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Guided Exercise | MERN Street Art


In this project, you will build a complete fullstack application where users go create/read/update/delete street arts.

A demo is available here: (the map is not available)

This project will rely on the following technologies:

  • Front-end:
    • React
    • Bootstrap
    • Mapbox
    • Cloudinary
  • Back-end:
    • Express
    • MongoDB and Mongoose


Wireframes on Figma

Wireframes on a board

To create the wireframes, we have followed some rules (feel free to adapt them for your own projects)

  • Mobile first
  • 1 screen = 1 wireframe
  • Red = pages
  • Blue = extra part when connected


For this project, you will use 3 models:

  • User: To save basic information about the user (email and password)
  • StreetArt: To save a picture and the location of a street art
  • Visit: To save the visit of a specific user with a specific street art


Field Type
_id (Automaticaly generated)
email String
password String
createdAt Date (Automaticaly generated)
updatedAt Date (Automaticaly generated)


Field Type
_id (Automaticaly generated)
pictureUrl String
location (GeoJSON)
-> type "Point"
-> coordinates [Number]
createdAt Date (Automaticaly generated)
updatedAt Date (Automaticaly generated)


Field Type
_id (Automaticaly generated)
_user Schema.Types.ObjectId
_streetArt Schema.Types.ObjectId
createdAt Date (Automaticaly generated at creation)

Backend routes

Route Type of protection Description
POST /api/signup Ø Sign up the user
POST /api/login Ø Log in the user
POST /api/logout Must be connected Log out the user
GET /api/street-arts Ø Get all street arts
GET /api/street-arts/:streetArtId Ø Get the detail of one street art
POST /api/street-arts Ø Add a street art
GET /api/my-visits Must be connected Get the visits of the connected user
POST /api/visits Must be connected Add a visit
DELETE /api/visits/:visitId Must be the owner Delete a visit


  • Initialise with the MERN boilerplate
  • Create the models
  • Create a seed file
  • Create the backend routes
  • Include Bootstrap in the project and customise it
  • Create a page to see all street arts in a list
  • Create a page to see all street arts in a map
  • Create a page to add a new street art
  • Deploy it

Iteration 1 | Initialise with the MERN boilerplate

First, create a GitHub repository. We will assume the link is <>

Open your terminal, go in a folder where you want to create the project and execute the following commands.

# Clone the project with only the last commit and save it in the folder <my-project>
$ git clone --depth=1 mern-street-art

$ cd mern-street-art
$ rm -rf .git
$ git init

# Set your GitHub repository as the "origin" remote repository (remove < and >)
$ git remote add origin <>

Create a file server/.env, with for example the following values;


To install all the packages

# Install server and client packages + build the React applicatin
$ npm install

# OR you can install manually the server and client packages
$ (cd server && npm install)
$ (cd client && npm install)

To install a package for the server

$ cd server
$ npm install axios

To install a package for the client

$ cd client
$ npm install axios

To run the server and the client

# Open a first terminal
$ npm run dev:server
# Run the server on http://localhost:5000/

# Open a second terminal
$ npm run dev:client
# Run the client on http://localhost:3000/

So now you can go to

Iteration 2 | Backend | Create the models and seed the database

For this part, we give you the code!

Update the file server/models/User.js

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;

const schema = new Schema({
  email: String,
  password: String
}, {
    timestamps: true

module.exports = mongoose.model('User', schema);

Create a file server/models/StreetArt.js

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;

const schema = new Schema({
  pictureUrl: String,
  location: {
    type: { type: String, enum: ["Point"], default: "Point" },
    coordinates: [Number]
}, {
    timestamps: true

module.exports = mongoose.model('StreetArt', schema);

Create a file server/models/Visit.js

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;

const schema = new Schema({
  _user: {
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'User'
  _streetArt: {
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'StreetArt'
}, {
    timestamps: {
      createdAt: 'createdAt'

module.exports = mongoose.model('Visit', schema);

Update the file server/bin/seeds.js

const path = require('path')
require('dotenv').config({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../.env') })

