11.27.0 (2025-02-26)
- a11y: porting of volto-form-block autocomplete changes (#779) (c7ba540)
- nasconde il menu sia per chi non ha ruoli, che per chi ha il ruolo Citizen (#879) (bf9f4a2)
Bug Fixes
- a11y accordion block (#880) (041f37d)
- a11y: landmarks (#860) (01af8ec)
- accordion block tests (ee0dd89)
- added condition to set the listing image caption (#851) (0db23bc)
- added lighthouse id to slideuptext + added overlay link (#884) (36f8baf)
- byweekday value added in getFormValues (#887) (558ee44)
- card persona fonts (#881) (1a119fe)
- non backtracking regex (#878) (f6a76dd)
- prevent scrollbars in select-facet of search block (#883) (a187f85)
- render of nome_alternativo for Venue view (#886) (c1941f0)
- rollback label selectinput (#882) (c3f37c6)
- update locales (892e244)
- updated publiccode and release log (1ca82cb)