A Gatsby theme that generates a simple job listing site using Contentful as data source.
🏠 Homepage
If you are using this theme, you should also have installed gatsby
and its peer dependencies, react
and react-dom
yarn add gatsby-theme-careers
Add gatsby-theme-careers
and its options as a plugin to your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-careers',
options: {
spaceId: '',
accessToken: '',
managementToken: '',
environmentId: '',
Option Name | Type | Description | Required |
basePath |
string |
The base path where your site will live. (e.g. /careers ) |
false |
title |
string |
The main title used in the header | false |
description |
string |
The main site description | false |
spaceId |
string |
Your Contentful space ID | true |
accessToken |
string |
Your Contentful content delivery API access token | true |
managementToken |
string |
Your Contentful personal access | true |
environmentId |
string |
Your Contentful environment ID. (e.g. master ) |
true |
Create your Contentful space, generate all the needed api keys and fill them in.
That's it. You can now run your Gatsby site. This will also run all the migrations to create your content type.
gatsby develop
Now go create some data in your Contentful space.
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome.
Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.
Check the contributing guide.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
MIT License © 2019 Iago Dahlem.