// Seeds file that remove all users and create 2 new users

// To execute this seed, run from the root of the project
// $ node bin/seeds.js

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const bcrypt = require("bcrypt");
const User = require("../models/User");
const StreetArt = require("../models/StreetArt");
const Visit = require("../models/Visit");

const bcryptSalt = 10;


let userDocs = [
  new User({
    email: "[email protected]",
    password: bcrypt.hashSync("alice", bcrypt.genSaltSync(bcryptSalt)),
  new User({
    email: "[email protected]",
    password: bcrypt.hashSync("bob", bcrypt.genSaltSync(bcryptSalt)),

let streetArtDocs = [
  new StreetArt({
    pictureUrl: "",
    location: {
      type: "Point",
      coordinates: [ -9.209744,38.696060]
  new StreetArt({
    pictureUrl: "",
    location: {
      type: "Point",
      coordinates: [-9.136864,38.720205]
  new StreetArt({
    pictureUrl: "",
    location: {
      type: "Point",
      coordinates: [13.451661,52.507734]

let visitDocs = [
  new Visit({
    _user: userDocs[0]._id,
    _streetArt: streetArtDocs[0]._id,
  new Visit({
    _user: userDocs[0]._id,
    _streetArt: streetArtDocs[1]._id,
  new Visit({
    _user: userDocs[1]._id,
    _streetArt: streetArtDocs[0]._id,

  .then(() => {
    console.log('All users, street arts and visits have been deleted')

    return Promise.all([
  .then(() => {
    console.log(`${userDocs.length} users created`)
    console.log(`${streetArtDocs.length} street arts created`)
    console.log(`${visitDocs.length} visits created`)
  .catch(err => {
    throw err

Execute the seed

$ node server/bin/seeds.js

If the command is not working, you probably have to run the following command in a terminal (without killing it)

$ mongod

Check in your database if you see 2 user documents, 3 street art documents and 3 visit documents. You can use MongoDB Compass for this


Iteration 3 | Backend | GET /api/street-arts

The goal of this iteration is to create a backend route GET /api/street-arts where you can access all street arts.

First, update the file server/app.js

// server/app.js

// ...

app.use('/api', require('./routes/index'))
app.use('/api', require('./routes/auth'))
app.use('/api/street-arts', require('./routes/street-arts')) // NEW LINE: take all the routes defined in './routes/street-arts' and prefix them by '/api/street-arts'

// ...

Then, create a file server/routes/street-arts.js and write the necessary code for the route.

// server/routes/street-arts.js
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();

router.get('/', (req, res, next) => {
  // TODO

module.exports = router;

When you are done, you can test with Postman GET http://localhost:5000/api/street-arts


Iteration 4 | Backend | GET /api/street-arts/:streetArtId

For this iteration, you have to do something very similar and create to route GET /api/street-arts/:streetArtId.

You can create it directly in the file server/routes/street-arts.js.

To make sure your route is working, you should test it with Postman! Imgur

Iteration 5 | Backend | POST /api/street-arts

In the route POST /api/street-arts, you will create a new street art by send 3 informations:

  • lat: The latitude
  • lng: The longitude
  • picture: A file with the picture

To save the file, you will rely on Cloudinary.

For this, you have to install some packages:

$ cd server
$ npm install cloudinary multer-storage-cloudinary multer

Then, you have to go on Cloudinary and find your credentials on the main page: You have to past the crendentials in server/.env file.


Then, you can create a file server/configs/cloudinary.js

// server/configs/cloudinary.js
const cloudinary = require('cloudinary');
const cloudinaryStorage = require('multer-storage-cloudinary')
const multer = require('multer');

  cloud_name: process.env.CLOUDINARY_NAME,
  api_key: process.env.CLOUDINARY_KEY,
  api_secret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_SECRET

const storage = cloudinaryStorage({
  cloudinary: cloudinary,
  folder: 'street-art-pictures',
  allowedFormats: ['jpg', 'png'],
  filename: (req, file, cb) => {
    cb(null, file.originalname); // The file on cloudinary would have the same name as the original file name

const uploader = multer({ storage });
module.exports = uploader;

Then, you have to create a route in server/routes/street-arts.js

// Route to create a street art
// `uploader.single('picture')` parses the data send with the name `picture` and save information inside `req.file`'/', uploader.single('picture'), (req, res, next) => {
  let { lat, lng } = req.body
  let pictureUrl = req.file.url
  // TODO: continue
  // ...

When you are done, you can try with Postman. You will have to send the data with "Body > form-data" and choose type "File" for the picture.

