- Video: NetflixClone
- Youtube Channel: SavinVadim
- Github source code: Savinvadim1312/NetflixClone
- Dummy Data (data, image, icons): https://assets.notjust.dev/netflix
GraphQL endpoint: https://53gsinyusfhnxe64566svrnh3a.appsync-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/graphql
Hosted UI Endpoint: https://netflixclonefb34748f-fb34748f-dev.auth.eu-west-1.amazoncognito.com/ Test Your Hosted UI Endpoint: https://netflixclonefb34748f-fb34748f-dev.auth.eu-west-1.amazoncognito.com/login?response_type=code&client_id=7blm55tl0p4bcilfg0gpf2s9it&redirect_uri=https://localhost:19000/
$ npm i
This project use AWS Amplify as backend. Install and configure AWS Amplify before starting app
$ amplify init
$ amplify push
AWS Cognito is used for authenticating users and give them authorization on some resources
$ amplify add auth
$ amplify push
AWS Amplify is used
$ amplify add api
$ cp docs/db/schema.graphql.save amplify/backend/api/netflixclone/schema.graphql
$ amplify push
AWS S3 is used to store files like music, video
$ amplify add storage
$ amplify push
Create folders and add files from docs/poster docs/trailer
- MovieDetail component for series
- Episode component
- Dropdown picker for seasons
- add @react-native-picker/picker
S3Image - Image doesn't appear S3 Bucket : All public files must be in a directory "public/". Because Storage.get() add a prefix 'public/' on the key example "s3Directory/public/file.ext" if the level of protection is public.
Component expo-av
doesn't support .avi
video file extension!