This project is dedicated to natural languages and dialects documentation. It's the continuation of Dialeqt project (which was written in C++/QT5/Pure SQL). LingvoDoc is intended to provide natural language documentation service as Web-service and provides REST API and ajax-based client application.
pyramid (framework)
sqlalchemy (ORM)
RDBMS compatible with sqlalchemy
Create virtual python environment for Python (3.3+ recommended; 2.7+ should work too but is not tested)
Declare env variable for your virtual environment: export VENV=
launch every command from this directory
create database
create development.ini from production.ini. You must set at least sqlalchemy.url pointing to created database
create alembic.ini from alembic_base.ini. Again, you must set at least sqlalchemy.url pointing to created database
pip install -r requirements.txt
$VENV/bin/python develop
alembic upgrade head
$VENV/bin/initialize_lingvodoc_db development.ini
$VENV/bin/pserve development.ini
Example for PostgreSQL:
# from psql:
drop database lingvodoc; -- drop old database, if exists
create database lingvodoc with owner postgres encoding 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'ru_RU.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE = 'ru_RU.UTF-8' template template0;
# from shell, with activated venv:
pip install -r requirements.txt
# cp production.ini development.ini
# set sqlalchemy.url to postgresql+psycopg2://postgres@/lingvodoc in development.ini
# TODO [app:accounts] add section to
cp alembic_base.ini alembic.ini # set sqlalchemy.url twice to postgresql+psycopg2://postgres@/lingvodoc
python develop
alembic upgrade head
initialize_lingvodoc_db development.ini
pserve development.ini
- Install (if you do not have one) Python 3.4 or later.
- Install PostgreSQL server 9.6.
- Ensure that all your locale settings are UTF-8 in your current bash (run
to see it). - Create file
withdeb xenial-pgdg main
. If you are using less recent distro version, replacexenial
. - Get certificate for this repository:
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -; sudo apt-get update
- Install PostgreSQL server, dev and contrib:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.6 postgresql-server-dev-9.6 postgresql-contrib-9.6
- Tune up the settings (optional but recommended):
- (optionally - just for dev purposes - not recommended) in
-local all postgres trust
- in
- 1/16 of your memory (e.g. for 32GB RAMshared_buffers = 2048MB
)temp_buffers = 256MB
- (total RAM/2*cores count)/8 (e.g. for 32GB RAM and 8 logical coreswork_mem = 256MB
= 2*work_mem (e.g.maintenance_work_mem = 512MB
)max_stack_depth = 6MB
max_wal_senders = 10
- 1/8 of total RAM (e.g. 4096MB)wal_level = replica
- (optionally - just for dev purposes - not recommended) in
- Restart postgres:
sudo service postgresql restart
- Import the latest database backup (from-scratch creation look in
# from psql
section):sudo -u postgres psql lingvodoc < lingvodoc.sql
- Ensure that all your locale settings are UTF-8 in your current bash (run
- Install Redis:
sudo apt-get install redis-server
. - Install compilers, libraries and git:
sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev libssl-dev git
- Install venv-creator:
sudo apt-get install python3-virtualenv
- (optional but recommended) Create separate regular user (without sudo permissions) for Lingvodoc system.
If you use this step, login as that user for all the other steps. - Go to your home dir and create venv:
cd ~; mkdir -p environments; python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 ./environments/lingvodoc-server
- Activate your virtualenv:
source ./environments/lingvodoc-server/bin/activate
- Clone lingvodoc repository and checkout the correct branch:
git clone
- Execute
cd lingvodoc; pip3 install -r server-requirements.txt
- Go into lingvodoc dir and make
python install
orpython develop
(you should know what you are doing) - Copy alembic_base.ini and postgres.ini configs to home directory:
cp ./alembic_base.ini ../ ; cp postgres.ini ../
- Tuneup settings in alembic_base.ini:
- sqlalchemy.url
- Tuneup settings in postgres.ini:
- section [server:main] according to your choice. Recommended way to deploy in production mode is to use gunicorn (or uwsgi but it may have some problems)
(note: you should install gunicorn to use that config; it`s not present in requirements since pserve/waitress works well too) (note2: if you are using that way, you will need wsgi-frontend [nginx for example])[server:main] use = egg:gunicorn#main workers = 8 timeout = 3000 proc_name = lingvodoc bind = unix:/tmp/lingvodoc.sock
- section [app:main]
secret = 'your random string'
according to database name, postgres port etc.
- loggers (to your choice)
- section [app:accounts] for your administrator user (needed for building from scratch)
- section [backend:storage]. WARNING: do not forget to change
- in case of plain disk usage:
[backend:storage] type = disk path = /home/lingvodoc/objects/ prefix = static_route = objects/
- in case of Openstack Swift usage (just for example; you must know what you are doing if you use it):
[backend:storage] authurl = store = user = admin key = tester auth_version = 2.0 tenant_name = admin
- Run lingvodoc:
pserve --daemon ./postgres.ini start
- (optionally) To run a celery worker you need to run
celery worker -A lingvodoc.queue.celery
from lingvodoc root.- Enable the celery — open your celery.ini file and set the value of celery to
- Enable the celery — open your celery.ini file and set the value of celery to
(Will be reported later)
/client_id /version /channel /sync /words /word /paradigms /paradigm /dictionaries /dictionary (contains words, paradigms, corpus set etc) /authors /sound /markup
Testing is performed via pytest. Installation of required packages:
pip install -r develop-requirements.txt
Running tests from the root project directory:
Documentation for Python source code, including tests, can be generated via Sphinx. Installation of required packages:
pip install -r develop-requirements.txt
Generating documentation from the root project directory:
make -f sphinx/Makefile html
Generated documentation can be accessed at sphinx/build/html/index.html
. It includes all Python packages, modules, classes and functions of the project; descriptions of packages, modules, classes and functions are automatically produced from their docstrings.
Documentation also includes an up-to-date list of Pyramid REST API routes provided by the application, extracted via pyramid_autodoc Sphinx extension.