Releases: itayfeder/Codex-Arcanum
Releases · itayfeder/Codex-Arcanum
Release 1.1.4
- Fixed an issue where Plasma Deck would not work.
- fixed an issue where Glass would cause Oil to crash on it.
- Fixed a redundant override.
Release 1.1.3
Added new deck: Herbalist's Deck
Changed the abilities of the Philosopher's Deck
Fixed an issue where magnet would give wrong ranked cards
Fixed an issue where terra would not win if you passed the chip count
Fixed an issue where uranium would not crash the game when used without proper targets
Fixed an issue where the Elemental tag would keep being "discovered"
Fixed an issue with the joker's atlas at x1 size
Release 1.1.2
Fixed an issue where the game crashes under specific conditions.
Version 1.1
Release 1.1.1
Fixed a bug where the pack sprite atlas would not be found on x1 sprite size
Version 1.0.1
- Fixed an issue where alchemical cards and boosters were not saved when switching profiles
- Fixed issues with wording of Breaking Bozo
Version 1.0
- Added 12 new alchemical cards: Ignis, Aqua, Terra, Aero, Quicksilver, Salt, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Bismuth, Cobalt, Arsenic, Antimony.
- Added 7 new jokers: Studious Joker, Chain Reaction, Bottled Buffoon, Essence of Comedy, Shock Humor, Breaking Bozo, Catalyst Joker.
- Added 2 new vouchers: Mortar and Pestle, Cauldron.
- Added a new deck: Philosopher's deck.
- Added 7 new booster packs.