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simc committed Nov 14, 2022
1 parent cbdc639 commit 8ca2be1
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Showing 20 changed files with 106,550 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions 3.0.4/.last_build_id
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions 3.0.4/assets/AssetManifest.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions 3.0.4/assets/FontManifest.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
17,652 changes: 17,652 additions & 0 deletions 3.0.4/assets/NOTICES

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added 3.0.4/assets/assets/logo.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added 3.0.4/assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added 3.0.4/assets/shaders/ink_sparkle.frag
Binary file not shown.
282 changes: 282 additions & 0 deletions 3.0.4/canvaskit/canvaskit.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added 3.0.4/canvaskit/canvaskit.wasm
Binary file not shown.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions 3.0.4/canvaskit/profiling/canvaskit.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added 3.0.4/canvaskit/profiling/canvaskit.wasm
Binary file not shown.
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions 3.0.4/flutter.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

* This script installs service_worker.js to provide PWA functionality to
* application. For more information, see:

if (!_flutter) {
var _flutter = {};
_flutter.loader = null;

(function() {
"use strict";
class FlutterLoader {
* Creates a FlutterLoader, and initializes its instance methods.
constructor() {
// TODO: Move the below methods to "#private" once supported by all the browsers
// we support. In the meantime, we use the "revealing module" pattern.

// Watchdog to prevent injecting the main entrypoint multiple times.
this._scriptLoaded = null;

// Resolver for the pending promise returned by loadEntrypoint.
this._didCreateEngineInitializerResolve = null;

// Called by Flutter web.
// Bound to `this` now, so "this" is preserved across JS <-> Flutter jumps.
this.didCreateEngineInitializer = this._didCreateEngineInitializer.bind(this);

* Initializes the main.dart.js with/without serviceWorker.
* @param {*} options
* @returns a Promise that will eventually resolve with an EngineInitializer,
* or will be rejected with the error caused by the loader.
loadEntrypoint(options) {
const {
entrypointUrl = "main.dart.js",
} = (options || {});
return this._loadWithServiceWorker(entrypointUrl, serviceWorker);

* Resolves the promise created by loadEntrypoint.
* Called by Flutter through the public `didCreateEngineInitializer` method,
* which is bound to the correct instance of the FlutterLoader on the page.
* @param {*} engineInitializer
_didCreateEngineInitializer(engineInitializer) {
if (typeof this._didCreateEngineInitializerResolve != "function") {
console.warn("Do not call didCreateEngineInitializer by hand. Start with loadEntrypoint instead.");
// Remove the public method after it's done, so Flutter Web can hot restart.
delete this.didCreateEngineInitializer;

_loadEntrypoint(entrypointUrl) {
if (!this._scriptLoaded) {
console.debug("Injecting <script> tag.");
this._scriptLoaded = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let scriptTag = document.createElement("script");
scriptTag.src = entrypointUrl;
scriptTag.type = "application/javascript";
// Cache the resolve, so it can be called from Flutter.
// Note: Flutter hot restart doesn't re-create this promise, so this
// can only be called once. Instead, we need to model this as a stream
// of `engineCreated` events coming from Flutter that are handled by JS.
this._didCreateEngineInitializerResolve = resolve;
scriptTag.addEventListener("error", reject);

return this._scriptLoaded;

_waitForServiceWorkerActivation(serviceWorker, entrypointUrl) {
if (!serviceWorker || serviceWorker.state == "activated") {
if (!serviceWorker) {
console.warn("Cannot activate a null service worker.");
} else {
console.debug("Service worker already active.");
return this._loadEntrypoint(entrypointUrl);
return new Promise((resolve, _) => {
serviceWorker.addEventListener("statechange", () => {
if (serviceWorker.state == "activated") {
console.debug("Installed new service worker.");