After doing the request in Postman, you should see a new document with the information you wrote!


Iteration 6 | Backend | Fix the signup and login

If you inspect the project, inside server/routes/auth.js you already have 2 routes for signup (POST /api/signup) and login (POST /api/login). The problem with them is that they rely on 2 fields, "username"/"password", instead of "email"/"password".

Let's change this!

Go to server/routes/auth.js and find and replace all username by email.

To make the code cleaner, in the signup route, you can also remove everything related name (you don't need the name of the user in this project).

// server/routes/auth.js

// Around line 11
const { email, password } = req.body

// Around line 24
const newUser = new User({ email, password: hashPass })

Now it's time to test!

POST /api/signup with Postman Imgur

POST /api/login with Postman Imgur

Verification with MongoDB Compass

Iteration 7 | Backend | GET /api/my-visits

The goal of the route GET /api/my-visits is to display all the visits of the connected user, with informations of the street-art.

First, you have to create a file server/routes/visits.js

const express = require('express');
const StreetArt = require('../models/StreetArt');
const Visit = require('../models/Visit');
const { isLoggedIn } = require('../middlewares')
const router = express.Router();

// Route protected for logged in user
router.get('/my-visits', isLoggedIn, (req, res, next) => {
  // TODO: continue
  // You should use `.populate`

module.exports = router;

Then, add the following line in server/app.js:

app.use('/api', require('./routes/visits'))

Now, it's time to test with Postman. Be careful, you need to be connected to test.

POST /api/login: to connect the user Imgur

GET /api/my-vistits: to get all the visits with the information of the street-arts. Make sure you only have the visits of the connected user. Imgur

Iteration 8 | Backend | POST /api/visits

Create a route POST /api/visits (with a _streetArt field) that creates a new visit for the connected user.

This is what you should see with Postman when you are done. Imgur

Iteration 9 | Backend | DELETE /api/visits/:visitId

Create a route DELETE /api/visits/:visitId that deletes the specified visit.

⚠️ Be careful, only the owner of the visit can delete his visit.

This is what you should see with Postman when you are done. Imgur

NOTE: We recommand you to make sure that a connected user can't delete the visit of another user.

Iteration 10 | Frontend | Add of Bootstrap + Reactstrap + MainNavbar

Now it's time to start the front-end part 🔥

In this iteration, you will just add Bootstrap with Reactstrap.

For this, you have to install 2 packages:

$ cd client
$ npm install bootstrap reactstrap

Then, add the following line in your client/src/index.scss:

@import '../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss';

Then you can create a navbar in the file client/src/MainNavbar.jsx.

The Navbar contains the following links:

  • / (logo on the left)
  • /list
  • /map
  • /new-street-art
  • /signup
  • /login


Iteration 11 | Frontend | Simple page component List

The goal of this iteration is to create a simple page "/list".

First, in client/src/api.js, you have to create a method getStreetArts:

// client/src/api.js
// ...

  getStreetArts() {
    return service
      .then(res =>

Then, in client/src/components/App.jsx, add a <Route /> for a List component.

Finally, you have to create the List component in client/src/components/pages/List.jsx. It should display a table with all street arts from the backend, thanks to api.getStreetArts().

Your table will have 3 columns at this stage:

You can preview the page here:


Iteration 12 | Frontend | Simple page component StreetArtDetail

The goal of this iteration is to create a simple page "/street-art-detail/:streetArtId".

First, in client/src/api.js, you have to create a method getStreetArt:

// client/src/api.js
// ...

  getStreetArt(streetArtId) {
    // TODO

Then, in client/src/components/App.jsx, add a <Route /> for a StreetArtDetail component.

Finally, you have to create the StreetArtDetail component in client/src/components/pages/StreetArtDetail.jsx. You should display the picture and the coordinates of the street art.

You can preview the page here: Imgur

BONUS: Display the picture fullscreen when the user clicks on the picture and go back to the original view when the user clicks again.

Iteration 13 | Frontend | Add a map in StreetArtDetail

You are going to include a map from Mapbox for this iteration. For this, you need to create an account on Mapbox and then follow the next instructions.

