Implementation a RESTful API (including data model and the backing implementation) for money transfers between accounts.
Project is based on:
- com.sparkjava:spark-core
- org.jooq:jooq
- org.hsqldb:hsqldb
Design assumptions and limitations:
- No REST API versioning
- No timezones for database timestamps
- No results pagination
- No "self" or "cross" references in REST API responses
- Data type for money:
- Failed transfers are not restarted
- Correctness of concurrent transfers is based on READ COMMITTED isolation level, which is default and
keeps write locks on tables until commit, but releases the read locks after each operation
, see HSQLDB locking
mvn clean package
java -jar ./target/money-transfers-with-deps-1.0.jar
GET /accounts
GET /accounts/:id
GET /accounts/:id/transfers
POST /accounts
GET /transfers
GET /trsnfers/:id
POST /transfers