AuthYou is a lightweight and performance-friendly login/authentication plugin for cracked server. This plugin is similar and compatible to AuthMe Reloaded, but not a copy.
Yes, you only need to copy your config.yml to the DataFolder of AuthYou. Add "mySQLColumnUUID: uuid" to DataSource in the config.yml. But I recommend: don't copy the config.yml from AuthMe! Let AuthYou generate the new config. Then you need to add a new column (uuid) to your old AuthMe Database. Download AuthYou. At least replace the jar-file of AuthMe (reloaded) with the downloaded jar-file of AuthYou.
Tutorials will coming soon...
Or just delete all tables and files from AuthMe to generate new files.
Yes, here is a list:
- Plugin is x10 smaller then AuthMe
- UUID Support
- Session's will be saved in a separate table
- AuthYou only use MySQL as data soruce.
- All saved passwords are encrypted with SHA256 and is compatible with all already saved passwords in AuthMe encrypted with * SHA256.
- E-Mail Service will not supported yet.
- GEO-Blocking will not supported yet.
- UUID Support
- Multi-Threading (lag-free)
- Username spoofing protection.
- Session Login
- Editable translations and messages
- Caching
- Custom MySQL tables/columns names (useful with forums databases) - only for registrations
- Saves the quit location of the player
- Compatible with AuthMe Reloaded
- Protect player's inventory until a correct Authentication
- Supports currently only SHA256 encryption algorithm for passwords
- Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
Detailed Video-Tutorials,How To's and Setup Guide will coming soon!
/register <password> <password> OR /reg <password> <password>
/login <password>
OR/l <password>
/changepassword <password> <password>
/authyou reload
- Reloads the config/authyou changepassword <username> <password>
- Changes the password of the given username
- authyou.player.* - for all player commands
- authyou.admin.* - for all admin commands
mySQLHost: localhost #host of mysql
mySQLPort: 3306 #port of mysql
mySQLDatabase: authyou #database of mysql
mySQLUsername: username #username for login into mysql
mySQLColumnUUID: uuid #uuid column-name of 'authyou' table
mySQLPassword: pass1234 #password for login into mysql
mySQLTablename: authyou #mysql table name for registrations
mySQLColumnName: username #username column-name of 'authyou' table
mySQLColumnPassword: password #password column-name of 'authyou' table
mySQLColumnIp: ip #ip column-name of 'authyou' table
mySQLColumnLastLogin: last_login #last login column-name of 'authyou' table
mySQLlastlocX: x #X Location column-name of 'authyou' table
mySQLlastlocY: y #Y Location column-name of 'authyou' table
mySQLlastlocZ: z #Z Location column-name of 'authyou' table
mySQLlastlocWorld: world #world name column-name of 'authyou' table
mySQLColumnId: id #id column-name of 'authyou' table
mySQLColumnLogged: is_logged #is logged column-name of 'authyou' table
enabled: true #recommend: true
timeout: 3 #is linked with "TimeUnit" for example: 3 DAYS (timeout means, when session will be expired)
TimeUnit: DAYS #is linked with "timeout" for example: 3 DAYS
sessionExpireOnIpChange: true #if true, the session will expire when the ip changes. (recommend: true)
allowChat: false #allow the chat while login
allowCommands: #list of commands which can bypassed
- /login
- /l
- /register
- /reg
maxRegPerIp: 1 #max registrations per ip
maxNicknameLength: 20 #max lenght of player's username
kickNonRegistered: false #kick all non-registered players
kickOnWrongPassword: false #kick player if password was wrong
kickViaBungeeCord: false #If you have a bungeecord server, set this to 'true', to kick vie bungecord
minNicknameLength: 3 #min lenght of player's username
allowMovement: false #is movement allowed while login
timeout: 30 #how long will be wait until the player logs in
allowedNicknameCharacters: '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' #allowed nickname characters
allowedPasswordCharacters: '[\x21-\x7E]*' #allowed password characters
enabled: true #is registrations enabled
minPasswordLength: 4 #min length of passwords
stopServer: true #stop's the server if the plugin throws a SQL Exeption. (recommend: true)
Please contact me, if you found bugs.
Good Luck! & Thanks! - mReTurkey