Visualize JSON with JSONPath querying
✨ Demo
- Reads a JSON file and renders a beautiful tree visualization
- Supports JSONPath querying to highlight matching nodes
- Allows inspection of individual nodes/node-ranges
- Theming!: Choose from 37 awesome themes styled with base16
- Built with TypeScript, React.js with Redux state management
- Tree rendering done using react-json-tree. A fork of the react tree component used by redux-devtools(
- Progressive rendering, to handle large JSON. Nodes are rendered upto a limit, while the rest of the nodes are rendered as node ranges. Matching nodes are highlighted and expanded. Matching node-ranges are highlighted and expandable. The idea is to highlight matching nodes/node paths, without having to render way too many nodes. Thresholds:
- Collection limit: 30 (The number of nodes that will be rendered in a collection before rendering them in collapsed ranges)
- Query limit: 5000 (A maximum of 5000 matching nodes will be returned per query)
- JSON files are read using the FileReader API
- JSON streaming for huge files that can't be read/parsed in-memory
- Introduce a service worker to handle querying, so as to keep the main thread responsive in case the computation is super expensive
- Tests!
- I'm sure there could be lots more...
yarn install
yarn start
yarn test
👤 itsfadnis [email protected]
- Twitter: @itsfadnis
- Github: @itsfadnis
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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