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Novel Data Idea
Terran edited this page Apr 24, 2018
4 revisions
First, tool adds a class called Decryptor to the app, with:
- decrypt(string encrypted) that returns the decrypted string
- intDecrypt(string encrypted) that returns decrypted int
- String original = "original string";
- tool has method encrypt(string original) to return string "3ncrypt3d 5tr1ng"
- change line into var = Decryptor.decrypt("3ncrypt3d 5tr1ng");
- Basically .decrypt(string encrypted) performs the algorithm for decryption
- At runtime .decrypt will be called and original = "original string" again
- source code: int i = 3;
- tool: intEncryptor(int i) returns string "3ncrypt3d 1nt"
- source code modified: int i = Decyptor.intDecrypt("3ncrypt3d 1nt");
- source code added method: Decyptor.intDecrypt(string encryptedInt) takes "3ncrypt3d 1nt" and returns 3
1.1 have multiple encryptors methods (encryptor1,2,3,...)
1.2 when encrypting, use a random encryptor
1.3 append the encryptor number onto the start of the encrypted string
1.4 so encryptor1 returns "13ncrypt3d 5tr1ng", encryptor2 returns "23ncrypt3d 5tr1ng"
1.5 base64 encode the encrypted string
4.1 Decryptor.decrypt first base 64 decodes to get encrypted string "23ncrypt3d 5tr1ng"
4.2 switches on the first character of encrypted string
4.3 the cases perform different types of decryption accordingly
In our tool
public class DataEncryptor {
private final int NUMBER_OF_ENCRYPTORS = 5;
private static int encryptor = 0;
public void toolEncrypt(Node n) { //it can take anything
/* TODO:
Terran what are the possible Nodes that can be passed in for modification?
can make this random :)
//get the part to modify
SomeType actualStringPart; //TODO the part that contains the actual string
if(isParameter) {
actualStringPart = ;
} else if(isAssignment) {
actualStringPart = ;
//find encryptor
encryptor = encryptor % NUMBER_OF_ENCRYPTORS;
//encrypt the string
string encryptedString = stringEncrypt(s, encryptor);
//append encryptor
string appendedString = encryptor+base64String; //append encryptor identifier to start
//base 64 whole thing
string base64String = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(encryptedString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
//do the modification
actualStringPart = "Decryptor.decrypt(\"" + base64String + "\")"; //might need to import Decryptor or use fully qualified name
} else if(isInt) {
//get the part to modify
SomeType actualIntPart; //TODO the part that contains the actual int
if(isParameter) {
actualStringPart = ;
} else if(isAssignment) {
actualStringPart = ;
string obfuscatedInt = ; //Sejal's number encryptor
//do the modification
actualIntPart = "Decryptor.intDecrypt(\"" + obfuscatedInt + "\")"; //might need to import
public string stringEncrypt(string original, int encryptor) {
string encryptedString;
switch(encryptor) {
case 0:
encryptedString = vignereEncrypt(original);
case 1:
encryptedString = substitutionEncrypt(original);
case 2:
encryptedString = oneTimePadEncrypt(original);
case 3:
encryptedString = CaesarEncrypt(original);
case 4:
encryptedString = AtbashEncrypt(original);
return encryptedString;
To be added to obfuscated app code, then obfuscate it too
public class Decryptor {
public string decrypt(string base64String) {
//base64 decode
byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64String);
string decodedString = new String(decodedBytes);
//get encryptor
int toSwitch = Character.getNumericValue(decodedString.charAt(0));
//get rid of encryptor
string onlyEncryption = decodedString.substring(1);
switch(toSwitch) {
case 0:
decryptedString = vignereDecrypt(onlyEncryption);
case 1:
decryptedString = substitutionDecrypt(onlyEncryption);
case 2:
decryptedString = oneTimePadDecrypt(onlyEncryption);
case 3:
decryptedString = CaesarDecrypt(onlyEncryption);
case 4:
decryptedString = AtbashDecrypt(onlyEncryption);
public int intDecrypt(string obfuscatedInt) {
//TODO: insert or replace with Sejal's number decryptor, remember to change the modification the tool does
inserts the Decryptor into the app files
public void insertDecryptor() throws IOException {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/ourtool/Decryptor.java"));
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File("/FindFood/app/src/main/java/nz/co/g1/a702/findfood/ecryptor.java")));
String line = null;
while ((line=reader.readLine()) != null) {
- AtbashEncrypt, AtbashDecrypt
- substitutionEncrypt, substitutionDecrypt
- CaesarEncrypt, CaesarDecrypt
- vigenereEncrypt, vigenereDecrypt
- oneTimePadEncrypt, oneTimePadDecrypt
- generateAtbashOrderedString
- convertToAlphabetIntegerArray
- encryptDigit, decryptDigit (for numbers)
- generateNumberEncryptionHashMap