_loadWithServiceWorker(entrypointUrl, serviceWorkerOptions) {
if (!("serviceWorker" in navigator) || serviceWorkerOptions == null) {
console.warn("Service worker not supported (or configured).", serviceWorkerOptions);
return this._loadEntrypoint(entrypointUrl);

const {
timeoutMillis = 4000,
} = serviceWorkerOptions;

let serviceWorkerUrl = "flutter_service_worker.js?v=" + serviceWorkerVersion;
let loader = navigator.serviceWorker.register(serviceWorkerUrl)
.then((reg) => {
if (! && (reg.installing || reg.waiting)) {
// No active web worker and we have installed or are installing
// one for the first time. Simply wait for it to activate.
let sw = reg.installing || reg.waiting;
return this._waitForServiceWorkerActivation(sw, entrypointUrl);
} else if (! {
// When the app updates the serviceWorkerVersion changes, so we
// need to ask the service worker to update.
console.debug("New service worker available.");
return reg.update().then((reg) => {
console.debug("Service worker updated.");
let sw = reg.installing || reg.waiting ||;
return this._waitForServiceWorkerActivation(sw, entrypointUrl);
} else {
// Existing service worker is still good.
console.debug("Loading app from service worker.");
return this._loadEntrypoint(entrypointUrl);
.catch((error) => {
// Some exception happened while registering/activating the service worker.
console.warn("Failed to register or activate service worker:", error);
return this._loadEntrypoint(entrypointUrl);

// Timeout race promise
let timeout;
if (timeoutMillis > 0) {
timeout = new Promise((resolve, _) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (!this._scriptLoaded) {
console.warn("Loading from service worker timed out after", timeoutMillis, "milliseconds.");
}, timeoutMillis);

return Promise.race([loader, timeout]);

_flutter.loader = new FlutterLoader();
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions 3.0.4/flutter_service_worker.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
'use strict';
const MANIFEST = 'flutter-app-manifest';
const TEMP = 'flutter-temp-cache';
const CACHE_NAME = 'flutter-app-cache';
const RESOURCES = {
"version.json": "124f262ed73a06a3c203537f890d3314",
"index.html": "285113a3baeae1f6b407853fd089e070",
"/": "285113a3baeae1f6b407853fd089e070",
"main.dart.js": "a8324d54861b8846d5f2051e6aeaaf99",
"flutter.js": "f85e6fb278b0fd20c349186fb46ae36d",
"manifest.json": "1b8cd556af41cd40ebaa659a0a1a63a7",
"assets/AssetManifest.json": "18026d69bfec4d08497bd9dcab1893c0",
"assets/NOTICES": "14c094d1d47d9e2cdb715d4862815fdb",
"assets/FontManifest.json": "3ddd9b2ab1c2ae162d46e3cc7b78ba88",
"assets/packages/font_awesome_flutter/lib/fonts/fa-solid-900.ttf": "26f5af2d93473531f82ef5060f9c6d45",
"assets/packages/font_awesome_flutter/lib/fonts/fa-regular-400.ttf": "1f7cb220b3f5309130bd6d9ad87e0fc0",
"assets/packages/font_awesome_flutter/lib/fonts/fa-brands-400.ttf": "4e20cb87b0d43808c49449ffd69b1a74",
"assets/shaders/ink_sparkle.frag": "f2db913474cab90c7d14edd27380c9ee",
"assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf": "95db9098c58fd6db106f1116bae85a0b",
"assets/assets/logo.png": "88d44898daad2343d4833260965fe8b9",
"canvaskit/canvaskit.js": "2bc454a691c631b07a9307ac4ca47797",
"canvaskit/profiling/canvaskit.js": "38164e5a72bdad0faa4ce740c9b8e564",
"canvaskit/profiling/canvaskit.wasm": "95a45378b69e77af5ed2bc72b2209b94",
"canvaskit/canvaskit.wasm": "bf50631470eb967688cca13ee181af62"

