We present a machine learning model designed to predict the occurrence of backchanneling and interruptions in real-time conversations. We propose a new, more relevant user-experience metric that could better evaluate the models predicting the beginning of a backchannel.
The dataset we’ll be using for this project is the CANDOR corpus, which is a repository of conversations between humans in the form of audio, video and transcripts.
For classification, we use sklearn LogisticRegression binary classifier with L2 penalty and a tolerance of 1e-02. We also use an adjusted classification threshold of 0.07.
For splitting datasets between test and train in classification, we split entire conversations (all the slices of turns belonging to a particular conversation ID) in either test or train to prevent overfitting.
We use 5-fold cross validation to evaluate our results. We also propose a custom user-experience accuracy metric that allows
We obtain an average AUC of 0.789.
Assuming you have the CANDOR dataset downloaded and extracted all conversation raw data in csv format for Audiophile and Backbiter.
- get_features.py (to generate all features, excluding embeddings)
- pre_classifier.py (to generate feature , label matrix for classifier input)
- default-metric/logistic_regression.py, default-metric/logistic_regression_kfold.py (classifier with default evaluation)
- ux-metric/logistic_regression_ux.py, default-metric/logistic_regression_ux_kfold.py (classifier with custom user experience evaluation)
The above steps assumes embeddings for conversations are already generated and PCA has been applied on them to create a smaller (50) dimension embedding.
Script to get RoBERTa embeddings: get_embeddings.py - it uses CUDA and can be run on GPU.
Embeddings are created before pre_classifier.py is run. To run PCA on embeddings,
- pre_pca.py
- pca_embeddings.py