This repo merged to my starter and continue maintanance on:
- Remix
- Biome for basic lint and format
- ESLint for only tailwindcss
- Lefthook ( consider to change to another hook libs )
- I think after commit --amend, the hook is sometimes not triggered
- TailwindCSS and shadcn-ui
- Postgres through docker compose
- Prisma
- Valibot for schema validation
- Vinejs for frontend validation
- tRPC with test example which uses DB
- React Query
- vitest ( .n. prefix runs on node env, .b. prefix runs on browser env)
- Storybook
- Scaffdog for component template
- Renovate for package updates
- GitHub Actions for basic linting and testing
- Dockerfile for deployment
- Custom Express server with support for CSP headers, rate limiting, and more
- Password-less email authentication (using console instead of email)
- React Email template
- Cloud Trace (Open Telemetry) and Cloud Logging (logs) Support. It integrates each other.
- TODO: put links
Run docker compose for postgresql:
docker compose up -d
Run prisma migration:
pnpm migrate
Run the dev server:
pnpm dev
Other commands:
# Create a new component
pnpm gen-c
# storybook
pnpm storybook
# run test
pnpm test