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IPLD Explorer Components

React components for ( and ipfs-webui

Screenshot of the IPLD explorer

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This module was extracted from the so it could be reused from the IPFS Web UI.


WARNING: This module is not intended to be re-used in it's current form by other projects. There is more work to do to make this a nice set of generic components.

Install it from npm:

npm install --save ipld-explorer-components

There are peerDependencies so that the consuming app can pick the versions of common deps. You'll need to add relevant deps to your project.

Use it in your project

You can see an example of how to use these components in the devPage.jsx file.

// index.tsx
import React from 'react'
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import MyHeader from './app'

const PageRenderer = (): React.ReactElement => {
   * This is a simple example of listening to the hash change event that occurs when the user clicks around in the content rendered by ExplorePage.
  const [route, setRoute] = useState(window.location.hash.slice(1) ?? '/')

  useEffect(() => {
    const onHashChange = (): void => { setRoute(window.location.hash.slice(1) ?? '/') }
    window.addEventListener('hashchange', onHashChange)
    return () => { window.removeEventListener('hashchange', onHashChange) }
  }, [])

  const RenderPage: React.FC = () => {
    switch (true) {
      case route.startsWith('/explore'):
        return <ExplorePage />
      case route === '/':
        return <StartExploringPage />

  return (
    <RenderPage />
const App = (): React.ReactElement => {
  return (
        <MyHeader />
        <PageRenderer />

const rootEl = document.getElementById('root')
if (rootEl == null) {
  throw new Error('No root element found with the id "root"')
const root = createRoot(rootEl)
  <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>
    <App />

Exports provided by this library

import { HeliaProvider, ExploreProvider } from 'ipld-explorer-components/providers'
import { StartExploringPage, ExplorePage } from 'ipld-explorer-components/pages'
import { IpldExploreForm, IpldCarExploreForm } from 'ipld-explorer-components/forms'
// or import all components at once
import { HeliaProvider, ExploreProvider, StartExploringPage, ExplorePage, IpldExploreForm, IpldCarExploreForm, CidInfo, ObjectInfo } from 'ipld-explorer-components'

The following Components are available:

export {
   * Helia provider required for IPLD Explorer components
   * A hook to gain access to the Helia node
   * Explore provider required for IPLD Explorer components. This must be a child  (direct or not) of HeliaProvider.
   * A hook to gain access to the Explore state. You can programmatically set the CID or path to explore using the provided functions.
   * The page to render when you do not have an explicit CID in the URL to explore yet.
   * When there is a #/explore/CID in the URL, this component will render the ExplorePage
   * The form to use to allow entry of a CID to explore. You can place this anywhere in your app within the ExploreProvider.
   * The form to use to allow uploading of a CAR file to explore. You can place this anywhere in your app within the ExploreProvider.


And, assuming you are using create-react-app or a similar webpack set up, you'll need the following CSS imports:

import 'tachyons'
import 'ipfs-css'
import 'ipld-explorer-components/css'

Customizing the links displayed in the StartExploringPage

To customize the links displayed in the start exploring page, you can pass a links property to the StartExploringPage component. This property should be an array of objects with the following properties:

  name: 'Name of your example link',
  cid: 'bafyfoo...',
  type: 'dag-pb' // or dag-json, etc...

i18n support

The translations used for this library are provided in dist/locales. You can use them in your project by importing them and passing them to the i18n instance in your project.

import i18n from 'i18next'
import LanguageDetector from 'i18next-browser-languagedetector'
import Backend from 'i18next-chained-backend'
import HttpBackend from 'i18next-http-backend'
import ICU from 'i18next-icu'
import LocalStorageBackend from 'i18next-localstorage-backend'
import { version } from '../package.json'
import locales from './lib/languages.json'

export const localesList = Object.values(locales)

await i18n
    backend: {
      backends: [
      backendOptions: [
        { // LocalStorageBackend
          defaultVersion: version,
          expirationTime: (!import.meta.env.NODE_ENV || imObjectInfo.publicGatewayport.meta.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') ? 1 : 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
        { // HttpBackend
          // ensure a relative path is used to look up the locales, so it works when loaded from /ipfs/<cid>
          loadPath: (lngs, namespaces) => {
            const lang = lngs[0]
            const ns = namespaces[0]
            if (ns === 'explore') {
              // use the ipld-explorer-components locales
              return 'node_modules/ipld-explorer-components/dist/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'

            // you can override keys in the explore namespace with your own translations. If they are not found, the explore translations will be used.
            return `locales/${lang}/${ns}.json`
    ns: ['explore', 'app'],
    defaultNS: 'app',
    fallbackNS: 'explore', // fallback to explore namespace if the key is not found in the app namespace
    fallbackLng: {
      'zh-Hans': ['zh-CN', 'en'],
      'zh-Hant': ['zh-TW', 'en'],
      zh: ['zh-CN', 'en'],
      default: ['en']
    debug: import.meta.env.DEBUG,
    // react i18next special options (optional)
    react: {
      // wait: true,
      // useSuspense: false,
      bindI18n: 'languageChanged loaded',
      bindStore: 'added removed',
      nsMode: 'default'


Adding another codec

NOTE: PRs adding an old IPLDFormat codec would need the old blockcodec-to-ipld-format tool, which has many out-of-date deps. We will only accept PRs for adding BlockCodec interface codecs.

To add another codec, you will need to update all locations containing the comment // #WhenAddingNewCodec:

  1. Add a dependency on the codec to this package (if it's not already in multiformats or other package)
  2. Add the codec in the switch statement in ./src/lib/codec-importer.ts
  3. Update ./src/lib/get-codec-name-from-code.ts to return the codec name for your codec
  4. Add a unit test to ./src/lib/resolve-ipld-path.test.js and ensure that calling resolveIpldPath returns the expected results

see #360 (comment) for history.

Adding another hasher

To add another hasher, you will need to update all locations containing the comment // #WhenAddingNewHasher:

  1. Add a dependency on the hasher to this package (if it's not already in multiformats or other package)
  2. Update ./src/lib/hash-importer.ts
    • Update SupportedHashers to include your hasher type
    • Update getHasherForCode to return your hasher
  3. Update the hasher codes used by the hashers property passed to Helia init in ./src/lib/init-helia.ts

see #395 for an example.


Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.

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