// The application shell files that are downloaded before a service worker can
// start.
const CORE = [
// During install, the TEMP cache is populated with the application shell files.
self.addEventListener("install", (event) => {
return event.waitUntil( => {
return cache.addAll( => new Request(value, {'cache': 'reload'})));

// During activate, the cache is populated with the temp files downloaded in
// install. If this service worker is upgrading from one with a saved
// MANIFEST, then use this to retain unchanged resource files.
self.addEventListener("activate", function(event) {
return event.waitUntil(async function() {
try {
var contentCache = await;
var tempCache = await;
var manifestCache = await;
var manifest = await manifestCache.match('manifest');
// When there is no prior manifest, clear the entire cache.
if (!manifest) {
await caches.delete(CACHE_NAME);
contentCache = await;
for (var request of await tempCache.keys()) {
var response = await tempCache.match(request);
await contentCache.put(request, response);
await caches.delete(TEMP);
// Save the manifest to make future upgrades efficient.
await manifestCache.put('manifest', new Response(JSON.stringify(RESOURCES)));
var oldManifest = await manifest.json();
var origin = self.location.origin;
for (var request of await contentCache.keys()) {
var key = request.url.substring(origin.length + 1);
if (key == "") {
key = "/";
// If a resource from the old manifest is not in the new cache, or if
// the MD5 sum has changed, delete it. Otherwise the resource is left
// in the cache and can be reused by the new service worker.
if (!RESOURCES[key] || RESOURCES[key] != oldManifest[key]) {
await contentCache.delete(request);
// Populate the cache with the app shell TEMP files, potentially overwriting
// cache files preserved above.
for (var request of await tempCache.keys()) {
var response = await tempCache.match(request);
await contentCache.put(request, response);
await caches.delete(TEMP);
// Save the manifest to make future upgrades efficient.
await manifestCache.put('manifest', new Response(JSON.stringify(RESOURCES)));
} catch (err) {
// On an unhandled exception the state of the cache cannot be guaranteed.
console.error('Failed to upgrade service worker: ' + err);
await caches.delete(CACHE_NAME);
await caches.delete(TEMP);
await caches.delete(MANIFEST);

// The fetch handler redirects requests for RESOURCE files to the service
// worker cache.
self.addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
if (event.request.method !== 'GET') {
var origin = self.location.origin;
var key = event.request.url.substring(origin.length + 1);
// Redirect URLs to the index.html
if (key.indexOf('?v=') != -1) {
key = key.split('?v=')[0];
if (event.request.url == origin || event.request.url.startsWith(origin + '/#') || key == '') {
key = '/';
// If the URL is not the RESOURCE list then return to signal that the
// browser should take over.
if (!RESOURCES[key]) {
// If the URL is the index.html, perform an online-first request.
if (key == '/') {
return onlineFirst(event);
.then((cache) => {
return cache.match(event.request).then((response) => {
// Either respond with the cached resource, or perform a fetch and
// lazily populate the cache only if the resource was successfully fetched.
return response || fetch(event.request).then((response) => {
if (response && Boolean(response.ok)) {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
return response;

self.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
// SkipWaiting can be used to immediately activate a waiting service worker.
// This will also require a page refresh triggered by the main worker.
if ( === 'skipWaiting') {
if ( === 'downloadOffline') {

// Download offline will check the RESOURCES for all files not in the cache
// and populate them.
async function downloadOffline() {
var resources = [];
var contentCache = await;
var currentContent = {};
for (var request of await contentCache.keys()) {
var key = request.url.substring(origin.length + 1);
if (key == "") {
key = "/";
currentContent[key] = true;
for (var resourceKey of Object.keys(RESOURCES)) {
if (!currentContent[resourceKey]) {
return contentCache.addAll(resources);

// Attempt to download the resource online before falling back to
// the offline cache.
function onlineFirst(event) {
return event.respondWith(
fetch(event.request).then((response) => {
return => {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
return response;
}).catch((error) => {
return => {
return cache.match(event.request).then((response) => {
if (response != null) {
return response;
throw error;

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