive mincost label
DataQuality_Eval_MV_Soft Actual data quality, naive soft label


Average of the following metrics:

Field Description
Worker The id of the worker
WorkerQuality_Estm_DS_Exp_n Estimated worker quality (non-weighted, DS_Exp metric)
WorkerQuality_Estm_DS_Exp_w Estimated worker quality (weighted, DS_Exp metric)
WorkerQuality_Estm_DS_ML_n Estimated worker quality (non-weighted, DS_ML metric)
WorkerQuality_Estm_DS_ML_w Estimated worker quality (weighted, DS_ML metric)
WorkerQuality_Estm_DS_Min_n Estimated worker quality (non-weighted, DS_Min metric)
WorkerQuality_Estm_DS_Min_w Estimated worker quality (weighted, DS_Min metric)
WorkerQuality_Eval_DS_Exp_n Actual worker quality (non-weighted, DS_Exp metric)
WorkerQuality_Eval_DS_Exp_w Actual worker quality (weighted, DS_Exp metric)
WorkerQuality_Eval_DS_ML_n Actual worker quality (non-weighted, DS_ML metric)
WorkerQuality_Eval_DS_ML_w Actual worker quality (weighted, DS_ML metric)
WorkerQuality_Eval_DS_Min_n Actual worker quality (non-weighted, DS_Min metric)
WorkerQuality_Eval_DS_Min_w Actual worker quality (weighted, DS_Min metric)
Number of labels Labels per worker
Gold Tests Gold tests per worker


Same as above, but individually. It also lists the confusion matrix for each worker, both using the estimates of the Dawid-Skene algorithm and showing the confusion matrices based on the evaluation data.


Shows the summary reports (also sent to stderr when finished). Results are averaged from the values outlined in the object-probabilities.txt file (see above).


This file lists the estimated prior values for the different object categories as estimated by the Dawid-Skene algorithm. When the algorithm is run with fixed priors, the file simply lists the fixed prior values.


A summary of confusion matrices for each algorithm used.