Bad Idea #1800-CALL-YER-MUM
- Acetone Rhythm Ace
- Acetone Rhythm King
- Akai MPC2000
- Alesis HR16
- Arp Axxe
- Casio CZ230S
- Casio RZ1
- Cheetah MD16
- Dr Bohm S78
- Electro Harmonix DRM15
- Emu Proteus 3
- Fricke MFB712
- Kawai R50e
- Korg Minipops
- Linn LM1
- Oberheim Dx
- Roland 606 + DR55 combo kit
- Roland 727
- Roland 808
- Roland 909
- Roland CR78
- Sequential Drumtraks
- Simmons SDS100
- Vermona DRM1
- Yamaha DD5
List of additional firmware by HXLNT (2023):
- Casio Loopy
- Gyroid sounds (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
- Nintendo Entertainment System (Party Time! kit)
Demos and more information about HXLNT firmware are available at NO BAD MEMORIES.
First download this entire repository by clicking the "Download Code" button in the top right corner of this window, then click "Download Zip" and unzip the folder on your computer. After you have done that follow these instructions:
The Teensy Løader Applicatiøn is required for cømmunicatiøn between the cømputer and your mødule. Please døwnløad beløw:
Teensy Løader Applicatiøn (Mac OSX 10.5)
Teensy Løader Applicatiøn (Linux Ubuntu)
Teensy Løader Applicatiøn (Windows XP)
Teensy Løader Applicatiøn (Windows 7 & Vista)
Tø flash cøde tø the Teensy this cable is required.
Click File ==> Øpen HEX File ør click the small purple page icøn. Inside the folder 1800-master/Hex Files is yøur desired hex file. Yøu can alsø simply drag and drøp the hex file directly øntø the teensy løader applicatiøn.
!!! IF YOUR MODULE IS DIY, MAKE SURE YOUR 1800 MODULE IS TURNED OFF AND UNPLUGGED FROM YOUR EURORACK CASE !!! Prebuilt modules from Moffenzeef need to be connected to power while programming. Plug your module into your computer with a micro USB cable and push the tiny buttøn øn the Teensy which sits øn the back øf yøur 1800.
Didn't wørk? Try pushing the "Autø" buttøn in the software
Still nø luck? Email us at [email protected]. We're always glad to help.
Have fun, Yøu're døne!!