$ cd client
$ npm install mapbox-gl
// client/src/index.scss
@import '../node_modules/mapbox-gl/src/css/mapbox-gl.css';
// client/src/components/pages/StreetArtDetail.jsx
// ...

import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl' // NEW

// Inform your Mapbox token (
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'YourToken' // NEW

export default function StreetArtDetail(props) {
  const streetArtId =
  const mapDomRef = useRef(null) // NEW
  let map = useRef(null).current // NEW
  let marker = useRef(null).current // NEW

  const [streetArt, setStreetArt] = useState(null)
  useEffect(() => {
    api.getStreetArt(streetArtId).then(streetArt => {
      let [lng, lat] = streetArt.location.coordinates // NEW
      initMap(lng, lat) // NEW
  }, [])

  function initMap(lng, lat) {
    // Embed the map where "mapDomRef" is defined in the render
    map = new mapboxgl.Map({
      container: mapDomRef.current,
      style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11',
      center: [lng, lat],
      zoom: 10,

    // Add zoom control on the top right corner
    map.addControl(new mapboxgl.NavigationControl())

    // Create a marker on the map with the coordinates ([lng, lat])
    marker = new mapboxgl.Marker({ color: 'red' })
      .setLngLat([lng, lat])

  render() {
    // ...
      <div ref={mapDomRef} style={{height: 400}}></div> {/* NEW */}
    // ...

You can preview the page here: Imgur

NOTE: If the map is only half displayed, change some CSS to make sure your map is not in a text-align: center.

Iteration 14 | Frontend | Page component NewStreetArt

For this iteration, you need to:

  • Create a method addStreetArt(uploadData) in client/src/api.js
  • Update client/src/components/App.jsx to include a new <Route />
  • Create a component NewStreetArt saved in client/src/components/pages/NewStreetArt.jsx


// ... 
addStreetArt(uploadData) {
  return service
    .post('/street-arts', uploadData)
    .then(res =>
// ... 


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import {
} from 'reactstrap'
import api from '../../api'

export default class NewStreetArt extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      lat: '',
      lng: '',
      picture: null
    this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this)
    this.handleFileChange = this.handleFileChange.bind(this)
    this.addStreetArtAndRedirectToDetailPage = this.addStreetArtAndRedirectToDetailPage.bind(this)
    this.getCurrentCoordinates = this.getCurrentCoordinates.bind(this)
  getCurrentCoordinates() {
    if (navigator.geolocation) {
      navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(position => {
        console.log("The current coords are", position.coords)
          lng: "TODO", // TODO: write the correct value
          lat: "TODO" // TODO: write the correct value
  handleInputChange(e) {
  handleFileChange(e) {
    console.log("The file added by the use is: ",[0])
  addStreetArtAndRedirectToDetailPage(e) {
    // To send information with "form-data" (like in Postman)
    const uploadData = new FormData()
    uploadData.append("lng", this.state.lng)
    uploadData.append("picture", this.state.picture)

      .then(createdStreetArt => {
        // Redirect the user to another page
        this.props.history.push('/todo') // TODO
      .catch(err => {
        console.log("Error while adding the street art: ", err)
  render() {
    return (
      <Container className="NewStreetArt">
        <h1>New Street Art</h1>

        <Button className="my-4" color="danger" block outline onClick={this.getCurrentCoordinates}>
          Get Current Coordinates

        <Row className="my-4">
          <Col sm={3}>
            <Label for="exampleEmail">Coordinates</Label>
            <Input type="number" value={this.state.lng} onChange={this.handleInputChange} name="lng" placeholder="Longitude" />
            <Input type="number" value={} onChange={this.handleInputChange} name="lat" placeholder="Latitude" />

        <Row className="my-4">
          <Col sm={3}>
            <Label for="exampleEmail">Picture</Label>
            <Input type="file" name="picture" onChange={this.handleFileChange} />

        <Button className="my-4" color="danger" block onClick={this.addStreetArtAndRedirectToDetailPage}>
          Add Street Art


You can preview the page here: Imgur

Next iterations

  • Iteration x | Frontend | Simple page component Map
  • Iteration x | Frontend | Change of signup and login
  • Iteration x | Frontend | Add of visits in List
  • Iteration x | Frontend | Add of visits in StreetArtDetail
  • Iteration x | Frontend | Add of visits in Map
  • Iteration x | Deploy 🚀


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