Desktop app for
It helps you to find lyrics of song you are currently listening on spotify without authentication.
✅ Only load secure content
⬜️Disable the Node.js integration in all renderers that display remote content
⬜️Enable context isolation in all renderers that display remote content
⬜️Use ses.setPermissionRequestHandler() in all sessions that load remote content
✅Do not disable webSecurity
✅Define a Content-Security-Policy and use restrictive rules (i.e. script-src 'self')
✅Do not set allowRunningInsecureContent to true
✅Do not enable experimental features
✅Do not use enableBlinkFeatures
✅< webview >: Do not use allowpopups
⬜️< webview >: Verify options and params
✅Disable or limit navigation
✅Disable or limit creation of new windows
✅Do not use openExternal with untrusted content
⬜️Disable the remote module
⬜️Filter the remote module
✅Use a current version of Electron